THE SLEEPING BEAUTY | And there, on a bed the curtains of which were drawn wide, he beheld the loveliest vision he had ever seen (20) | Frontispiece | Her head nodded with spite and old age together, as she bent over the cradle (5) | 7 | They grew until nothing but the tops of the castle towers could be seen (15) | 17 | | BLUE BEARD | They overran the house without loss of time (34) | 35 | The unhappy Fatima cried up to her, 'Anne, sister Anne, do you see any one coming? (42) | 41 | Then Blue Beard roared out so terribly that he made the whole house tremble (44) | 45 | | CINDERELLA | She used to creep away to the chimney-corner and seat herself among the cinders (49) | 51 | Whereupon she instantly desired her partner to lead her to the King and Queen (61) | 63 | The Prime Minister was kept very busy during the next few weeks (70) | 71 | | BEAUTY AND THE BEAST | He had been fasting for more than twenty four hours, and lost no time in falling-to (80) | 81 | Soon they caught sight of the castle in the distance (91) | 91 | 'Ah! what a fright you have given me!' she murmured (126) | 117 |