There is nothing in the world so sweet
As the hope which never, never dies,
That sometime, somewhere we shall meet
In gladder love beyond the skies—
Oh, beyond the skies so golden,
With the hope of Heaven olden;
For there’s nothing in all the world so sweet
As the olden, golden hope again to meet!
There is nothing in all the world so fleet
As the hope that ever, ever flies
Swift onward, upward to the seat
Of perfect love beyond the skies—
Oh, beyond the skies so glowing,
With the hope of Heaven growing;
For there’s nothing in all the world so sweet
As the glowing, growing hope again to meet!
There is nothing in all the world so great
As hope that bids us, helps us rise
With more responsive hands and feet,
With gladder tongues and clearer eyes—
Oh, upon the skies so golden,
With the hope of Heaven olden;
For there’s nothing in all the world so sweet
As the olden, golden hope again to meet!


When the chariots of glory
Come flashing from the east
On the day of Advent-story,
The crowning of the Christ;
When the clouds are seraph-mounted
And radiant of wing
With angel-hosts uncounted,
And the skies with rapture ring—
My soul, wilt thou undaunted
Meet the coming of the King?
When earth the blessed vision
With lifted eyes beholds
And feels the swift transition
Of glory that enfolds;
When from the skies descending
The hosts of Heaven bring
The Kingdom never-ending
Of which all peoples sing—
O Spirit, wilt thou blending
Hail the coming of the King?
When thrones are set for mercy
And love to minister
To the naked, sick and thirsty
And all who faint or err;
When the Lord of glory reigneth
And choired censers swing
With the praises God ordaineth
As Heavens their banners fling—
O Soul, a crown that gaineth,
Crown and enthrone the King!


Gather all the beauty and the riches of the world,
The flowers’ blush and lover’s flush,
The hoards of gold and pearl;
But you’ll never have enough to sum
The wealth and treasure up
Like the blessing of the drinking from
The living water’s cup.
Gather all the music and the fountain-springs of love,
The heart’s desire, censer’s fire
And starry host above;
But you’ll never have enough to sum
The soul of gladness up
Like the blessing of the drinking from
The living water’s cup.
Gather all the glories and the triumphs of all time,
Of temples’ pride and kingdoms wide
And grace and art sublime;
But you’ll never have enough to sum
The joy of Heaven up
Like the blessing of the drinking from
The living water’s cup.


Oh, the song of the soul we have sought for forever,
In ages gone by and the ages to come,
But what of the voices whose noblest endeavor
Must lift it as high as the height it is from?
For the song must mount up on the wings of the Spirit
And out of the heart that kindles with love
Before all the world will listen to hear it,
Before the world’s sense it trembles above.
Oh, the song of the soul we have sought for wherever
There’s beauty or sunshine, glory or joy;
But what of the voices whose praises must gather
The echoes that melt with the lips they employ?
For the notes must spring up from the souls they awaken
And out of the hearts they kindle with love
Before all the world by their sweetness is shaken,
Before the world’s life they triumph above.
Oh, the song of the soul we have sought for as treasure
Wherever are kingdoms, jewels or gold;
But what of the voices whose heavenly measure
The wealth of the world’s richest treasure must hold?

For the song must be born from the world’s greatest passion
And out of a Heart that was kindled by love
Before all the world its power can fashion
To glory like that of the Master above.


O crown of thorns upon the brow
Of Him they nailed on Calvary,
The serpent’s coil and sting wert thou,
The seal of sin and agony.
For where the grief and thought of us
The Savior’s brow had borne,
They put the MOCKERY of the Cross,
The crown of thorn, the crown of thorn.
O crown of thorns, whose suffering
The Savior for the world endured,
’Twas thus He healed the serpent’s sting,
The evil mind of nature cured.
For where the grief and thought of us
The Savior’s brow had borne,
They put the SORROW of the Cross,
The crown of thorn, the crown of thorn.
O crown of thorns, whose wounds became
Redeeming scars of victory,
The glory where was once the shame—
The diadem of Heaven be!

For where the grief and thought of us
The Savior’s brow had borne,
They put the TRIUMPH of the Cross,
The crown of thorn, the crown of thorn.


I sang an old song as I worked one day—
What cared I who smiled,
What cared I who frowned?
So long as my song made the task seem play,
What cared I how many were pleasure-bound?
I heeded them not unless they as well
Were singing a song that work-glad fell,
And then we together went singing along.
I courted my love when dreamers were we—
What cared I who laughed
What cared I who sighed?
So long as my love was the world to me,
What cared I for others the whole world wide?
I heeded them not unless they as well
Were dreaming upon the same love’s spell,
And then we together went dreaming along.
So I worked with a love-song for my cheer—
What cared I who hated
Both labor and joy?
So long as my loved ones to me were dear,
What cared I how others made loving alloy?
I heeded them not unless they as well
Were part of the song which cherubs swell,
And then we together went singing along.


Upon the Cross I see Him nailed,
The man of Nazareth;
His brow is pierced, His visage paled
With sufferings of death.
Around Him gather those who hate
And those who love Him most
To watch His sin-appointed fate
With grief or ruthless boast;
And as His pleading face I scan
All history cries—“Behold the Man!”
His wounded hands and feet I see,
The fountain from His side;
O Calvary, O Calvary,
Behold the Crucified!
Yet not the cruel thorns are worst
Nor blood of anguish spilt,
But that the sinless One is curst
For all the race’s guilt;
And as His pleading face I scan
All history cries—“Behold the Man!”
Yet as I on His visage marred
With guilt and sorrow gaze
It changes from the beauty scarred
To time’s most wondrous face.
A glory as of Heaven breaks
Upon the crown of thorn
And every tortured feature takes
A love by passion born;
For as His pleading face I scan
All history cries—“Behold the Man!”


She came as at supper the Lord reclined,
She came with purpose sweet;
Not of the host’s or servant’s kind
Withheld from Him at meat;
For she came to wash His feet.
She watered them with tears of grief,
She wiped them with her hair,
She kissed them till she found relief
And words of pardon there
As she knelt to wash His feet.
She loved the most because she knew
Forgiveness so great;
She loved, and nothing else could do
To prove her love complete
But to wash her Savior’s feet.
No goodly laver did she own,
No costly perfume bring;
But hers was the truest service shown
Whose faith the world will sing
As the love which washed His feet.
O sinner, the Savior’s present still
Beside Compassion’s seat
To pardon whosoever will
The woman’s trust repeat
And kiss the Savior’s feet!
Let contrite tears be mercy’s plea
And love its passion press
Upon the feet of ministry
That came to save and bless
The hands which clasp His feet!


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