Table of Contents - Abbesses, historical list of, 67-78.
- Ælfgyfu (Emma), benefactress, 18.
- ÆlflÆd, 16, 17.
- Aisles, 24, 48;
- north choir, 22, 28;
- south, 56.
- Ambulatory, 52.
- Apse, foundations of, 17.
- Apsidal chapels, 24, 34, 50, 59.
- Bells, 34.
- Berthon, Rev. E. L., 18, 24, 59.
- Brackley tomb, 50.
- Broke, Eliz., Abbess, 76.
- Capitals, carved, 48.
- Chantry of St. George destroyed, 22, 28.
- Choir rebuilt, 40.
- Christ Church, Oxford, 47.
- Church purchased by the people, 22, 78.
- Clerestory, 45.
- Corbel table, 30.
- Danes, destruction by, 18.
- Dimensions, 82.
- Doors, 32.
- Eadgyth (Queen Maud), 71.
- Font, 64.
- Foundation, 16.
- Kilpec, Isabella de, supposed effigy of, 60.
- Lawrence, St., Parish Church, 22, 28, 50.
- Mary, Abbess, 72.
- Monuments, 60-63.
- Petty, Sir W., tomb of, 63.
- Relics, hair, 52;
- Reredos, fourteenth-century, 51.
- Restoration, 24, 36.
- Robert, Earl of Gloucester, 48.
- Romsey Psalter, 53.
- ——Rood, 32.
- Ryprose, E., last Abbess, 77.
- St. Barbe John, monument of, 60.
- Saxon carving, 56.
- Screen, choir, 59.
- Suppression of the nunnery, 77.
- Tomb of priest, 62;
- Tower, top, 24;
- Triforium, 44, 46.
- West front, 29.
- Western (Early English) addition, 20, 43.
- Windows, east, 21, 28, 64;