Source.—Statutes of the Realm. Vol. vii., pp. 6, 7. Whereas nothing is more just and reasonable than that persons prosecuted for High Treason, and Misprision of Treason, whereby the Liberties, Lives, Honour, Estates, Blood, and Posterity of the Subject may be lost and destroyed, should be justly and equally tried and that persons accused as offenders therein should not be debarred of all just and And be it enacted That ... no person ... shall be indicted, tried, or attainted of High Treason ... but by and upon the oaths and testimony of two lawful witnesses, either both of them to the same overt act, or one of them to one and another of them to another overt act of the same Treason, unless the party indicted ... shall willingly, without violence and in open Court, confess the same, or shall stand mute, or refuse to plead. And be it further enacted That if two or more distinct Treasons of diverse heads or kinds shall be alleged in one bill of indictment, one witness produced to prove one of the said Treasons, and another witness produced to prove another of the said Treasons, shall not be deemed or taken to be two witnesses to the same Treason. And ... all and every person or persons who shall be accused, indicted or tried for Treason ... shall have copies of the panel of jurors who are to try them duly ... delivered unto them ... two days at the least before he or they shall be tried; and all persons so accused and indicted for Treason ... shall have the like Process of the Court, where they shall be tried, to compel their witnesses to appear for them at any such Trial or Trials. And be it further enacted. That no evidence shall be admitted or given of any overt act that is not expressly laid in the indictment against any person. And be it further enacted That upon the Trial of any Peer or Peeress either for Treason or Misprision all the Peers who have a right to sit and vote in Parliament shall be duly summoned twenty days at the least before every such Trial; and that every Peer so summoned and appearing at such Trial shall vote in the Trial. |