There is hardly any kind of knowledge which has been so slowly acquired as that of chemistry, and perhaps no other science has offered such fascinating rewards to the labour of its votaries as the philosopher's stone, which was to produce an unfailing supply of gold; or the elixir of life, that was to give the discoverer of the gold-making art the time, the prolonged life, in which he might spend and enjoy it. Hundreds of years ago Egypt was the great depository of all learning, art, and science, and it was to this ancient country that the most celebrated sages of antiquity travelled. Hermes, or Mercurius Trismegistus, the favourite minister of the Egyptian king Osiris, has been celebrated as the inventor of the art of alchemy, and the first treatise upon it has been attributed to Zosymus, of Chemnis or Panopolis. The Moors who conquered Spain were remarkable Eastern historians relate the trouble and expense incurred by the succeeding Caliphs, who, resigning the Saracenic barbarism of their ancestors, were glad to collect from all parts the books which were to furnish forth a princely library at Bagdad. How the learned scholar sighs when he reads of seven hundred thousand books being consigned to the ignominious office of heating forty thousand baths in the capital of Egypt, and of the magnificent Alexandrian Library, a mental fuel for the lamp of learning in all ages, consumed in bath furnaces, and affording six months' fuel for that purpose. The Arabians, however, made amends for these barbarous deeds in succeeding centuries, and when all Europe was laid waste under the iron rule of the Goths, they became the protectors of philosophy and the promoters of its pursuits; and thus we come to the seventh century, in which Geber, an Arabian prince lived, and is stated to be the earliest of the true alchemists whose name has reached posterity. Without attempting to fill up the alchemical history of the intervening centuries, we leap forward six hundred years, and now find ourselves in imagination in England, with the learned friar, Roger Bacon, a native of Somersetshire, who lived about the middle of the thirteenth century; and although the continual study of alchemy had not yet produced the "stone," it bore fruit in other discoveries, and Roger Bacon is said, with great appearance of truth, to have discovered gunpowder, for he says in one of his works:—"From saltpetre and other ingredients we are able to form a fire which will burn to any distance;" and again alluding to its effects, "a small portion of matter, about the size of the thumb, properly disposed, will make a tremendous sound and coruscation, by which cities and armies might be destroyed." The exaggerated style seems to have been a favourite one with all philosophers, from the time of Roger Bacon to that of Muschenbroek of the University of Leyden, who accidentally discovered the Leyden jar in the year 1746, and receiving the first shock, from a vial containing a little water, into which a cork and nail had been fitted, states that "he felt himself struck in his arms, shoulders, and breast, so that he lost his breath, and was two days before he recovered from the effects of the blow and the CHEMICAL AFFINITY.The above title refers to an endless series of changes brought about by chemical combinations, all of which can be reduced to certain fixed laws, and admit of a simple classification and arrangement. A mechanical aggregation, however well arranged, can be always distinguished from a chemical one. Thus, a grain of gunpowder consists of nitre, which can be washed away with boiling water, of sulphur, which can be sublimed and made to pass away as vapour, of charcoal, which remains behind after the previous processes are complete; this mixture has been perfected by a careful proportion of the respective ingredients, it has been wetted, and ground, and pressed, granulated, and finally dried; all these mechanical processes have been so well carried out that each grain, if analysed, would be similar to the other; and yet it is, after all, only a mechanical aggregation, because the sulphur, the charcoal, and the nitre are unchanged. A grain of gunpowder moistened, crushed, and examined by a high microscopic power, would indicate the yellow particles of sulphur, the black parts of charcoal, whilst the water filtered from the grain of powder and dried, would show the nitre by the form of the crystal. On the other hand, if some nitre is fused at a dull red heat in a little crucible, and two or three grains of sulphur are added, they are rapidly oxidized, and combine with the potash, forming sulphate of potash; and after this change a few grains of charcoal may be added in a similar manner, when they burn brightly, and are oxidized and converted into carbonic acid, which also unites in like manner with the potash, forming carbonate of potash; so that when the fused nitre is cooled and a few particles examined by the microscope, the charcoal and sulphur are no longer distinguishable, they have undergone a chemical combination with portions of the nitre, and have produced two new salts, perfectly different in taste, gravity, and appearance from the original substances employed to produce them. Hence chemical combination is defined to be "that property which is possessed by one or more substances, of uniting together and producing a third or other body perfectly different To return to our first experiment with the gunpowder: take sulphur, place some in an iron ladle, heat it over a gas flame till it catches fire, then ascend a ladder, and pour it gently, from the greatest height you can reach, into a pail of warm water: if this experiment is performed in a darkened room a magnificent and continuous stream of fire is obtained, of a blue colour, without a single break in its whole length, provided the ladle is gradually inclined and emptied. The substance that drops into the warm water is no longer yellow and hard, but is red, soft, and plastic; it is still sulphur, though it has taken a new form, because that element is dimorphous (d?? twice, and ??f? a form), and, Proteus-like, can assume two forms. Take another ladle, and melt some nitre in it at a dull red heat, then add a small quantity of sulphur, which will burn as before; and now, after waiting a few minutes, repeat the same experiment by pouring the liquid from the steps through the air into water; observe it no longer flames, and the substance received into the water is not red and soft and plastic, but is white, or nearly so, and rapidly dissolves away in the water. The sulphur has united with the oxygen of the nitre and formed sulphuric acid, which combines with the potash and forms sulphate of potash; here, then, oxygen, sulphur, and potassium, have united and formed a salt in which the separate properties of the three bodies have completely disappeared; to prove this, it is only necessary to dissolve the sulphate of potash in water, and after filtering the solution, or allowing it to settle, till it becomes quite clear and bright, some solution of baryta may now be added, when a white precipitate is thrown down, consisting of sulphate of baryta, which is insoluble in nitric or other strong acids. The behaviour of a solution of sulphate of potash with a nitrate of baryta may now be contrasted with that of the elements it contains; on the addition of sulphur to a solution of nitrate of baryta no change whatever takes place, because the sulphur is perfectly insoluble. If a stream of oxygen gas is passed from a bladder and jet through the same test, no effect is produced; the nitrate of baryta has already acquired its full proportion of oxygen, and no further addition has any power to change its nature; finally, if a bit of the metal potassium is placed in the solution of nitrate of baryta it does not sink, being lighter than water, and it takes fire; but this is not in any way connected with the presence of the test, as the same thing will happen if another bit of the metal is placed in water—it is the oxygen of the latter which unites rapidly with the potassium, and causes it to become so hot that the hydrogen, escaping around the little red-hot globules, takes fire; moreover, the fact of the combustion of the potassium under such circumstances is another striking proof of the opposite qualities of the three elements—sulphur, oxygen, and potassium—as compared with the three chemically combined and forming sulphate of potash. The same kind of experiment may be repeated with charcoal; if some powdered charcoal is made red-hot, and then puffed into the air with a blowing machine, numbers of sparks are produced, and the charcoal The elements are sixty-four in number, of which about forty are tolerably plentiful, and therefore common; whilst the remainder, twenty-four, are rare, and for that reason of a lesser utility: whenever Nature employs an element on a grand scale it may certainly be called common, but it generally works for the common good of all, and fulfils the most important offices. CLASSIFICATION OF THE ALPHABET OF CHEMISTRY. 13 Non-Metallic Bodies.
