Abyssinia, Shihab al Din, 37. -
Agricultural Chemical Analysis, Wiley, 55. -
Alcyonium, Liverpool Marine Biol. C. Mems., 49. -
Americans, The, MÜnsterberg, 30. -
Anarchy and Law, Brewster, 29. -
Anatomy, Cunningham Memoirs, 46. -
Surgical, of the Horse, 49. -
Antedon, Liverpool Mar. Biol. Mems., 49. -
Anthropology, Prehistoric, Avebury, 56; Engelhardt, 57. -
Evolution of Religion, Farnell, 12. -
Anurida, Liverpool Mar. Biol. Mems., 49. -
Apocalypse, Bleek, 8; Clark, 16. -
Apostles and Apostolic Times, DobschÜtz, 4; Hausrath, 19; Weinel, 4; WeizsÄcker, 7; Zeller, 9. -
Statutes of, edit. G. Horner, 26. -
Apostolic Succession, Clark, 17. -
Arabic, Grammar, Socin, 37. -
Poetry, Faizullah Bhai, 35; Lyall, 36; NÖldeke, 36. -
Arenicola, Liverpool Marine Biol. Mems., 49. -
Ascidia, Liverpool Marine Biol. Mems., 48. -
Assyrian, Dictionary, Muss-Arnolt, 36; Norris, 36. -
Grammar, Delitzsch, 34. -
Language, Delitzsch, 34. -
Assyriology, Brown, 56; Delitzsch, 10, 34; Evans, 35; Sayce, 15; Schrader, 9. -
Astigmatic Tests, Pray, 52; Snellen, 54. -
Astronomy, Cunningham Mems., V., 46; Memoirs of Roy. Astronom. Soc., 62. -
Atom, Study of, Venable, 55. -
Augustine, St., Confessions of, Harnack, 18. -
Babylonia, see Assyriology. -
Belief, Religious, Upton, 15. -
Beneficence, Negative and Positive, Spencer, Principles of Ethics, II., 31. -
Bible, 16. -
See also Testament. -
Beliefs about, Savage, 25. -
Hebrew Texts, 19. -
History of Text, Weir, 27. -
How to Teach, 22. -
Plants, Henslow, 19. -
Problems, Cheyne, 11. -
Bibliography, Bibliographical Register, 56. -
Biology, Bastian, 45; Liverpool Marine Biol. Mems., 49; Spencer, 31. -
Botany, Jour. of the Linnean Soc., 48. -
Brain, Cunningham Mems., VII., 46. -
Buddha, Buddhism, Davids, 14; Hardy, 35; Oldenberg, 36. -
Calculus, Harnack, 47. -
Cancer and Tumours, Creighton, 45. -
Canons of Athanasius, Text & Trans. Soc., 38. -
Cardium, Liverpool Mar. Biol. Mems., 48. -
Celtic, see also Irish. -
Stokes, 43; Sullivan, 42. -
Heathendom, Rhys, 15. -
Ceremonial Institutions, Spencer, Princ. of Sociology, II., 31. -
Chaldee, Grammar, Turpie, 38. -
Lexicon, Fuerst, 35. -
Chemistry, Van't Hoff, 47; Hart, 47; Noyes, 52; Mulliken, 54; Venable, 55. -
Chemist's Pocket Manual, 49. -
Christ, Early Christian Conception of, Pfleiderer, 11, 23. -
Life of, Keim, 8. -
No Product of Evolution, Henslow, 19. -
Resurrection of, 13. -
Study of, Robinson, 24. -
Teaching of, Harnack, 6, 11. -
The Universal, Beard, 16. -
Christianity, Evolution of, Gill, 18. -
History of, Baur, 8; DobschÜtz, 4; Harnack, 6, 11, 18; Hausrath, 8, 19; Johnson, 20; Wernle, 4. -
in Talmud, Herford, 20. -
Liberal, RÉville, 11. -
Primitive, Pfleiderer, 3, 23. -
Simplest Form of, Drummond, 14. -
Spread of, Harnack, 4. -
What is? Harnack, 6, 11. -
Church, Catholic, Renan, 14. -
Catholic, A Free, 27. -
Christian, Baur, 8; Clark, 16; DobschÜtz, 4; Hatch, 14; Wernle, 4. -
Christian, Sacerdotal Celibacy in, 21. -
Coming, Hunter, 20. -
History of, von Schubert, 3, 25. -
Codex Palatino-Vaticanus, Todd Lectures, III., 43. -
Codium, Liverpool Mar. Biol. Mems., 49. -
Communion of Christian with God, Herrmann, 6, 20. -
Comte, Spencer, 32. -
Conductivity of Liquids, Tower, 55. -
