| | | PAGE | Cinderilla and her Prince | | | Frontispiece | "He asked her whither she was going" | | facing | 24 | "'What is this I see?' Said her mother" | | | 28 | "'Am I come hither to serve you with water, pray?'" | | facing | 30 | "'What, is not the key of my closet among the rest?'" | | | 36 | "This man had the misfortune to have a blue beard" | | facing | 38 | "At this very instant the young Fairy came out from behind the hangings" | | | 48 | The Prince enquires of the aged Countryman | | facing | 54 | "He saw, upon a bed, the finest sight was ever beheld" | | facing | 56 | "'I will have it so,' replied the Queen, 'and will eat her with Sauce Robert'" | | | 59 | "The Marquis gave his hand to the Princess, and followed the King, who went up first" | | facing | 74 | "Away she drove, scarce able to contain herself for joy" | | | 78 | "Any one but Cinderilla would have dressed their heads awry" | | facing | 80 | "She left behind one of her glass slippers, which the Prince took up most carefully" | | | 87 | "The Prince believed he had given her more with than he had reserved for himself" | | | 99 | "Riquet with the Tuft appeared to her the finest Prince upon earth" | | facing | 104 | "Little Thumb was as good as his word, and returned that same night with the news" | | | 110 | "He brought them home by the very same way they came" | | facing | 112 | "Jupiter appeared before him wielding his mighty thunderbolts" | | | 128 | "A long black pudding came winding and wriggling towards her" | | facing | 130 | "Truth to tell, this new ornament did not set off her beauty" | | | 133 | "Another gown the colour of the moon" | | | 138 | "He thought the Princess was his Queen" | | | 143 |
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