(N.B. The elements printed in italics are at present unimportant.) A few words will suffice to explain the meaning of the terms which head the names, letters, and numbers of the Table of Elements. The Again, to take a more complex example, such as would occur in the study of organic chemistry—a sentence such as the hydrated oxide of acetule, is written at once by C4H4O2, the figures referring to the number of equivalents of each element—viz., 4 equivalents of C, the symbol for carbon, 4 of H (hydrogen), and 2 of O (oxygen). The long word paranaphthaline, a substance contained in coal tar, is disposed of at once with the symbols and figures C30H12. The figures in the third column are, however, the most interesting to the precise and mathematically exact chemist. They represent the united labours of the most painstaking and learned chemists, and are the exact quantities in which the various elements unite. To quote one example: if 8 parts by weight of oxygen—viz., the combining proportions of that element—are united with 1 part by weight of hydrogen, also its combining number, the result will be 9 parts by weight of water; but if 8 parts of oxygen and 2 parts of hydrogen were used, one only of the latter could unite with the former, and the result would be the formation again of 9 parts of water, with an overplus of 1 equivalent of hydrogen. It is useless to multiply examples, and it is sufficient to know that with this table of numbers the figures of analysis are obtained. Supposing a substance contained 27 parts of water, and the oxygen in this had to be determined, the rule of proportion would give it at once, 9: 27:: 8: 24. 9 parts of water are to 27 parts as 8 of oxygen (the quantity contained in 9 parts of water) are to the answer required—viz., 24 of oxygen. The names, symbols, and combining proportions being understood, we may now proceed with the performance of many interesting CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS.As the permanent gases head the list, they will first engage our attention, beginning with the element oxygen—Symbol O, combining proportion 8. There is nothing can give a better idea of the enormous quantity of oxygen present in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, than the statement that it represents one-third of the weight of the whole crust of the globe. Silica, or flint, contains about half its weight of oxygen; lime contains forty per cent.; alumina about thirty-three per cent. In these substances the element oxygen remains inactive and powerless, chained by the strong fetters of chemical affinity to the Nature, however, is prodigal in her creation, and hence we have but to pursue our search diligently to find a substance or mineral containing an abundance of oxygen, and part of which it will relinquish by what used to be called by the "old alchemists" the torture of heat. Such a mineral is the black oxide of manganese, or more correctly the binoxide of manganese, which consists of one combining proportion of the metal manganese—viz., 27.6, and two of oxygen—viz., 8 × 2 = 16. If three proportions of the binoxide of manganese are heated to redness in an iron retort, they yield one proportion (equal to 8) of oxygen, and all that has just been explained by so many words is comprehended in the symbols and figures below:— 3 MnO2 = Mn3O4 + O. Thus the 3 MnO2 represent the three proportions of the binoxide of manganese before heat is applied, whilst the sign =, the sign of equation (equal to), is intended to show that the elements or compounds placed before it produce those which follow it; hence the sequel Mn3O4 + O shows that another compound of the metal and oxygen is produced, whilst the + O indicates the liberated oxygen gas. The iron retort employed to hold the mineral should be made of cast iron in preference to wrought iron, as the latter is very soon worn out by contact with oxygen at a red heat. A gun-barrel will answer the purpose for an experiment on the small scale, to which must be adapted a cock and piece of pewter tubing. Such a make-shift arrangement may do very well when nothing better offers; but as a question of expense, it is probably cheaper in the end to order of Messrs. Simpson and Maule, or of Messrs. Griffin, or of Messrs. Bolton, a cast-iron bottle, or cast-iron retort, as it is termed, of a size sufficient to prepare two gallons of oxygen from the binoxide of manganese, which, with four feet of iron conducting-pipe, and connected to the bottle with a screw, does not Fig. 93. a. The iron bottle, containing the black oxide of manganese, with pipe passing to the pneumatic trough, b b, in which is fixed a shelf, c, perforated with a hole, under which the end of the pipe is adjusted, and the gas passes into the gas-jar, d. The oxygen is conveyed to a square tin box provided with a shelf at one end, perforated with several holes at least one inch in diameter, called the pneumatic trough; any wooden trough, butter or wash-tub, foot-pan or bath, provided with a shelf, may be raised by the same title to the dignity of a piece of chemical apparatus. The gas jar must be filled with water by withdrawing the stopper and pressing it down into the trough, and when the neck is below the level of the water, the stopper is again inserted, and the jar with the water therein contained lifted steadily on to the shelf, the entry of atmospheric air being prevented by keeping the lower part of the gas jar, called the welt, under the water. Sometimes the pneumatic trough contains so small a quantity of water that on raising the gas jar to the shelf the liquid does not cover the bottom, and the air rushes up in large bubbles. Under these circumstances it is better to provide a gallon stone jug full of water, so that when the jar is being raised to the shelf it may be thrust into the trough (on the same principle as the crow and the pitcher in the fable), and thus by its bulk (as the stones in the pitcher) raise the water to the proper level. When the gas jar is about half filled with gas the jug may be withdrawn. This arrangement saves the trouble of constantly adding and baling out water from the pneumatic trough. (Fig. 94.) Fig. 94. a a. Pneumatic trough, with gas jar raised to shelf; bubbles of air are rushing in at b, as the level of the water is below the shelf—viz., at c c. d d. Same trough and gas jar with water kept over the shelf by the introduction of the stone pitcher e, full of water. There are other solid oxygenized bodies in which the affinities are less powerful, and hence a lower degree of heat suffices to liberate the oxygen gas, and one of the most useful in this respect is the salt termed chlorate of potash. If the substance is heated by itself, the temperature required to expel the oxygen is almost as high as that demanded for the black oxide of manganese; but, strange to say, if the two substances are reduced to powder, and mixed in equal quantities by weight, then a very moderate increase of heat is sufficient to cause the chlorate of Fig. 95. Preparation of oxygen from chlorate of potash and oxide of manganese. KO.ClO5 = KCl + O6. This curious fact is explained usually by reference to what is called catalytic action, or decomposition by contact (?ata, downwards, and ???, I unloosen), being a power possessed by a body of resolving another into a new compound without undergoing any change itself. To make this term still clearer, we may notice another example in linen rags, which may be exposed for any length of time to the action of water without fear of conversion into sugar; if, however, oil of vitriol is first added to the linen rags, and they are subsequently digested at a proper temperature with water, then the rags are converted into sugar (the author has seen a specimen made of an "old shirt"); but, curious to relate, the oil of vitriol is unchanged in the process, and if the process be commenced with a pound of acid, the same quantity is discoverable at the end of the chemical decomposition of the linen rags, and their conversion into sugar. If a mixture of equal parts of oxide of manganese and chlorate of potash is placed in a clean Florence flask, with a cork, and pewter, or glass tube attached, great quantities of oxygen are quickly liberated, on the application of the heat of a spirit lamp. Such a retort would cost about fourpence, and if the flask is broken in the operation it can be easily replaced by another, value one penny, as the same cork and tube will generally suit a number of these cheap glass vessels. Corks may Whilst fitting