
Admiral, flags of, 63-5, 85;
in boats, 100;
rank distinguished by balls, 101
---- Lord High, use of standard 77, 80, 87, 88, 91;
anchor flag, 80-4, 201;
of Scotland, 84, 192
Admiralty flag, 81
Æthelstan, 32
Agrippa, blue flag, 11
Alexander the Great, 7
Amadeo of Savoy, 112, 143
Anchor, as badge of Lord High Admiral, 82
Anne, Queen, 84
Anthony, A., 45
Antioch, 22
Aradus, 7
Artemisia, 8
Athens, 7
Audley, Thomas, 87, 155
Australia, flags of, 85, 121, 135, 136
Baldwin, 19
banner, early, 2;
of Richard I, 4, 21;
of Edward I, 34;
Tudor, 45
baucan, 42, 161
BauÇan, 21
Bayeux Tapestry, 13
Bayonne, 42
Bohemond, 18
Boteler, Sir Nathaniel, 61, 86, 117, 158
Bristol, 46
Bruges, 42
Brutus, 11
Buckingham, Duke of, 78, 82, 89, 91, 157
Bytharne, Jehan, 154
Cabot, John, 77
Cadiz, expeditions to, 88, 89, 114, 157
Calais, 45
Canada, flags of, 121, 135
carroccio, 27
Charlemagne, flag of, 12, 17, 32
Charles II, flag flown at homecoming, 66
Childers, H. C. E., 85
Cinque Ports, flag of, 42, 43, 128
Clarence, Duke of (William IV), 85
colonial flags, 128, 135
colours of distinction, 110;
see also Ensign
comitus, 25
commodore, pendant of, 102, 105;
of Bombay Marine, 122
Conflans, Antoine de, 150
Constantine, 12
Constantinople, 26
council, banner of, 77, 142, 143, 145, 149, 155, 157
crescent, in early standards, 7
Cromwell, Oliver, 65
cross, as standard, 7;
in flags, 19;
coloured for, at Crusades, 33, 37;
of St George, 37
crusades, 17
Danes, 30, 50
Dartmouth, Lord, 107
Dover, 43
dragon standard, form of, 10;
in Bayeux Tapestry, 16;
in England, 32;
of Richard I, 33;
at Westminster, 33;
in army, 34;
in Scotland, 49
Drake, Sir Francis, 45, 60, 113
East India Co., flag of, 130;
signals, 183
Edward I, 37;
cross of St George, 39;
convention with Count of Flanders, 42
Edward III, founds chapel of St George, 40;
adopts arms of France, 74;
at Sluys, 77;
flag at sea, 86
Egypt, 6
ensign, called 'colours,' 6;
commonwealth, 62;
red for merchant ships, 68;
union replaces St George's cross, 71, 118;
of three colours, 92;
change in white, 99;
striped, 115;
introduction of red, 115;
of white and blue, 117;
squadronal colours, 117, 119
Essex, Earl of, 88
Eustace the monk, 86
Faversham, 42
flag, definition of, 1;
origin and development, 1;
unknown to the Greeks, 9;
early Chinese, 9;
early Athenian, 9;
laterally-attached, 12;
protection, 12, 19;
Arab, 13;
unusual form in Bayeux Tapestry, 15;
triangular, 16;
Crusaders', 18;
introduction of heraldic devices, 21;
consecrated, 14, 21, 23;
authority conveyed by, 22, 27;
of Pisa, 23;
of Genoa, 24;
of Venice, 25;
division of fleet by, 25, 91;
origin of national, 27, 28;
early English, 30;
Saxon, 30;
Danish, raven, 30;
of St George (vide s.v.);
baucan, 42;
early English ships, 42-6;
Union (vide s.v.);
alterations under the Commonwealth, 62;
of command, 74;
squadronal colours, 111, 117;
privateers, 124;
public offices, 126;
for signals (vide s.v.);
ceremonials, 189; striking, 189;
salute, 190;
lowered as sign of surrender, 192-5;
white flag of truce, 193;
half-masted, 195;
black for mourning, 196;
black indicating no quarter, 196;
yellow at executions, 196;
of captured ship, 195-6;
as indication of rejoicing, 196;
dressing ship, 197;
time for hoisting at sea, 197;
false colours, 198;
methods of attachment, 199;
sizes of, 200.
(See also Banner, Ensign, Gonfanon, Standard.)
flagstaff, naked, use of, 95
flammula, 11
Flanders, 42
Florence, 27, 28
Garter, Order of, 44
Gaston de Bearn, 18
Genoa, rise of, 23;
flag of St George, 24