Constellations, Primitive, Brown, 56. -
Creed, Christian, 16. -
Crown Theological Library, 10. -
Cuneiform Inscriptions, Schrader, 9. -
Daniel and his Prophecies, C. H. H. Wright, 28. -
and its Critics, C. H. H. Wright, 28. -
Danish Dictionary, Rosing, 43. -
Darwinism, Schurman, 30. -
Denmark, Engelhardt, 57. -
Doctrine and Principle, Beeby, 16. -
Dogma, History of, Harnack, 5. -
of Virgin Birth, Lobstein, 10. -
Domestic Institutions, Spencer, Princ. of Sociology, I., 31. -
Duck Tribes, Morphology of, Cunningham Mems., VI., 46. -
Dutch, Cape, Oordt, 42; Werner, 43. -
Dynamics, Cunningham Mems., IV., 47. -
Chemical, Van't Hoff, 47. -
Ecclesiastes, Taylor, 26. -
Ecclesiastical Institutions, Spencer, Princ. of Sociology, III., 31, 32. -
of Holland, Wicksteed, 27. -
Echinus, Liverpool Mar. Biol. Mems., 49. -
Economy, Political, Mackenzie, 30. -
Education, Herbert, 57; Lodge, 41; Spencer, 30; Hagmann, 42. -
Educational Works, see Special Catalogue. -
Egypt, Religion of, Renouf, 15. -
Egyptian Grammar, Erman, 35. -
Electric Furnace, The, Moisson, 51. -
Electrolytic Laboratories, Arrangements of, 51. -
Engineering Chemistry, Stillman, 54. -
Enoch, Book of, Gill, 18. -
Epidemiology, Trans. of Epidemiolog. Soc., 55 -
Epizootic Lymphangitis, Treatise on, Pallin, 52. -
Ethics, and Religion, Martineau, 22. -
Data of, Spencer, Principles of E., I., 31 -
Individualism and Collectivism, 30. -
Induction of, Spencer, Principles of E., I., 31. -
Kantian, Schurman, 30. -
of Evolution, Schurman, 30. -
of Individual Life, Spencer, Principles of E., I., 31. -
of Reason, Laurie, 29. -
Principles of, Spencer, 31. -
Ethiopic Grammar, 34. -
Ethnology, Cunningham Mems., X., 46. -
Evolution, Spencer, 31, 32. -
of the idea of God, D'Alviella, 14. -
of Religious Thought, D'Alviella, 15. -
Exodus, Hoerning, 20. -
Ezekiel, Mosheh ben Shesheth, 22. -
Faith, Herrmann, 11; Rix, 24; Wimmer, 27 -
Fisheries, British, Johnstone, 48. -
Flinders Petrie Papyri, Cunningham Mems., VIII., IX., 46. -
Flora of Edinburgh, Sonntag, 54. -
French, BoÏelle, 40; Delbos, 40; EugÈne, 40; Hugo, 41, 42; Roget, 42; also Special Education Catalogue. -
Literature, Roget, 43. -
Novels, Army Series, 39. -
Gammarus, Liverpool Marine Biol. Mems., 49. -
Genesis, Hebrew Texts, 19, 35; Wright, C. H. H., 28. -
Geography, Ancient, Kiepert, 58. -
Geometry, Analytical, Elements of, 47. -
German, Literature, Nibelungenlied, 41; Phillipps, 42. -
Novels, Army Series, 39. -
Germany, Marcks, 59. -
God, Idea of, D'Alviella, 14. -
Gospel, Fourth, Drummond, 17; Tayler, 26. -
Social, Harnack and Herrmann, 13, 19. -
Gospels, Old and New Certainty, Robinson, 24. -
Greek, Modern, Zompolides, 44. -
Gymnastics, Medical, Schreber, 53. -
Hebrew, Biblical, Kennedy, 35. -
Language, Delitzsch, 34. -
Lexicon, Fuerst, 35. -
New School of Poets, Albrecht, 36. -
Scriptures, Sharpe, 25. -
Story, Peters, 23. -
Synonyms, Kennedy, 35. -
Text of O.T., Weir, 27. -
Texts, 19, 35. -
Hebrews, History of, Kittel, 6; Peters, 11; Sharpe, 26. -
Religion of, Kuenen, 9; Montefiore, 14. -
Heterogenesis, Bastian, 45. -
Hibbert Lectures, 14, 15. -
Horse, Life-size Models of, 48. -
Hygiene, Practical, Handbook of, 45. -
Hymns, Jones, 21. -
Icelandic, Lilja, 41; Viga Glums Saga, 43, -