the latter into the neck of a flask, it is perhaps safer to hold the thin and fragile vessel in a cloth, so that if the flask breaks the chemical experiment may not be arrested for many days by the severe cutting and wounding of the fingers. After the cork is fitted, it is to be removed from the flask and bored with a cork borer. This useful tool is sold in complete sets to suit all sizes of glass tubes, and the pewter or glass being inserted, the flask and tube will be ready for use, provided the tube is bent to the proper curve. This is easy enough to perform with the pewter, but not quite so easy with the glass tube, which must be held over the flame of a spirit lamp till soft, and then bent very gradually to the proper curve. If a short length of the glass tube is heated, it bends too sharply, and the convexity of the glass is flattened, whilst the internal diameter of the tube is lessened, so that at least three inches in length should be warmed, and the heat must not be continued in one place only, but should be maintained in the direction of the bend, the whole manipulation being conducted without any hurry. (Fig. 96.) Fig. 96. a. The cork squeezer. b. The cork borers. c. The operation of bending the glass tube over the flame of the spirit-lamp. d. The neck of the flask, with cork and tube bent and fitted complete for use. Having filled a gas jar with oxygen, it may be removed from the pneumatic trough by sliding it into a plate under the surface of the water, and to prevent the stopper being thrust out accidentally from the jar by the upward pressure of the gas, whilst a little compressed, during the act of passing it into the plate, it is advisable to hold the stopper of the jar firmly but gently, so that it cannot slip out of its place. A number of jars of oxygen may be prepared and arranged in plates, all of which of course must contain a little water, and enough to cover the welt of the jar. EXPERIMENTS WITH OXYGEN GAS.This gas was originally discovered by Priestley, in August, 1774, and was first obtained by heating red precipitate—i.e., the red oxide of mercury. HgO = Hg + O. We leave these symbols and figures to be deciphered by the youthful philosopher with the aid of the table of elements, &c., and return to the experiments. There are certain thin wax tapers like waxed cord, called bougies, which can be bent to any shape, and are very convenient for experiments with the gases. If one of these tapers is bent as in Fig. 97, then lighted and allowed to burn for some minutes, a long snuff is gradually formed, which remains in a state of ignition when the flame of the taper is blown out. On plunging this into a jar of oxygen, it instantly re-lights with a sort of report, and burns with greatly-increased brilliancy, as described by Dr. Priestley in his first experiment with this gas, and so elegantly repeated by Professor Brande in his refined dissertation on the progress of chemical science. Fig. 97. "The 1st of August, 1774, is a red-letter day in the annals of chemical philosophy, for it was then that Dr. Priestley discovered dephlogisticated air. Some, sporting in the sunshine of rhetoric, have called this the birthday of pneumatic chemistry; but it was even a more marked and memorable period; it was then (to pursue the metaphor) that this branch of science, having eked out a sickly and infirm infancy in the ill-managed nursery of the early chemists, began to display symptoms of an improving constitution, and to exhibit the most hopeful and unexpected marks of future importance. The first experiment, which led to a very satisfactory result, was concluded as follows:—A glass jar was filled with quicksilver, and inserted in a basin of the same; some red precipitate of quicksilver was then introduced, and floated upon the quicksilver in the jar; heat was applied to it in this situation with a burning-lens, and to use Priestley's own words, I presently found that air was expelled from it very readily. Having got about three or four times as much as the bulk of my materials, I admitted water into it, and found that it was not imbibed by it. But what surprised me more than I can well express was, that a candle burned in this air with a remarkably vigorous flame, very much like that enlarged flame with which a candle burns in nitrous air exposed to iron or lime of sulphur (i.e., laughing gas); but as I had got nothing like this remarkable appearance from any kind of air besides this peculiar Fig. 98. a. Glass vessel full of mercury, containing the red precipitate at the top, and standing in the dish b, also containing mercury. c. The burning-glass concentrating the sun's rays on the red precipitate, being Priestley's original experiment. Second Experiment.The term oxygen is derived from the Greek (????, acid, and ?e??a?, I give rise to), and was originally given to this element by Lavoisier, who also claimed its discovery; and if this honour is denied him, surely he has deserved equal scientific glory in his masterly experiments, through which he discovered that the mixture of forty-two parts by measure of azote, with eight parts by measure of oxygen, produced a compound precisely resembling our atmosphere. The name given to oxygen was founded on a series of experiments, one of which will now be mentioned. Fig. 99. a. The deflagrating spoon, b. The cork. c. The zinc, or brass, or tin plate. d d. The gas jar. Place some sulphur in a little copper ladle attached to a wire, and called a deflagrating spoon, passed through a round piece of zinc or brass plate and cork, so that the latter acts as an adjusting arrangement to fix the wire at any point required. The combustion of the sulphur, previously feeble, now assumes a remarkable intensity, and a peculiar coloured light is generated, whilst the sulphur unites with the oxygen, and forms sulphurous acid gas. It produces, in fact, the same gas which is formed by burning an ordinary sulphur match. This compound is valuable as a disinfectant, and is a very important bleaching agent, being most extensively employed in the whitening of straw employed in the manufacture of straw bonnets. It is an acid gas, as Lavoisier found, and this property may be detected by pouring a little tincture of litmus into the bottom of the plate in which the gas jar stands. The blue colour of the litmus is rapidly changed to red, and it might be thought that no further argument could possibly be required to prove that oxygen was the acidifying agent, the more particularly as the result is the same in the next illustration. Third Experiment.Cut a small piece from an ordinary stick of phosphorus under water, take care to dry it properly with a cloth, and after placing it in a deflagrating spoon, remove the stopper from the gas-jar, as there is no fear of the oxygen rushing away, because it is somewhat heavier than atmospheric air; and then, after placing the spoon with the phosphorus in the neck of the jar, apply a heated wire and pass the spoon at once into the middle of the oxygen; in a few seconds a most brilliant light is obtained, and the jar is filled with a white smoke; as this subsides, being phosphoric acid, and perfectly soluble in water, the same litmus test may be applied, when it is in like manner changed to red. The acid obtained is one of the most important constituents of bone. Fourth Experiment.A bit of bark-charcoal bound round with wire is set on fire either by holding it in the flame of a spirit-lamp, or by attaching a small piece of waxed cotton to the lower part, and igniting this; the charcoal may then be inserted into a bottle of oxygen, when the most brilliant scintillations occur. After the combustion has ceased and the whole is cool, a little tincture of litmus may also be poured in and shaken about, when it likewise turns red, proving for the third time the generation of an acid body, called carbonic acid—an acid, like the others already mentioned, of great value, and one which Nature employs on a stupendous scale as a means of providing plants, &c., with solid charcoal. Carbonic acid, a virulent poison to animal life, is, when properly diluted, and as contained in atmospheric air, one of the chief alimentary bodies required by growing and healthy plants. In three experiments acid bodies have been obtained; can we speculate on the result of the next? Fifth Experiment.Into a deflagrating spoon place a bit of potassium, set this on fire by holding it in the spoon in the flame of a spirit-lamp, and then rapidly plunge the burning metal into a bottle of oxygen. A brilliant ignition occurs in the deflagrating spoon for a few seconds, and there is little or no smoke in the jar. The product this time is a solid, called potash, and if this be dissolved in water and filtered, it is found to be clear and bright, and now on the addition of a little