geton, 6, 44
Godfrey of Bouillon, 18
gonfanon, early form, 2, 5, 13;
in Bayeux Tapestry, 14;
chansons de geste, 20;
Genoese, 24;
of St Mark, 26;
of council, 44
Greece, 7, 9
Greenwood, Jonathan, 163
guidon, 6
Hamburg, 29
Harold, standard of, 16, 32
Hastings, 42, 46
Hawke, Sir Edward, 164
Hawkins, Sir John, 45, 114, 156, 191
---- Sir Richard, 191, 193
Henry II, 37, 38
---- IV, 74
---- V, ordinances of war, 41
---- VIII, flags on ships, 45, 113;
adopts harp for Ireland, 52
Histiaea, 8
Holy Trinity, 44
Hood, Lord, 174
Hospitallers, flag of knights, 21
Howard of Effingham, 78, 82, 88
Howe, Earl, 120, 167, 168, 171
Indian Marine (Royal), flags of, 121
Innocent III, 22
insignia, 2;
mentioned by Vegetius, 10
Ireland, early flags, 50;
red saltire, 51;
great standard of, 52;
arms of, 52, 75;
harp, 52, 64, 65, 75
Jack, definition of, 6;
introduction of, 60;
during Commonwealth, 64, 94;
on merchant ships, 68;
on yachts, 69;
budgee jack, 69, 124;
special form for use in America, 70, 127;
disuse of, at sea, 71;
misuse of term, 73
Jaffa, 19
James I, 54, 75
---- II (Duke of York), 67, 81, 83, 162
Jerusalem, 18
John (Don) of Austria, 112
Kempenfelt, Richard, 167, 169, 170
Knowles, Sir Charles, 166
La Bourdonnais, MahÉ de, 167
Lateran, mosaic, 12
Leo, Emperor, tactical signals, 141
Lloyds, flag, 128
Lubeck, 76;
Scottish, 48, 63;
Irish, 52;
distinction between royal and merchant, 59;
flags during Commonwealth, 63;
public ships of war, 110;
private men-of-war, 124;
public ships, 126;
method of signalling, 188
---- merchant, flags of, 46, 129;
abuse of Union flag, 66;
to fly St George's jack, 68, 70, 132;
forbidden to fly Union flag, 130;
red ensign, 130;
East India Co., 130;
irregular colours, 133;
Levant Co., 134;
Guinea Co., 135;
Scottish East India Co., 135;
of British Dominions, 135;
blue ensign, 136
Sidon, 7
signals, vexillum, 10;
early flag signals, 140;
of 14th cent., 142;
of 15th cent., 146;
of 16th cent., 150;
of 17th cent., 157;
special flags first proposed, 160;
red flag, 160;
first English codes, 161;
Commonwealth, 162;
late Stuart, 162;
of Russell, 163;
of Rooke, 163;
of Hawke, 164;
numerary codes, 166;
of Sir Chas. Knowles, 166;
of la Bourdonnais, 167;
tabular system, 167;
of Howe, 169, 171;
of McArthur, 174;
vocabulary, 175;
of Popham, 176, 180;
at Trafalgar, 178;
modern codes, 181;
commercial codes, 183;
of Marryat, 183;
International Code, 184
signum, 2, 9,



Obvious typographical and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Except for those changes noted below, inconsistent or archaic spelling of a word or word-pair within the text has been retained. For example: anchor-flag, anchor flag; city-states, city states; footsoldiers, foot-soldiers, foot soldiers; engrafting; warre; yeeld.

p 28. 'Ghibbellines' changed to 'Ghibellines'.
Chap I Footnote [54]. 'coiore' changed to 'colore'.
Chap II Footnote [99]. xx above xj has been changed to xx*xj; this represents 20x11 (220).
p 59. 'his Mats Shippes' changed to 'his Mats Shippes'.
p 68. 'His Matys' changed to 'His Matys '.
p 89. xx above iiij has been changed to xx*iiij; this represents 20x4 (80).
p 100. Reference to Footnote [277] is made twice in the original text.
p 135. 'British Dominons' changed to 'British Dominions'.
p 138. A mid-line blank space has been replaced by '_________'.
p 162. 'coloumns' changed to 'columns'.
p 183. 'fifthteenth' changed to 'fifteenth'.
p 200. 'robands' changed to 'ribands'.


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