This eBook is produced by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Scans for this book are available from the Internet Archive (copy 1). Related Library of Congress catalog page: 21017316. Related Open Library catalog page (for source): OL6637768M. Related Open Library catalog page (for work): OL7756210W. Related WorldCat catalog page: 10789697. Encoding Revision History External References The following corrections have been applied to the text: Page | Source | Correction | | danee | dance | | Kuveni | KuvÊni | | [Not in source] | , | | n cense | incense | | .) | ). | | devil-bird | devil bird | | polangÁ | polang | | . | ; | | sorcerors | sorcerers | | childern | children | | cencerned | concerned | | desembodied | disembodied | | earthern | earthen | | Buddahood | Buddhahood | | when | . When | | Deviyo | DeviyÔ | | [Not in source] | ) | | clouds | clods | | and | an | | dureya | durey | | Dureyas | DureyÂs | | on to | onto | | [Not in source] | . | | 40 of | of 40 | | lined | limed | | kirikitta | kirikitt | | classificatary | classificatory | | sons | son’s | | daughters | daughter’s | | nephew | nephew’s | | nieces | niece’s | | then | than | | GanÉs | GanÊs | | bason | basin | | J R A S | J.R.A.S. | | bigin | begin | | unluckcy | unlucky | | inplements | implements | | theshing | threshing | | far | for | | supertructures | superstructures | | ano-other | another | | dÊwÂla | dÉwÂla | | tÂnen | tÂnÊn | | netuma | ne?tuma | | pop—guns | pop-guns | | lime | line | | [Not in source] | ” | | of | or | | you | your | | “ | [Deleted] | | ” | “ | | cranes | crane | | BALLARDS | BALLADS | | and | a | | baloliyÊ | bÂloliyÊ | | dysentry | dysentery | | enchased | encased | | . | : | | partiuclar | particular | | ; | : | | [Not in source] | : | | copysts | copyists | | dan | dane | | renumeration | remuneration | | buffaloer | buffaloes | | perquisities | prerequisites | | [Not in source] | ; | | carpentary | carpentry | | specie, | special | | occ | [Deleted] | | Coverd | Covered | | anologous | analogous | | , | ; | | abondoned | abandoned | | n | in | | goglet | goblet | | o | of | | limitary | military | | Dowale | Dewale | | perquisites | prerequisites | | all. The | all the | | . | , | | - | — |