tincture of litmus to one half of the solution, it is wholly unaffected, and remains blue; but if with the other half a small quantity of tincture of turmeric is mixed, it immediately changes from a bright yellow solution to a reddish-brown, because turmeric is one of the tests for an alkali; and thus is ascertained by the help of this and other tests that the result of the combustion is not an acid, but an alkali. The experiment is made still more satisfactory by burning another bit of potassium in oxygen and dissolving the product in water, and if any portion of Sixth Experiment.A piece of watch-spring is softened at one end, by holding it in the flame of a spirit-lamp, and allowing it to cool. A bit of waxed cotton is then bound round the softened end, and after being set on fire, is plunged into a gas jar containing oxygen; the cotton first burns away, and then the heat communicates to the steel, which gradually takes fire, and being once well ignited, continues to burn with amazing rapidity, forming drops of liquid dross, which fall to the bottom of the plate—and also a reddish smoke, which condenses on the sides of the jar; neither the dross which has dropped into the plate, nor the reddish matter condensed on the jar, will affect either tincture of litmus or turmeric; they are neither acid nor alkaline, but neutral compounds of iron, called the sesquioxide of iron (Fe2O3), and the magnetic oxide (Fe3O4 = FeO.Fe2O3). Seventh Experiment.Some oxygen gas contained in a bladder provided with a proper jet may be squeezed out, and upon, some liquid phosphorus contained in a cup at the bottom of a finger glass full of boiling water, when a most brilliant combustion occurs, proving that so long as the principle is complied with—viz., that of furnishing oxygen to a combustible substance—it will burn under water, provided it is insoluble, and possesses the remarkable affinity for oxygen which belongs to phosphorus. The experiment should be performed with boiling water, to keep the phosphorus in the liquid state; and it is quite as well to hold a. Bladder containing oxygen, provided with a stop-cock and jet leading to, b, b. Finger glass containing boiling water. c. The cup of melted phosphorus under the water. The gas escapes from the bladder when pressed. Eighth Experiment.Oxygen is available from many substances when they are mixed with combustible substances, and hence the brilliant effects produced by burning a mixture of nitre, meal powder, sulphur, and iron or steel filings; the metal burns with great brilliancy, and is projected from the case in most beautiful sparks, which are long and needle-shaped with steel, and in the form of miniature rosettes with iron filings; it is the oxygen from the nitre that causes the combustion of the metal, the other ingredients only accelerate the heat and rate of ignition of the brilliant iron, which is usually termed a gerb. Ninth Experiment.A mixture of nitrate of potash, powdered charcoal, sulphur, and nitrate of strontium, driven into a strong paper case about two inches long, and well closed at the end with varnish, being quite waterproof, may be set on fire, and will continue to burn under water until the whole is consumed; the only precaution necessary being to burn the composition from the case with the mouth downward, and if the experiment is tried in a deep glass jar it has a very pleasing effect. (Fig. 101.) Fig. 101. a. Case of red fire burning downwards, and attached by a copper wire to a bit of leaden pipe b, to sink it. c c. Jar containing water. The red-fire composition is made by mixing nitrate of strontia 40 parts by weight, flowers of sulphur 13 parts, chlorate of potash 5 parts, sulphuret of antimony 4 parts. These ingredients must first be well powdered separately, and then mixed carefully on a sheet of paper with a paper-knife. They are liable to explode if rubbed together in a mortar, on account of the presence of sulphur and chlorate of potash, and the composition, if kept for any time, is liable to take fire spontaneously. Tenth Experiment.Some zinc is melted in an iron ladle, and made quite red hot; if a little dry nitre is thrown upon the surface, and gently stirred into the metal, it takes fire with the production of an intense white light, whilst large quantities of white flakes ascend, and again descend when cold, being the oxide of zinc, and called by the alchemists the "Philosopher's Wool" (ZnO). In this experiment the oxygen from the nitre effects the oxidation of the metal zinc. Eleventh Experiment.A mixture of four pounds of nitre with two of sulphur and one and a half of lamp black produces a most beautiful and curious fire, continually projected into the air as sparks having the shape of the rowel of a spur, and one that may be burnt with perfect safety in a room, as the sparks consume away so rapidly, in consequence of the finely divided condition of the charcoal, that they may be received on a handkerchief or the hand without burning them. The difficulty consists in effecting the complete mixture of the charcoal. The other two ingredients must first be thoroughly powdered separately, and again triturated when mixed, and finally the charcoal must be rubbed in carefully, till the whole is of a uniform tint of grey and very nearly black, and as the mixture proceeds portions must be rammed into a paper case, and set on fire; if the stars or pinks come out in clusters, and spread well without other and duller sparks, it is a sign that the whole is well mixed; but if the sparks are accompanied with dross, and are projected out sluggishly, and take some time to burn, the mixture and rubbing in the mortar must be continued; and even that must not be carried too far, or the sparks will be too small. N.B.—If the lamp-black was heated red hot in a close vessel, it would probably answer better when cold and powdered. Twelfth Experiment.Into a tall gas jar with a wide neck project some red-hot lamp-black through a tin funnel, when a most brilliant flame-like fire is obtained, showing that finely divided charcoal with pure oxygen would be sufficient to afford light; but as the atmosphere consists of oxygen diluted with nitrogen, compounds of charcoal with hydrogen, are the proper bodies to burn, to produce artificial light. Thirteenth Experiment. The Bude Light.This pretty light is obtained by passing a steady current of oxygen gas (escaping at a very low pressure) through and up the centre pipe of an argand oil lamp, which must be supplied with a highly carbonized oil and a very thick wick, as the oxygen has a tendency to burn away the cotton unless the oil is well supplied, and allowed to overflow the wick, as it does in the lamps of the lighthouses. The best whale oil is usually employed, though it would be worth while to test the value of Price's "Belmontine Oil" for the same purpose. (Fig. 102.) Fig. 102. a. Reservoir of oil. b. The flexible pipe conveying oxygen to centre of the argand lamp. Fourteenth Experiment. A Red Light.Clear out the oil thoroughly from the Bude light apparatus; or, what is better, have two lamps, one for oil, and the other for spirit; fill the apparatus with a solution of nitrate of strontia and chloride of calcium in spirits of wine, and let it burn from the cotton in the same way as the oil, and supply it with oxygen gas. Fifteenth Experiment. A Green Light.Dissolve boracic acid and nitrate of baryta in spirits of wine, and supply the Bude lamp with this solution. Sixteenth Experiment. A Yellow Light.Dissolve common salt in spirits of wine, and burn it as already described in the Bude light apparatus. Seventeenth Experiment. The Oxy-calcium Light.This very convenient light is obtained in a simple manner, either by using a jet of oxygen as a blowpipe to project the flame of a spirit lamp on to a ball of lime; or common coal-gas is employed instead of the spirit lamp, being likewise urged against a ball of lime. By this plan one bag containing oxygen suffices for the production of a brilliant light, not equal, however, to the oxy-hydrogen light, which will be explained in the article on hydrogen. (Fig. 103.) Fig. 103. No. 1. a. Oxygen jet. b. The ball of lime, suspended by a wire. c. Spirit lamp. No. 2. d. Oxygen jet. e. Gas (jet connected with the gas-pipe in the rear by flexible pipe) projected on to ball of lime, f. Eighteenth Experiment.To show the weight of oxygen gas, and that it is heavier than air, the stoppers from two bottles containing it may be removed, one bottle may be left open for some time and then tested by a lighted taper, when Nineteenth Experiment.The theory of the effect of oxygen upon the system when inhaled would be an increase in the work of the respiratory organs; and it is stated that after inhaling a gallon or so of this gas, the pulse is raised forty or fifty beats per minute: