M. V. B. Perley, Salem, Mass., Publisher
Leather back and corners, gold top-edge and gold lettering | $6.50 |
Fine Maroon cloth and gold lettering | $5.50 |
M. V. B. Perley, Salem, Mass., U.S.A., Publisher
839 pages; printed page, 4¼ × 7½ inches; 5 dozen full page portraits; 280 illustrations; all handwork binding; index to every proper name; biography covers two thirds of the book; weight, 4¾ lbs.
Favorable Comment
The N. E. Historical-Genealogical Register says, “So copious are the details respecting nearly every member of the family that the work may be described as a Biographical Genealogy.”
Maj. E. T. BouvÉ, Mass., compiler of war records, writes: “Your very fine genealogy.... The information is of great importance to me.”
The Sutton Reference Library, Mass., ordered a copy for approval or return. It was not returned; a check was sent in payment.
The Essex Antiquarian says: “A more interesting family history has not been published.”
Family Pride
Family pride is a commendable trait, like national pride or patriotism. The book is the story of the family, male and female, and cannot fail to awaken the just pride of all loyal members. They can write in it their own families as years make them, and leave priceless heirlooms to their posterities.
A History
Don’t be deceived. The book is not the ordinary genealogy of dates and names. It is a history; it reads like a history. There are more than five dozen portraits with their biographies; numerous examples of unsurpassed bravery, as witness there doubt of Bunker Hill, the Pigwacket of Captain Lovewell and the War of 1812; and of patriotism, as witness the wars for the mother country; as colonists; against her, as revolutionists, and as defenders of our home government in the Civil War.
It has its Wandering Jew, its Country’s Wonder, its escapades in courtship, its triumphs in politics, and its stories of pioneering and of country-wide travel. It shows how the family’s money built churches and schools; how ministers, doctors, lawyers, and teachers were ornaments to their professions; how statesmen, by efficiency and integrity, enjoyed repeated elections; and how men “with the hoe,” the trowel, the saw, and other implements of their craft, by diligence, enterprise, and sobriety, reared happy homes and garnered wealth.
An Inspiration
The book is an inspiration. Squire H—— wrote, “I read a chapter in the Perley History every day,” meaning to say that every chapter has its peculiar interest, pleasure, and uplifting sentiment. Mrs. W—— bought six copies, Mrs. H—— four, both saying, “I want each of my children to have a copy.” Other buyers have done relatively the same.
A Splendid Gift
Take a copy with you to “the old folks at home” at Thanksgiving; it would gratify them. Give one to your daughter at “sweet sixteen,” and to your son at twenty-one. It would be a magnificent present for a dear friend. Your Public Library would write you a letter of cordial thanks for a copy. As a New Year’s, a Birthday, a Wedding, or a Christmas gift, it would crown the occasion with proud delight.
The books are in patent corrugated wrappers, and can be ready for the mail in five minutes after receiving your order.
For Libraries
The numerous intermarriages with old New England families, and its fulness of biography, make it a valuable addition to libraries, and Genealogical and Historical Societies.
Price: Leather back and corners, gold top edge and gold lettering | $6.50 |
Fine Maroon cloth and gold lettering | 5.50 |
Carriage on each prepaid, but if at destination, send only $5.10 and $6.10 respectively.
(1) Gen. Geo. Washington was born on Friday, Feb. 11, 1731-2.
(2) A transit of Venus occurred, in 1639, on Sunday, Dec. 6 (almanac); Dec. 4 (astronomy); Nov. 24 (another astronomy).
(3) Bryan, the 175th monarch of Ireland died Good Friday, 1714. Durham Cathedral, England, was struck by lightning, “The night before the day of Corpus Christi, 1429.” Thomas Ryhale dated his will, “Vigil of Easter, 1427.”
The Chart is adapted to the styles: Julian, Russian, Dionysian, Gregorian, Old and New.
With a little primary arithmetic it furnishes the date of Easter for any year.
It gives the day of the week corresponding to any possible date in 4,000 years, beginning, Saturday, Jan. 1, A.D. 1.
One can easily determine the Friday occurrences of great men and events, and so determine the proportion of unlucky Fridays.
Lawyers, historians, genealogists, teachers, and all students and readers of history would find the Chart eminently serviceable. For a number of weeks in 1892 the Boston Transcript discussed the four elements of dates; this Chart would have given the result in ten minutes. See the Transcript, Oct. 1, 1892.
These are gleaned from the various records of Essex County. If your name does not appear in the list, we can furnish your genealogy. Correspondence solicited.
Abbot, Aborn, Abraham, Abram, Acie, Acres, Adams, Ager, Akerman, Alexander, Alford, Alger, Allen, Alley, Ambrose, Ames, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Annable, Annis, Antrum, Appleton, Archer, Arnold, Ash, Ashby, Ashton, Aslebee, Atkins, Atkinson, Atwell, Atwood, Aubin, Austin, Averill, Ayer, Babidge, Babson, Bacon, Babcock, Badger, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Balch, Ball, Ballard, Bancroft, Barber, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barney, Barr, Barrett, Bartholomew, Bartlett, Bartoll, Barton, Bassett, Batchelder, Bates, Batter, Battin, Beadle, Beal, Bean, Bear, Beck, Becket, Beckford, Belcher, Belknap, Bell, Bennett, Barry, Bessom, Best, Bickford, Biles, Birch, Bishop, Bisson, Bixby, Black, Blackly, Blake, Blanchard, Blaney, Blasdell, Blashfield, Blunt, Blyth, Boardman, Bodwell, Bolles, Bolton, Bond, Booth, Bourn, Bowden, Bowditch, Bowen, Bowles, Bowiman, Boyce, Boyd, Boynton, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradley, Bradstreet, Bragg, Bray, Breed, Brewer, Brickett, Bridgeo, Bridges, Briggs, Brimblecome, Britton, Brock, Brocklebank, Brooks, Broughton, Browne.
The work begins with the earliest records of Essex County—parish, town, and court; births, marriages, and deaths; probate and deeds registry, etc. The search is thorough and reliable. It is put up in thirteen volumes, in strong and attractive binding, and fully indexed.
The price for the set complete is $35.
The publication of these records is progressing. They are derived from gravestone, parish, church, town, old Bible, and private records, and end with the year 1849. The following list gives the towns now ready, the number of pages in each, and the price of each:
Andover, pp. 966, $10.10; Beverly, pp. 1,027, $10.75; Boxford, pp. 274, $2.90; Bradford, pp. 373, $3.90; Danvers, pp. 915, $9.75; Essex, pp. 86, $ .95; Hamilton, pp. 112, $1.20; Haverhill, pp. 827, $8.65; Ipswich, pp. 1,125, $12.75; Lynn, pp. 1,050, $10.95; Lynnfield, pp. 98, $1.10; Manchester, pp. 296, $3.15; Marblehead, pp. 1315, $13.70; Methuen, pp. 345, $3.63; Middleton, pp. 143, $1.55; Newbury, pp. 1,323, $13.75; Newburyport, in press; Saugus, pp. 81, $ .90; Topsfield, pp. 258, $2.75; Wenham, pp. 227, $2.40.