This eBook is produced by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Scans of this book are available from The Internet Archive (copy 1, 2). Metadata Encoding This book uses a Dutch-based spelling for Malay words and names. This has not been changed. In this spelling, oe is used for modern u, ie for (long) i, and dj for modern j. Revision History External References The following corrections have been applied to the text: Page | Source | Correction | Edit distance | | [Not in source] | , | 1 | | ‘ | “ | 1 | | igunanas | iguanas | 1 | | djanga | djaga | 1 | | Where-ever | Wherever | 2 | | pygamas | pyjamas | 1 | | Van | van | 1 | | but’s | buts | 1 | | [Not in source] | . | 1 | | anyway | any way | 1 | | havanahs | Havanahs | 1 | | havanah | Havanah | 1 | | [Not in source] | ” | 1 | | thaËl | taËl | 1 | | the the | the | 4 | | jewelry | jewellery | 2 | | fews | few | 1 | | stedfastly | steadfastly | 1 | | “ | ‘ | 1 | | wendono | wedono | 1 | | Kesoemsoe | Kesoemo | 4 | | KÂrjÂh | KÂrijÂh | 1 | | Kesoemoe | Kesoemo | 1 | | [Not in source] | “ | 1 | | va | van | 1 | | hushand | husband | 1 | | increduously | incredulously | 1 | | ‘ | , | 1 | | , | . | 1 | | spirting | spurting | 1 | | van Miclucho Macclay | Miklucho-Maclay | 7 | | otherwise | Otherwise | 1 | | aloon-aloon | aloon aloon | 1 | | Muisenkop | Muizenkop | 1 | | ; | , | 1 | | Holand | Holland | 1 | | appened | happened | 1 | | ells | yells | 1 | | wont | won’t | 1 | | south easterly | south-easterly | 1 | | Singmengolo | Singomengolo | 1 | | projecticles | projectiles | 1 | | hy | by | 1 | | interruped | interrupted | 1 | | saluations | salutations | 1 | | Kadhen | Radhen | 1 | | Toemenggong | Toemenggoeng | 1 | | spring carts | spring-carts | 1 | | Gulpedam | Gulpendam | 1 | | ’ | ” | 1 | | Mº. Bok | M?Bok | 3 | | Kessemoe | Kesoemo | 2 | | Poeworedjo | Poerworedjo | 1 | | . | [Deleted] | 1 | | Angjer | Anjer | 1 | | Karijah | KÂrijÂh | 2 / 0 | | van Micclucho Macclay | Miklucho-Maclay | 8 | | proverty | poverty | 1 | | . | ? | 1 | | Shumann’s | Schumann’s | 1 | | Sestrosmito | Setrosmito | 1 | | antidiluvian | antediluvian | 1 | | BOLONG | BOLLONG | 1 | | Bolong | Bollong | 1 | | Pringoetool | Pringtoetoel | 2 | | Nnow | Ngow | 1 | | Benden | Beneden | 1 | | wofully | woefully | 1 | | Pring-toetoel | Pringtoetoel | 1 | | Concorrdia | Concordia | 1 | | Soekan | Soeka | 1 | | kangjeng | kandjeng | 1 | | ” | [Deleted] | 1 | Abbreviations Overview of abbreviations used. Abbreviation | Expansion | &c. | etcetera | m.m. | millimeter | T.F.N.W. | [Expansion not available] | |