the gas is easily inhaled from a large india-rubber bag through an amber mouthpiece; it must of course be quite pure, and if made from the mixture of chlorate of potash and oxide of manganese, should be purified by being passed through lime and water, or cream of lime. Twentieth Experiment.There are certain colouring matters that are weakened or destroyed by the action of light and other causes, which deprive them of oxygen gas or deoxidize them. A weak tincture of litmus, if long kept, often becomes colourless, but if this colourless fluid is shaken in a bottle with oxygen gas it is gradually restored; and if either litmus, turmeric, indigo, orchil, or madder, paper, or certain ribbons dyed with the same colouring matters, have become faded, they may be partially restored by damping and placing them in a bottle of oxygen gas. The effect of the oxygen is to reverse the deoxidizing process, and to impart oxygen to the colouring matters. By a peculiar process indigo may be obtained quite white, and again restored to its usual blue colour, either by exposure to the air or by passing a stream of oxygen through it. Twenty-first Experiment.Messrs. Matheson, of Torrington-street, Russell-square, prepare in the form of wire some of the rarest metals, such as magnesium, lithium, &c. A wire of the metal magnesium burns magnificently in oxygen gas, and forms the alkaline earth magnesia. The metal lithium, to which such a very low combining proportion belongs—viz., 6.5, can also be procured in the state of wire, and burns in oxygen gas with an intense white light into the alkaline lithia, which dissolved in alcohol with a little acetic acid, and burnt, affords a red flame, making a curious contrast between the effects of colour produced by the metallic and oxidized state of lithium. THE ALLOTROPIC CONDITION OF OXYGEN GAS.The term allotropy (from a???t??p??, of a different nature) was first used by the renowned chemist Berzelius. Dimorphism, or diversity in crystalline form, is therefore a special case of allotropy, and is most amusingly illustrated with the iodide of mercury (HgI), which is made either by rubbing together equal combining proportions Other cases of dimorphism may be mentioned—viz., with sulphur, carbonate of lime, and lead, and many others, whilst allotropy is curiously illustrated in the various conditions of charcoal, which, in the more numerous examples, is black and opaque, and in another instance transparent like water. Lamp-black is soft, but the diamond is the hardest natural substance. The allotropic state of sulphur has been already alluded to; phosphorus, again, exists in three modifications: 1st, Common phosphorus, which shines in the dark and emits a white smoke. 2nd, White phosphorus. 3rd, Red or amorphous phosphorus, which does not shine or emit white smoke when exposed to the air, and is so altered in its properties that it may be safely carried in the pocket. Enough evidence has therefore been offered to show that the allotropic property is not confined to one element or compound, but is discoverable in many bodies, and in no one more so than in the allotropic state of the element oxygen called OZONE.The Greek language has again been selected by the discoverer, SchÖnbein, of Basle, for the title or name of this curious modification of oxygen, and it is so termed from ??e??, to smell. The name at once suggests a marked difference between ozone and oxygen, because the latter is perfectly free from odour, whilst the former has that peculiar smell which is called electric, and is distinguishable whenever an electrical machine is at work, or if a Leyden jar is charged by the powerful Rhumkoff, or Hearder coil; it is also apparent when water is decomposed by a current of electricity and resolved into its elements, oxygen and hydrogen. When highly concentrated it smells like chlorine; and the author recollects seeing the first experiments by SchÖnbein, in England, at Mr. Cooper's laboratory in the Blackfriars-road. Ozone is prepared by taking a clean empty bottle, and pouring therein a very For the sake of precaution, the bottle may stand in a basin or soup plate, so that if the phosphorus should take fire, it may be instantly extinguished by pouring cold water into the bottle, and should this crack and break, the phosphorus is received into the plate. Fig. 104. a. A quart bottle, with the stopper loosely placed therein. b. The stick of clean phosphorus. c. The water level just to half the thickness of the phosphorus. d d. A soup-plate. When the ozone is formed the phosphorus can be withdrawn, and the phosphorous-acid smoke washed out by shaking the bottle; it is distinguishable by its smell, and also by its action on test paper, prepared by painting with starch containing iodide of potassium on some Bath post paper; when this is placed in the bottle containing ozone, it changes the test blue, or rather a purplish blue. Ozone is a most energetic body, and a powerful bleaching agent; if a point is attached to the prime conductor of an electrical machine, and the electrified air is received into a bottle, it will be found to smell, and has the power of bleaching a very dilute solution of indigo. Ozone Fig. 105. v. A small voltaic battery standing on the stool with glass legs, s s, and capable of heating a thin length of platinum wire about two inches long, and bent to form a point between the conducting wires, w w.—N.B. The voltaic current can be cut off at pleasure, so as to cool the wire when necessary. a is the prime conductor of an ordinary cylinder electrical machine. b is the wire conveying the frictional electricity to the conducting wires of the voltaic battery, where the point p being the sharpest point in the arrangement, delivers the electrified and ozonized air. Ozone is insoluble in water, and oxidizes silver and lead leaf, finely powdered arsenic and antimony; it is a poison when inhaled in a concentrated state, whilst diluted, and generated by natural processes, it is a beneficent and beautiful provision against those numerous smells originating from the decay of animal and vegetable matter, which might produce disease or death: ozone is therefore a powerful disinfectant. The test for ozone is made by boiling together ten parts by weight of starch, one of iodide of potassium, and two hundred of water; it may either be painted on Bath post paper, and used at once, or blotting paper may be saturated with the test and dried, and when required for use it must be damped, either before or after testing for ozone, as it remains colourless when dry, but becomes blue after being moistened with water. Paper prepared with sulphate of manganese is an excellent test for ozone, and changes brown rapidly by the oxidation of the proto-salt of manganese, and its conversion into the binoxide of the metal. Ozone is also prepared by pouring a little sulphuric ether into a quart bottle, and then, after heating a glass rod in the flame of the spirit lamp, it may be plunged into the bottle, and after remaining there a few minutes ozone may be detected by the ordinary tests. NITROGEN, OR AZOTE.??t???, nitre; ?e??a?, I form; a, privative; ???, life. Symbol, N; combining proportion, 14. Also termed by Priestley, phlogisticated air. In the year 1772, Dr. Rutherford, Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh, published a thesis in Latin on fixed air, in which he says:—"By the respiration of animals healthy air is not merely rendered mephitic (i.e., charged with carbonic acid gas), but also suffers another change. For after the mephitic portion is absorbed by a caustic alkaline lixivium, the remaining portion is not rendered salubrious; and although it occasions no precipitate in lime-water, it nevertheless extinguishes flame and destroys life." Such is the doctor's account of the discovery of nitrogen, which may be separated from the oxygen in the air in a very simple manner. The atmosphere is the great storehouse of nitrogen, and four-fifths of its prodigious volume consist of this element. Composition of Atmospheric Air.