Dictionary, Zoega, 44. -
Grammar, Bayldon, 39. -
Individualism, Spencer, Man v. State, 32. -
Infinitesimals and Limits, 47. -
Irish, Hogan, 40; Leabhar Breac, 41; Leabhar na H-Uidhri, 41; O'Grady, 42; Todd Lectures, 42; Yellow Book of Lecan, 43. -
Isaiah, Diettrich, 34; Hebrew Texts, 19, 35. -
Israel, History of, Kittel, 6; Peters, 23; Sharpe, 25. -
Religion of, Kuenen, 9. -
in Egypt, Wright, C. H. H., 28. -
Jeremiah, Mosheh ben Shesheth, 22. -
Jesus, Life of, Keim, 8. -
Sayings of, 13. -
The Real, Vickers, 27. -
Times of, Hausrath, 8. -
See also Christ. -
Job, Book of, Ewald, 8; Hebrew Text, 19, 35; Wright, C. H. H., 28. -
Rabbinical Comment. on, Text & Trans. Soc., 38. -
Justice, Spencer, Princ. of Ethics, II., 31. -
Kant, Schurman, 30. -
Kindergarten, Goldammer, 57. -
Knowledge, Evolution of, Perrin, 30. -
Labour, Harrison, 57; Schloss, 59; Vynne, 60. -
Leabhar Breac, 41; Hogan, 40. -
Life and Matter, Lodge, 22. -
Ligia, Liverpool Marine Biol. Mems., 49. -
Liverpool, History of, Muir, 59. -
Lives of the Saints, Hogan, 40. -
Logarithms, Sang, 53; Schroen, 54; Vega, 55. -
London Library Catalogue, 57. -
Lumbar Curve, Cunningham Mems., II., 46. -
Mahabharata, SÖrensen, 37. -
Malaria, Annett, 45; Boyce, 45; Dutton, 46; Mems. of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 50; Ross, 53; Stephens, 54. -
Maori, Dictionary, Williams, 43. -
Manual, Maori, 41. -
Materialism, Martineau, 22. -
Mathematics, Harnack, 47. -
See also Logarithms. -
MediÆval Thought, Poole, 23. -
Mesca Ulad, Todd Lectures, I., 42. -
Metallic Objects, Production of, 52. -
Metaphysics, Laurie, 29. -
Mexico, Religions of, RÉville, 15. -
Micah, Book of, Taylor, 26. -
Microscopy, Journal of the Roy. Micro. Soc., 48; Journal of the Quekett Micro. Club, 48. -
Midrash, Christianity in, Herford, 20. -
Mineral Systems, Chapman, 47. -
Molecular Weights, Methods of Determining, 45. -
Monasticism, Harnack, 18. -
Moorhouse Lectures, 22. -
Mosquitoes, Mems. of Liverpool School of Trop. Medicine, 50. -
Municipal Government, A History of, in Liverpool, 59. -
Mythology, Greek, Brown, 56; St. Clair, 59. -
Northern, Stephens, 60. -
Naturalism and Religion, Otto, 12. -
Nautical Terms, Delbos, 40. -
Nennius, The Irish, Hogan, 40. -
New Guinea, Cunningham Mems., X.,46. -
Newman, Mystery of, 16 -
New Testament, see Testament, 27. -
New Testament Times, Hausrath, 8, 19. -
Norwegian Dictionary, Rosing, 42. -
Norsemen in the Orkneys, Dietrichson, 57. -
Ophthalmic Tests, Pray, 52; Snellen, 54. -
Optical Convention, Proceedings of, 52. -
Ores, Methods for the Analysis of, 52. -
Organic Analysis, Elementary, 45. -
Origins, Christian, Johnson, 20. -
of Religion, Hibbert Lectures, 14, 15. -
Pali, DÎpavamsa, 34; Milanda Panho, 36; Vinaya Pitakam, 38. -
Handbook, Frankfurter, 35. -
Miscellany, 37. -
Pathology, Inflammation Idea in, Ransom, 52. -
Paul, St., Baur, 8; Pfleiderer, 9; Weinel, 4. -
Periodic Law, Venable, 55. -
Persian, Avesti Pahlavi, 34. -
Grammar, Platts, 37. -
Peru, Religions of, RÉville, 15. -
Philo JudÆus, Drummond, 29. -
Philosophy, 29. -
and Experience, Hodgson, 29. -
Jewish Alexandrian, Drummond, 29. -
of Religion, Pfleiderer, 9. -
Reorganisation of, Hodgson, 29. -
Religion of, Perrin, 22. -
