- Air Forces, German and Allied, 18, 27, 126, 140, 141, 167, 241–2
- Aisne, German stand on the, 187–8, 192–3
- Alsace, French advance and withdrawal in, 2, 29, 56, 212
- Amade, General d’, 28, 35, 65, 66, 72
- Americans urged to leave Paris, 82, 260
- Amiens occupied by Von Kluck, 72, 80
- Antwerp, 40, 44, 88, 105
- Ardennes, Belgian, French offensive into, 24, 31–3, 36
- Armaments, German and Allied compared, 14, 215
- Artillery, German and French, 17, 18, 215;
- at Namur and Maubeuge, 40, 257;
- in the battle of the Marne, 104, 126, 128, 146, 180, 201, 210
- Battlefield described, 106–9, 113–4, 143–4, 170–1, 203–7
- Bavarian Corps, Prince Ruprecht and, 30, 56, 61–3, 87, 197–213
- Belgium, the surprise in, 12–13, 21, 26–7, 34, 36, 38, 41, 45, 49, 54, 215, 247–51
- Belgium’s contribution, 15, 27, 32, 37–41, 4, 92–3;
- communications with Joffre and French, 21, 198–9, 245
- Retreat, the long, scenes on, 1–9, 72–3, 78, 237–8;
- necessity of, 54–5;
- advantages of, 57;
- prolonged, 72–4;
- end of, 81, 109, 119;
- general German, ordered September 9, 185
- Revigny lost, 179;
- recovered, 194
- Rheims reoccupied and bombarded, 192
- Russian victories, influence of, 44, 75, 87
- Sambre, German victory on the, 36–43
- Sarrail, General, 48, 89, 103, 169–72, 175–82, 195
- Sermaize, destruction of, 194
- Smith-Dorrien, General, 38, 64, 66, 99, 141
- Taxi-cabs and the battle of the Ourcq, 130–1
- Toul, German advance toward, 208
- Trenches:
- German superiority, 18, 31, 33, 35, 58, 114, 217, 253;
- Field-Marshal French on, 18, 244;
- Castelnau’s defences, 201–2
- Troyon, Fort, defence of, 180–3
- Verdun, 32, 56, 71, 74, 89, 108, 169–71, 176–82, 195, 221
- Vosges, fighting in the, 203–4
- War Council, French Higher, 47–51
- “Wireless,” German, picked up, 134
- WÜrtemberg, Duke Albrecht of, 32, 70, 102, 169–75, PRINTED BY