Preface v
I. The Deluge 1
II. A Tragedy of Errors
i. The German Plan of Campaign 10
ii. The Forces in Play 14
iii. The French War Doctrine 20
iv. The Three French Offensives 28
v. The Battle of Charleroi-Mons 34
III. Joffre Starts Afresh
i. Ecce Homo! 46
ii. The Second New Plan 54
iii. Battle of the Gap of Charmes 61
iv. Battles of Le Cateau, Guise, and Launois 64
v. End of the Long Retreat 71
IV. The Great Dilemma, Paris–Verdun
i. The Government leaves the Capital 76
ii. Kluck plunges South-Eastward 79
iii. Joffre’s Opportunity 84
V. The Order of Battle
i. Gallieni’s Initiative 92
ii. General Offensive of the Allies 95
Strength and Position of the Armies 97
iii. Features of the Battlefield 106
iv. The Last Summons 110
VI. Battle of the Ourcq
i. A Premature Engagement 113
ii. The British Manoeuvre 118
iii. A Race of Reinforcements 126
iv. The Paris Taxi-Cabs 129
VII. The “Effect of Suction”
i. French and d’EspÉrey strike North 135
ii. Battle of the Marshes of St. Gond 142
iii. Defence and Recapture of Mondemont 148
iv. Foch’s Centre broken 155
v. Fable and Fact of a Bold Manoeuvre 160
VIII. The German Objective (p. 239); The Opposed Forces (p. 240); De Bloch’s Prophecy and French’s Confession (p. 242); Criticisms and Defence of the French Staff (p. 244); The Surprise in the North (p. 247); The Abandonment of Lille (p. 252); M. Hanotaux and the B.E.F. (p. 252); The Fall of Maubeuge (p. 256); Paris and the German Plan (p. 259); Some Books on the Battle (p. 263); General Bonnal and the British Army (p. 265); Scenes at Farthest South (p. 266); The Myth of the 42nd Division (p. 268).


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