PAGE | Cinderella | Frontispiece | She fell into a Swoon | 9 | "Grandma, what Great Ears You Have!" | 25 | "Your Tears are useless," said Blue Beard; "You must Die" | 37 | Puss among the Reapers | 47 | She gave It to the Woman | 57 | The King's Son gave Her His Hand | 67 | "Then," said the Princess, "I wish You may be the Handsomest Prince in the World" | 85 | The Boys followed Him | 93 | Her Father was just arriving | 120 | When She opened Her Eyes, She saw, standing beside Her, a Woman of Gigantic Size clothed in a Lion's Skin | 137 | "Oh, you are Jesting," said the King of the Peacocks | 177 |