The usual mode of procuring nitrogen gas is to abstract or remove the oxygen from a given portion of atmospheric air, and the only point to be attended to, is to select some substance which will continue to burn as long as there is any oxygen left. Thus, if a lighted taper is placed in a bottle of air, it will only burn for a certain period, and is gradually and at last extinguished; not that the whole of the oxygen is removed or changed, because after the taper has gone out, some burning sulphur may be placed in the vessel, and will continue to burn for a limited period; and even after these two combustibles have, as it were, taken their fill of the oxygen, there is yet a little left, which is snapped up by burning phosphorus, whose voracious appetite for oxygen is only appeased by taking the whole. It is for this reason that phosphorus is employed for the purpose of removing the oxygen, and also because the product (phosphoric acid) is perfectly soluble in water, and thus the oxygen is first combined, and then washed out of a given volume of air, leaving the nitrogen behind. First Experiment.To prepare nitrogen gas, it is only necessary to place a little dry phosphorus in a Berlin porcelain cup on a wine glass, and to stand them in a soup plate containing water. The phosphorus is set on fire with a hot wire, and a gas jar or cylindrical jar is then carefully placed over it, so that the welt of the jar stands in the water in the soup plate. At first, expansion takes place in consequence of the heat, but this effect is soon reversed, as the oxygen is converted into a solid by union with the phosphorus, forming a white smoke, which gradually disappears. (Fig. 106.) Fig. 106. a. Cylindrical glass vessel, open at one end, and inverted over b, the wine-glass, supporting c, the cup containing the burning phosphorus, and the whole standing in a soup-plate, d d, containing water. Supposing two grains of phosphorus had been placed in a platinum tube, and just enough atmospheric air passed over it to convert the whole into phosphoric acid, the weight of the phosphorus would be increased to 4½ grains by the addition of 2½ grains For very delicate purposes, nitrogen is best prepared by passing air over finely-divided metallic copper heated to redness; this metal absorbs the whole of the oxygen and leaves the nitrogen. The finely-divided copper is procured by passing hydrogen gas over pure black oxide of copper. Second Experiment.Fig. 107. a. Glass jar, with collar of leather, through which the stamper, c, works. b b. The tube containing the finely-divided lead, part of which falls out, and is ignited, and retained by the little tray just below, being part of the iron stand, d d, with crutches supporting the ends of the glass tube, and the whole stands in the dish of water, e e. A very instructive experiment is performed by heating a good mass of tartrate of lead in a glass tube which is hermetically sealed, and being placed on an iron support, is then covered by a capped air jar with a sliding rod and stamper, the whole being arranged in a plate containing water. When the stamper is pushed down upon the glass the latter is broken (Fig. 107), and the air gradually penetrates to the finely divided lead, when ignition occurs, and the oxygen is absorbed, as demonstrated by the rise of the water in the jar. On the same principle, if a bottle is filled about one-third full with a liquid amalgam of lead and mercury, and then stopped and shaken for two hours or more, the finely divided lead absorbs the oxygen and leaves pure nitrogen. Or if a mixture of equal weights of sulphur and iron filings, is made into a paste with water in a thin iron cup, and then warmed and placed under a gas jar full of air standing on the Third Experiment.Nitrogen is devoid of colour, taste, smell, of alkaline or acid qualities; and, as we shall have occasion to notice presently, it forms an acid when chemically united with oxygen, and an alkali in union with hydrogen. A lighted taper plunged into this gas is immediately extinguished, while its specific gravity, which is lighter than that of oxygen or air, is demonstrated by the rule of proportion.
And its levity may be shown very prettily by a simple experiment. Select two gas jars of the same size, and after filling one with oxygen gas and the other with nitrogen gas, slide glass plates over the bottoms of the jars, and proceed to invert the one containing oxygen, placing the neck in a stand formed of a box open at the top; then place the jar containing nitrogen over the mouth of the first, withdrawing the glass plates carefully; and if the table is steady the top gas jar will stand nicely on the lower one. Then (having previously lighted a taper so as to have a long snuff) remove the stopper from the nitrogen jar and insert the lighted taper, which is immediately extinguished, and as quickly relighted by pushing it down to the lower jar containing the oxygen. This experiment may be repeated several times, and is a good illustration of the relative specific gravities of the two gases, and of the importance of the law of universal diffusion already explained at p. 6, by which these gases mix, not combine together, and the atmosphere remains in one uniform state of composition in spite of the changes going on at the surface of the earth. Omitting the aqueous vapour, or steam, ever present in variable quantities in the atmosphere, ten thousand volumes of dry air contain, according to Graham:—
Fig. 108. a. Gas jar containing nitrogen, n, standing on b, another jar full of oxygen, o. The taper, c, is extinguished at n, and relighted at o. d d. Stand supporting the jars. Fourth Experiment.It was the elegant, the accomplished, but ill-fated Lavoisier who discovered, by experimenting with quicksilver and air, the compound nature of the atmosphere; and it was the same chemist who gave the name of azote to nitrogen; it should, however, be borne in mind that it does not necessarily follow because a gas extinguishes flame that it is a poison. Nitrogen extinguishes flame, but we inhale enormous quantities of air without any ill effects from the nitrogen or azote that it contains; on the other hand, many gases that extinguish flame are specific poisons, such as carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, cyanogen, &c. Lavoisier's experiment may be repeated by passing into a measured jar, graduated into five equal volumes, four measures of nitrogen and one measure of oxygen; a glass plate should then be slid over the mouth of the vessel, and it may be turned up and down gently for some little time to mix the two gases, and when the mixture is tested with a lighted taper, it is found neither to increase nor diminish the illuminating power and the taper burns as it would do in atmospheric air. (Fig. 109.) Fig. 109. a. Gas jar divided into five equal parts. b B. Section of pneumatic trough, to show the decantation of gas from one vessel to another. The gas is being passed from c to a, through the water. HYDROGEN.Hydrogen (?d??, water; ?e??a?, I give rise to), so termed by Lavoisier—called by other chemists inflammable air, and phlogiston. Symbol, H; combining properties, 1. The lightest known form of matter. Every 100 parts by weight of water contain 11 parts of hydrogen gas; and as the quantity of water on the surface of the earth represents at least two-thirds of the whole area, the source of this gas, like that of oxygen or nitrogen, is inexhaustible. Van Helmont, Mayow, and Hales had shown that certain inflammable and peculiar gases could be obtained, but it was reserved for the rigidly philosophic mind of Cavendish to determine the nature of the elements contained in, and giving a speciality to, the inflammable gases of the older chemists. By acting with dilute acids upon iron, zinc, and tin, Cavendish liberated an inflammable elastic gas; and he discovered nearly all the properties we shall notice in the succeeding experiments, and especially demonstrated the composition of water in his paper read before the Royal Society in the year 1784. First Experiment.Hydrogen is prepared in a very simple manner, by placing some zinc cuttings in a bottle, to which is attached a cork and pewter or bent glass tube, and pouring upon the metal some dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Effervescence and ebullition take place, and the gas escapes in large quantities, water being decomposed; the oxygen passes to the zinc, and forms oxide of zinc, and this uniting with the sulphuric acid forms sulphate of zinc, which may be obtained after the escape of the hydrogen by evaporation and crystallization. (Fig. 110.) Zn + HO.SO3 = ZnO.SO3 + H; In nearly all the processes employed for the generation of hydrogen gas, a metal is usually employed, and this fact has suggested the notion that hydrogen may possibly be a metal, although it is the lightest known form of matter; and it will be observed in all the succeeding experiments that a metallic substance will be employed to take away the oxygen and displace the hydrogen. Fig. 110. a. Bottle containing zinc cuttings and water and fitted with a cap and two tubes, the one marked b, containing a funnel, conveys the sulphuric acid to the zinc and water, whilst the gas escapes through the pipe c. Whenever hydrogen is prepared it should be allowed to escape from the generating vessel for a few minutes before any flame is applied, in order that the atmospheric air may be expelled. The most serious accidents have occurred from carelessness in this respect, as a mixture of hydrogen and air is explosive, and