Title Page | |
Peterborough Market Place in 1836 | |
Sedan Chair | |
Cottages in Paston | |
The Old Bridge over the Nene | |
Sexton Barns | |
Peterborough Market Place in 1795 | |
Map of Whittlesey Mere |
PAGE. | |
Advertisement, A peculiar | |
An Alibi | |
Balls | |
Barns | |
Beacon, A lighted | |
Beadle, The City | |
Breweries | |
Bridge, The old wooden | |
Buckle’s Brewery | |
Burglaries | |
Burial at Cross Roads | |
Burial Ground, The Old | |
Butcher’s Piece, The | |
Cabbage Row | |
Calculating Boy | |
Castor, Old system of farming at | |
Cattle Market | |
Cemetery, The | |
Coaches, Mail | |
Constables, Parish | |
Contrast, A | |
Cost of Travelling | |
Distemper, The | |
Draining the Great Level | |
Epitaphs | |
Executions | |
Extraordinary Medley | |
Fairs | |
Fen around Peterborough | |
Fen Drainage | |
Fen Taxes | |
Franking Letters | |
Frisby’s Feat | |
Frog Hall | |
Gaols | |
Gas Works started | |
Gates, Toll | |
God’s Acre | |
Guildhall, The | |
Hangings | |
Hostelry, The Thorpe Road | |
Infirmary, The | |
Intelligent Fenmen | |
Jaunt through the City | |
Ladies and the Cattle | |
Land, Improvement in value of | |
Level, The Great | |
Level, Draining the Great | |
Lock-up Story | |
Mail Coaches | |
Market, Cattle | |
,, The old | |
„ Wednesday | |
Mere, Whittlesey | |
Mill, The Old | |
Mill system of Draining | |
Mud Case, The | |
Nene Outfall, The | |
Newspapers | |
Newtown | |
Notorious Family, A | |
Oasis in the Desert | |
Packets, River | |
Parish Constables | |
Paston | |
Ponds | |
Poor House | |
Poor Law | |
Post Office | |
Postal Charges | |
Railways | |
Railways and Earl Fitzwilliam | |
Retrospective | |
River Packets | |
Robbery at the Vicarage | |
Sedan Chairs | |
Sexton Barns | |
Smothering the Cathedral | |
Snatched from the Sea | |
Tales of the Coaching days | |
Theatre | |
Toll Gates | |
Tombstone Rhymes | |
Tythe Barn, Boroughbury | |
Value of land improved | |
Whalley, Mr. G. H. | |
Whittlesey Mere |