
Source.The Works of Sir William Temple: Letters. Vol. ii., p. 70.


That if any Prince, State, or other Person whatever, without Exception, shall under any Pretext, invade or attempt to invade the Territories, Countries, or any Places that lie within the Dominions of the said King of Great Britain, or shall exercise any Acts of Hostility by Sea or by Land, against the said King or His Subjects, the said States General shall be obliged, as by Virtue of these Presents they are obliged, to send forty Ships of War, well furnish'd with all things necessary, to assist the said King, to oppose, suppress and repel, all such Insults and Acts of Hostility, and to procure him due Reparation for any Damages sustained: That is to say, fourteen of the said Ships shall carry from sixty to eighty great Guns, and four hundred Men, a just Allowance and Computation being made, as well with respect to those Ships that carry a greater, as those that carry a lesser Number of Men: Fourteen other Ships shall carry from forty to sixty Guns, and one with another, three hundred Men at the least, Allowance to be made as before; and none of the rest to carry less than six and thirty Guns, and a hundred and fifty Men. Besides which, they shall assist him with six thousand Foot Soldiers, and four hundred Horse, or shall pay a Sum of Money with due regard to the just Value of such an Assistance, either for the whole or part, at the Choice of the said King. All these Aids shall be furnish'd within six Weeks after they shall be demanded; and the said King shall reimburse the whole Charge to said States within three Years after the Conclusion of the War.


That if any Prince, State, or other Person whatever, without Exception, shall under any Pretext, invade or attempt to invade the United Provinces, or any Places situated within the Jurisdiction of the said States General, or garrison'd by their Soldiers; or shall exercise any Act of Hostility by Land or by Sea, against the said States General or their Subjects; the said King shall be obliged, as by Virtue of these Presents he is obliged, to send forty Ships of War well furnished with all things necessary, to assist the said States General, to oppose, suppress and repel, all such Insults and Acts of Hostility, and to procure due Reparation for any Damages sustained by them: That is to say, fourteen of the said Ships shall carry from sixty to eighty great Guns, and four hundred Men; a just Allowance and Computation being made, as well with regard to those Ships that carry a greater, as those that carry a lesser Number of Men: Fourteen other Ships shall carry from forty to sixty Guns, and one with another three hundred Men at the least; Allowance to be made as before; and none of the rest to carry less than six and thirty Guns, and a hundred and fifty Men. Besides which, he shall assist them with six thousand Foot Soldiers, and four hundred Horse; or shall pay a Sum of Money, with due regard to the just Value of such an Assistance, either for the whole or a part, at the Choice of the said States. All these Aids shall be furnished within six Weeks after they shall be demanded: And the said States shall reimburse the whole Charge to the said King, within three Years after the Conclusion of the War.


The said Ships of War, and the said auxiliary Forces of Horse and Foot, together with the Commanders of the Ships and Forces, and all the subaltern officers of both, that shall be sent to the Assistance of the Party injured and attack'd, shall be obliged to submit to his Pleasure, and be obedient to the Orders of him or them, who shall be appointed to command the Armies in chief either by Sea or Land.


Now that an exact Computation may be made of the Charges that are to be reimburs'd within the space of three Years after the Conclusion of the War; and that the Value of such Assistance may be adjusted in ready Money, which possibly the Party attack'd may chuse, either for the whole or a part of the said Ships, Horse and Foot; 'tis thought expedient, that the fourteen Ships carrying from sixty to eighty Pieces of Cannon, should be valued at the Sum of eighteen thousand six hundred and sixty six Pounds Sterling, or of English Money; the other fourteen which carry from forty to sixty Guns, at fourteen thousand Pounds Sterling; and the remaining twelve, at six thousand Pounds of the same Money: Six thousand Foot, at seven thousand five hundred Pounds Sterling; and four hundred Horse, at one thousand and forty Pounds, for one Month: The Money to be paid by the said King of Great Britain at London, and by the States General at Amsterdam, according as the Course of the Exchange shall be at the time when Payment is to be made. But in Consideration of the six thousand Foot Soldiers, the Sum of six thousand Pounds Sterling shall be paid within the first Month, to defray the Expence of listing and providing the Men.


This League, with all and every thing therein contained, shall be confirmed and ratified by the said King of Great Britain, and the said States General of the United Provinces, by Letters Patents of both Parties, sealed with their Great Seal in due and authentick Form, within four Weeks next ensuing, or sooner, if it may be; and the mutual Instruments of Ratification shall be exchanged on each part within the said time.


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