the more dangerous when it takes fire in any closed glass bottle. Second Experiment.If a piece of potassium is confined in a little coarse wire gauze cage, attached to a rod, and thrust under a small jar full of water, placed on the shelf of the pneumatic trough, hydrogen gas is produced with great rapidity, and is received into the gas jar. The bit of potassium being surrounded with water, is kept cool, whilst the hydrogen escaping under the water is not of course burnt away, as it is whenever the metal is thrown on the surface of water. Third Experiment.Across a small iron table-furnace is placed about eighteen inches of 1-inch gas-pipe containing iron borings, the whole being red-hot; and attached to one end is a pipe conveying steam from a boiler, or flask, or retort, whilst another pipe is fitted to the opposite end, and passes to the pneumatic trough. Directly the steam passes over the red hot iron borings it is deprived of oxygen, which remains with the iron, forming the rust or oxide of iron, whilst the hydrogen, called in this case water gas, escapes with great rapidity. When steam is passed over red-hot charcoal, hydrogen is also produced with carbonic oxide gas, and this in fact is the ordinary process of making water gas, which being purified is afterwards saturated with some volatile hydrocarbon and burnt. At first sight, such a mode of making gas would be thought extremely profitable, and in spite of the numerous failures the discovery (so called) of water gas is reproduced as a sort of chronic wonder; but experience and practice have clearly demonstrated that water gas is a fallacy, and as long as we can get coal it is not worth while going through the round-about processes of first burning coal to produce steam; secondly, Thus, by the metals zinc, tin, potassium, red-hot iron (and we might add several others), the oxygen of water is removed and hydrogen gas liberated. Fig. 111. a. Flask containing water, and producing steam, which passes to the iron tube, b b, containing the iron borings heated red hot in the charcoal stove c. The hydrogen passes to the jar d, standing on the shelf of the pneumatic trough. Fourth Experiment.If bottles of hydrogen gas are prepared by all the processes described, they will present the same properties when tested under similar circumstances. A lighted taper applied to the mouths of the bottles of hydrogen, which should be inverted, causes the gas to take fire with a slight noise, in consequence of the mixture of air and hydrogen that invariably takes place when the stopper is removed; on thrusting the lighted taper into the bulk of the gas it is extinguished, showing that hydrogen possesses the opposite quality to oxygen—viz., that it takes fire, but does not support combustion. By keeping the bottles containing the hydrogen upright, when the stopper is removed the gas escapes with great rapidity, and atmospheric air takes its place, so much so that by the time a lighted taper is applied, instead of the gas burning quietly, it frequently astonishes the operator with a loud pop. This sudden attack on the nerves may be prevented by always experimenting with inverted bottles. (Fig. 112.) Fig. 112. a. Bottle opened upright, and hydrogen exploding. b. Bottle opened inverted, and hydrogen burning quietly at the mouth. Fifth Experiment.Hydrogen is 14.4 lighter than air, and for that reason may be passed into bottles and jars without the assistance of the pneumatic trough. One of the most amusing proofs of its levity is that of filling paper bags or balloons with this gas; and we read, in the accounts of the fÊtes at A bell rung in a gas jar containing air emits a very different sound from that which is produced in one full of hydrogen—a simple experiment is easily performed by passing a jar containing hydrogen over a self-acting bell, such as is used for telegraphic purposes. (Fig. 113.) Fig. 113. a. Stand and bell. b b. Tin cylinder full of hydrogen, which may be raised or depressed at pleasure, by lifting it with the knob at the top, when the curious changes in the sound of the bell are audible. Sixth Experiment.Some of the small pipes from an organ may be made to emit the most curious sounds by passing heavy and light gases through them; in these experiments bags containing the gases should be employed, which may drive air, oxygen, carbonic acid, or hydrogen, through the organ pipes at precisely the same pressure. Seventh Experiment.One of those toys called "The Squeaking Toy" affords another and ridiculous example of the effect of hydrogen on sound, when it is used in a jar containing this gas. (Fig. 114.) Fig. 114. The squeaking toy, used in a jar of hydrogen. Eighth Experiment.An accordion played in a large receptacle containing hydrogen gas demonstrates still more clearly what would be the effect of an orchestra shut up in a room containing a mixture of a considerable portion of hydrogen with air, as the former, like nitrogen, is not a poison, and only kills in the absence of oxygen gas. Ninth Experiment.Some very amusing experiments with balloons have been devised by Mr. Darby, the eminent firework manufacturer, by which they are made to carry signals of three kinds, and thus the motive or ascending power may be utilized to a certain extent. Mr. Darby's attention was first directed to the manufacture of a good, serviceable, and cheap balloon, which he made of paper, cut with mathematical precision; the gores or divisions being made equal, and when pasted together, strengthened by the insertion of a string at the juncture; so that the skeleton of the balloon was made of string, the whole terminating in the neck, which was further stiffened with calico, and completed when required by a good coating of boiled oil. These balloons are about nine feet high and five feet in diameter in the widest part, exactly like a pear, and tapering to the neck in the most graceful and elegant manner. They retain the hydrogen gas remarkably well for many hours, and do not leak, in consequence of the paper of which they are made being well selected and all holes stopped, and also from the circumstance of the pressure being so well distributed over the interior by the almost mathematical precision with which they are cut, and the careful preparation of the paper with proper varnish. One of their greatest recommendations is cheapness; for whilst a gold-beater's skin balloon of the same size would cost about 5l., these can be furnished at 5s. each in large quantities. A balloon required to carry one or more persons must be constructed of the best materials, and cannot be too carefully made; it is therefore a somewhat costly affair, and as much as 200l., 500l., and even 1000l. have been expended in the construction of these aerial chariots. The chief points requiring attention are:—first, the quality of the silk; secondly, the precision and scrupulous nicety required in cutting The usual material is Indian silk (termed Corah silk), at from 2s. to 2s. 6d. per yard. The gores or parts with which the balloon is constructed require, as before stated, great attention; it being a common saying amongst aeronauts, "that a cobweb will hold the gas if properly shaped" the object being to diffuse the pressure equally over the whole bag or balloon. The varnish with which the silk is rendered air-tight can be made according to the private recipe of Mr. Graham, an aeronaut, who states that he uses for this purpose two gallons of linseed oil (boiled), two ditto (raw), and four ounces of beeswax; the whole being simmered together for one hour, answers remarkably well, and the varnish is tough and not liable to crack. For repairing holes in a balloon, Mr. Graham recommends a cement composed of two pounds of black resin and one pound of tallow, melted together, and applied on pieces of varnished silk to the apertures. The actual cost of a balloon will be understood from information also derived from Mr. Graham. His celebrated "Victoria Balloon," which has passed through so many hairbreadth escapes, was sixty-five feet high, and thirty-eight feet in diameter in the broadest part; and the following articles were used in its construction:— Thirty-eight thousand cubic feet of coal gas were required to fill this balloon, charged by one company 20l., by others from 9l. to 10l.; and eight men were required to hold the inflated baggy monster. Such a balloon as described above is a mere soap bubble when compared with the "New Aerial Ship" now building in the vicinity of New York; the details are so practical and interesting, that we quote nearly the whole account of this mammoth or Great Eastern amongst balloons, as given in the New York Times. "An experiment in scientific ballooning, greater than has yet been undertaken, is about to be tried in this city. The project of crossing the Atlantic Ocean