Synthetic, Collins, 29; Spencer, 31. -
Political Institutions, Spencer, Princ. of Sociology, II., 31. -
Portland Cement, Meade, 49. -
Pottery, Seger's Writings on, 54. -
Prayers, Common Prayer, 17; Jones, 20; Personal, 23; Sadler, 25; Ten Services, 26. -
Prehistoric Man, Avebury, 56; Engelhardt, 57. -
Printing at Brescia, Peddie, 59. -
Professional Institutions, Spencer, Princ. of Sociology, III., 31. -
Profit-sharing, Schloss, 59. -
Prophets of O.T., Ewald, 8. -
Protestant Faith, Hermann, 12; RÉville, 11. -
Psalms, Hebrew Texts, 19, 35. -
and Canticles, Ten Services, 26. -
Commentary, Ewald, 8. -
Psychology, Scripture, 30; Wundt, 33. -
of Belief, Pikler, 30. -
Principles of, Spencer, 31. -
Reconciliation, Henslow, 19. -
Reformation, Beard, 14. -
Religion, Child and, 12. -
History of, Kuenen, 9, 14; RÉville, 9, 15. -
and Naturalism, Otto, 12. -
and Theology, MÉnÉgoz, 22. -
of Philosophy, Perrin, 22. -
Philosophy of, Pfleiderer, 9. -
Struggle for Light, Wimmer, 10. -
See also Christianity, History of. -
Religions, National and Universal, Kuenen, 21. -
of Authority, Sabatier, 4. -
Resurrection, Lake, 13; Macan, 22; Marchant, 22. -
Reviews and Periodical Publications, 61. -
Rigveda, Wallis, 38. -
Rome, Renan, 14. -
Runes, Stephens, 60. -
Ruth, Wright, C. H. H., 28. -
Sanitation, in Cape Coast Town, Taylor, 54. -
in Para, Notes, 51. -
Sanscrit, Abhidhanaratnantala, 34; SÖrensen, 37. -
Sermons, Beard, 16; Broadbent, 16; Hunter, 20. -
Services, Common Prayer, 16; Jones, 20; Ten Services, 26. -
Silva Gadelica, O'Grady, 42. -
Social Dynamics, Mackenzie, 30. -
Statics, Spencer, 32. -
Sociology, Descriptive, Spencer, 32. -
Principles of, Spencer, 31. -
Study of, Spencer, 32. -
Soils and Fertilisers, 54. -
Solomon, Song of, RÉville, 24. -
South Place Ethical Society, Conway, 17. -
Spanish Dictionary, Velasquez, 43. -
Spinal Cord, Bruce, 45. -
Sternum, Paterson, 52. -
Stereochemistry, Elements of, 47. -
Storms, Piddington, 52. -
Sun Heat, Cunningham Mems., III., 46. -
Surgery, System of, von Bergmann, 45. -
Syriac, Bernstein, 34; Diettrich, 34; NÖldeke, 36. -
Taal, Afrikander, Oordt, 42; Werner, 43. -
Talmud, Christianity in, Herford, 20. -
Tennyson, Weld, 60. -
Tent and Testament, Rix, 24. -
Testament, New, Apologetic of, 13. -
Books of, Von Soden, 26. -
Commentary, Protestant Commentary, 9. -
Luke the Physician, 13, 18. -
Textual Criticism, Nestle, 7. -
Times, Hausrath, 8, 19. -
See also Gospels. -
Testament, Old, Cuneiform Inscriptions, Schrader, 9. -
Introduction to the Canonical Books of, 17. -
Literature of, Kautzsch, 21. -
Religion of, Marti, 13, 22. -
Test Types, Pray, 52; Snellen, 54. -
Theism, Voysey, 27. -
Theological Translation Library, 3. -
Theology, Analysis of, Figg, 18. -
History of, Pfleiderer, 9. -
Thermometer, History of, 45. -
Trypanosomiasis, Dutton, 47. -
Tuberculosis, Creighton, 46. -
Urine Analysis, Text-book of, 49. -
Virgil, Henry, 57. -
Virgin Birth, Lobstein, 10. -
Weissmann, Spencer, 32. -
Woman's Labour, Englishwoman's Review, 61; Harrison, 57; Vynne, 60. -
Suffrage, Blackburn, 56. -
Yellow Fever, Durham, 48. -
Zoology, Fasciculi Malayenses, 48; Journal of the Linnean Soc., 48; Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Mems., 48-49.