“Diet in the hands of an expert is far more effective than drugs. I speak from a large experience in both systems.”—“Food and Condition.” Dr. Yorke Davis, London. “In many cases of sickness the very best remedy is for the patient to fast for a meal or two, that the overworked organs of digestion may have an opportunity to rest.” “A fruit diet for a few days has often brought great relief to brain workers.” “Many times a short period of entire abstinence from food, followed by simple, moderate eating, has led to recovery through nature’s own recuperative effort. An abstemious diet for a month or two would convince many sufferers that the path of self-denial is the path to health.” “There are some who would be benefited more by abstinence from food for a day or two every week than by any amount of treatment or medical advice. To fast one day a week would be of incalculable benefit to them.” SuggestionsWhatever food is taken to the sick should be prepared and served daintily and neatly. If the tray cloth is ever so coarse or only a paper napkin, have it clean; use the daintiest and prettiest china to be found and serve the food in small quantities, without any drops or streaks on the edge of the dishes. A flower or leaf by the side of the plate, will give zest to the food. Food should be simple, nutritious and easily digested. Suitable dishes are scattered all through the book. Among the soups are the broths and others, supplying the needs of different cases. There are toasts in variety; they may be served in delicate squares, triangles and crescents. Rice flour blanc mange, sea moss blanc mange, buttermilk, The most desirable gruels are those made of the dextrinized or parched cereals, but when the undextrinized grains are used they should be cooked as long as for porridges, in a somewhat larger quantity of water, strained, and thinned with milk, or cream and water. They may sometimes be cooked in milk. Cold porridges may be used. Granella Malted Milk Gruel
Cook granella in water to soften, strain, add malted milk, cream and salt which have been blended; heat, serve. Egg GruelPoached yolks of 3 eggs, 1–2 cups milk. Rub yolks of eggs smooth, add hot milk, gradually, strain, reheat, salt, serve. Parched Corn BrothPour hot milk over parched corn meal or cracked parched corn; let stand 5–10 m., strain. May use water and cream. Almond Gruel1 tablespn. almond butter, 1 cup water, salt. Mix butter with water, add salt, boil, serve. Raisin GruelBoil 1½ cup raisins in 1 qt. milk and water, equal parts, for ½ hour; strain, squeezing well, thicken with 1–2 teaspns. flour blended with water, add salt. White of EggDissolve the whites of 2 or 3 eggs in a glass of water and give a few teaspoonfuls every 2 or 3 hours. |