Transmutations. | Page |
The Spectral Lamp | 1 |
Curious Change of Colours | 2 |
The Protean Light | 2 |
The Chameleon Flowers | 3 |
To change the Colours of Flowers | 3 |
Changes of the Poppy | 3 |
To change the Colour of a Rose | 4 |
Light changing White into Black | 4 |
The Visibly growing Acorn | 4 |
Changes in Sap-Green | 5 |
To revive apparently dead Plants | 5 |
Singular effect of Tears | 5 |
Beauties of Crystallization | 5 |
To crystallize Camphor | 7 |
Crystallized Tin | 7 |
Crystals in hard Water | 7 |
Varieties of Crystals | 7 |
Heat from Crystallization | 8 |
Splendid Sublimation | 8 |
Artificial Ice | 8 |
Magic Inks | 8 |
Chameleon Liquids | 9 |
The Magic Dyes | 9 |
Wine changed into Water | 10 |
Two colourless transparent Liquids become black and opaque | 10 |
Two colourless Fluids make a coloured one | 10 |
Change of colour by colourless Fluids | 10 |
To change a Blue Liquid to White | 11 |
Veritable “Black” Tea | 11 |
Restoration of Colour by Water | 11 |
The Magic Writing | 12 |
Two Liquids make a Solid | 12 |
Two Solids make a Liquid | 12 |
A solid opaque mass made a transparent Liquid | 12 |
Two cold Liquids make a hot one | 12 |
Quadruple Transmutation | 13 |
Quintuple Transmutation | 13 |
Combination of Colours | 13 |
Union of two Metals without Heat | 13 |
Magic Breath | <
4-h-13.htm.html#Page_67" class="pginternal">67 |
Heat passing through Glass | 68 |
Metals unequally influenced by Heat | 68 |
Spontaneous Combustion | 69 |
Inequality of Heat in Fire irons | 69 |
Expansion of Metal by Heat | 69 |
Evaporation of a Metal | 69 |
A Floating Metal on Fire | 70 |
Heat and Cold from Flannel | 70 |
Ice melted by Air | 70 |
To hold a hot Tea-kettle on the Hand | 70 |
Incombustible Linen | 71 |
The Burning Circle | 71 |
Water of different Temperatures in the same Vessel | 71 |
Warmth of different Colours | 71 |
Substitute for Fire | 72 |
Gas and Steam. |
Laughing Gas | 75 |
The Luminous Wand | 76 |
To make Carbonic Acid Gas | 76 |
Carbonic Acid Gas in Wine or Beer Vessels | 76 |
To extinguish Flame with Gas | 77 |
Effect of Hydrogen on the Voice | 77 |
Magic Taper | 78 |
The Gas Candle | 78 |
Gas Bubbles | 78 |
Gas-light in the day-time | 79 |
Miniature Balloons | 79 |
Miniature Gas-lighting | 79 |
Musical Gas | 80 |
Miniature Will o’-the-wisp | 81 |
Phosphoric Illumination | 81 |
Combustion of Iron in Oxygen Gas | 81 |
Glow-worm in Oxygen Gas | 82 |
Luminous Charcoal | 82 |
Brilliant Combustion in Oxygen | 82 |
Flame from Cold Metals | 83 |
Phosphorus in Chlorine | 83 |
Caoutchouc Balloons | 84 |
To increase the Light of Coal Gas | 84 |
Gas from Indian Rubber | 84 |
Ether Gas | 137 |
The Velocity of Motion | 138 |
The Exploding Bubble | 139 |
The Magic Picture | 139 |
Artificial Lightning | 140 |
Three objects discernible only with both Eyes | 140 |
To tell by a Watch Dial the Hour when a Person intends to rise | 140 |
To make a Ring suspend by a Thread, after the Thread has been burned | 141 |
To melt a piece of Money in a Walnut-shell without injuring the Shell | 141 |
The Magical Mirrors | 142 |
The Enchanted Bottle | 143 |
The Armed Apparition | 143 |
To extract the Silver out of a Ring that is thickly Gilded, so that the Gold may remain entire | 144 |
Curious Experiment with a Glass of Water | 144 |
A Luminous Bottle, which will show the Hour on a Watch in the Dark | 144 |
The Wonderful Hat | 145 |
To bring a Person down upon a Feather | 145 |
The Apparent Impossibility | 146 |
An Omelet cooked in a Hat over the Flame of a Candle | 146 |
The Impossible Omelet | 147 |
Go if you can | 147 |
The Figure Puzzle | 147 |
The Visible Invisible | 147 |
The Double Meaning | 148 |
Quite tired out | 148 |
Something out of the Common | 148 |
To rub one Sixpence into two | 149 |
Magic Circle | 149 |
Melange. |
Illusions of Touch | 153 |
Illusion of the Taste | 154 |
The General Bleacher | 154 |
Influence of coloured Glass on bulbous Roots | 155 |
The Spinning-top “asleep” | 155 |
To judge of Weights | 156 |
Quicksilver and Oil united | 156 |
To dissolve the Soda in Glass | 156 |
Waterproof Paper | 157 |
To Dissolve Gold or Platinum | 157 |
Colder than Ice | 157 |