with an air-ship, long talked of, but never accomplished, has taken a shape so definite that the apparatus is already prepared and the aeronaut ready to undertake his task. "The work has been conducted quietly, in the immediate vicinity of New York, since the opening of spring. The new air-ship, which has "The aeronaut in charge is Mr. T. S. C. Lowe, a New Hampshire man, who has made thirty-six balloon ascensions. "The dimensions of the City of New York so far exceed those of any balloon previously constructed, that the bare fact of its existence is notable. Briefly, for so large a subject, the following are the dimensions:—Greatest diameter, 130 feet; transverse diameter, 104 feet; height, from valve to boat, 350 feet; weight, with outfit, 3½ tons; lifting power (aggregate), 22½ tons; capacity of gas envelope, 725,000 cubic feet. "The City of New York, therefore, is nearly five times larger than the largest balloon ever before built. Its form is that of the usual perpendicular gas-receiver, with basket and lifeboat attached. "Six thousand yards of twilled cloth have been used in the construction of the envelope. Reduced to feet, the actual measurement of this material is 54,000 feet—or nearly 11 miles. Seventeen of Wheeler and Wilson's sewing machines have been employed to connect the pieces, and the upper extremity of the envelope, intended to receive the gas-valve, is of triple thickness, strengthened with heavy brown linen, and sewed in triple seams. The pressure being greatest at this point, extraordinary power of resistance is requisite. It is asserted that 100 women, sewing constantly for two years, could not have accomplished this work, which measures by miles. The material is stout and the stitching stouter. "The varnish applied to this envelope is a composition the secret of which rests with Mr. Lowe. Three or four coatings are applied, in order to prevent leakage of the gas. "The netting which surrounds the envelope is a stout cord, manufactured from flax expressly for the purpose. Its aggregate strength is equal to a resistance of 160 tons, each cord being capable of sustaining a weight of 400 lbs. or 500 lbs. "The basket which is to be suspended immediately below the balloon is made of rattan, is 20 feet in circumference and 4 feet deep. Its form is circular, and it is surrounded by canvas. This car will carry the aeronauts. It is warmed by a lime-stove, an invention of Mr. O. A. Gager, by whom it was presented to Mr. Lowe. A lime-stove is a new feature in air voyages. It is claimed that it will furnish heat without fire, and is intended for a warming apparatus only. The stove is 1½ feet high, and 2 feet square. Mr. Lowe states that he is so well convinced of the utility of this contrivance, that he conceives it to be possible to ascend to a region where water will freeze, and yet keep himself from freezing. This is to be tested. "Dropping below the basket is a metallic lifeboat, in which is placed an Ericsson engine. Captain Ericsson's invention is therefore to be tried in mid-air. Its particular purpose is the control of a propeller, rigged upon the principle of the screw, by which it is proposed to obtain "Mr. Lowe contends that the application of machinery to aerial navigation has been long enough a mere theory. He proposes to reduce the theory to practice, and see what will come of it. It is estimated that the raising and lowering power of the machinery will be equal to a weight of 300 lbs., the fans being so adjusted as to admit of very rapid motion upward or downward. As the loss of three or four pounds only is sufficient to enable a balloon to rise rapidly, and as the escape of a very small portion of the gas suffices to reduce its altitude, Mr. Lowe regards this systematic regulator as quite sufficient to enable him to control his movements and to keep at any altitude he desires. It is his intention to ascend to a height of three or four miles at the start, but this altitude will not be permanently sustained. He prefers, he says, to keep within a respectable distance of mundane things, where 'he can see folks.' It is to be hoped his machinery will perform all that he anticipates from it. It is a novel affair throughout, and a variety of new applications remain to be tested. Mr. Lowe, expressing the utmost confidence in all the appointments of his apparatus, assured us that he would certainly go, and, as certainly, would go into the ocean, or deliver a copy of Monday's Times in London on the following Wednesday. He proposes to effect a landing in England or France, and will take a course north of east. A due easterly course would land him in Spain, but to that course he objects. He hopes to make the trip from this city to London in forty-eight hours, certainly in sixty-four hours. He scouts the idea of danger, goes about his preparations deliberately, and promises himself a good time. As the upper currents, setting due east, will not permit his return by the same route, he proposes to pack up the City of New York, and take the first steamer for home. "The air-ship will carry weight. Its cubical contents of 725,000 feet of gas suffice to lift a weight of 22½ tons. With outfit complete its own weight will be 3½ tons. With this weight 19 tons of lifting power remain, and there is accordingly room for as many passengers as will care to take the venture. We understand, however, that the company is limited to eight or ten. Mr. Lowe provides sand for ballast, regards his chances of salvation as exceedingly favourable, A night ascent witnessed at any of the public gardens is certainly a stirring scene, particularly if the wind is rather high. On approaching the balloon, swayed to and fro by the breeze, it seems almost capable of crushing the bold individual who would venture beneath it; seen as a large dark mass in the yet dimly-lighted square, it appears to be incapable of control; when the inflation is completed, the aeronaut, all importance, seats himself in the car, and blue lights, with other fireworks, display the victim who is to make a "last ascent," or perhaps descent. Finally the word is given, the ropes are cast off, and the bulky chariot rises majestically to the sound of the National Anthem. The crowd see no more, but the next day's Times reports the end of the aerial journey. Balloons can never be of any permanent value as means of locomotion until they can be steered; and this is a problem, the solution of which is something like perpetual motion. In the first place, a balloon of any size exposes an enormous surface to the pressure and force of the winds; and when we consider that they move at the rate of from three to eighty miles per hour, it will be understood that the fabric of the balloon itself must give way in any attempt to tear, work, or pull it against such a force. Secondly and lastly, the power has not yet been created which will do all this without the inconvenience of being so heavy that the steering engine fixes the balloon steadily to the earth by its obstinate gravity. When engines of power are constructed without the aeronaut's obstacle of weight—when balloons are made of thin copper or sheet-iron, then we may possibly hear of the voyage of the good ship Aerial, bound for any place, and quite independent of dock, port, and the host of dues (quere), which the sea-going ships have to disburse. It is, however, gratifying to the zeal and perseverance of those who dream of aerial navigation, to know that a balloon is not quite useless; and here we may return to the consideration of Mr. Darby's signals, which are of various kinds, and intended to appeal to the senses by night as well as by day; and first, by audible sounds. Such means have long been recognised, from the ancient float and bell of the "Inchcape Rock," to the painful minute-gun at sea, or the shrill railway whistle and detonating signals employed to prevent the horrors of a collision between two trains. The signal sounds are produced by the explosion of shells capable of yielding a report equal to that of a six-pounder cannon, and they are constructed in a very simple manner. A ball, composed of wood or copper, and made up by screwing together the two hemispheres, is attached to a shaft or tail of cane or lance-wood, properly feathered like an arrow; at the side opposite to that of the arrow—viz., at its antipodes, is placed a slight protuberance Fig. 115. a. Ring attached to balloon, carrying an hexagonal framework with six shells. b. Hollow fuse, which burns slowly up to the strings, and detaches each shell in succession. c. Section of shell. The shaded portion represents the gunpowder. The bill distributor consists of a long piece of wood, to which are Fig. 116. The bill distributor, consisting of three hollow fuses, with bills attached in packets. Another most ingenious arrangement, also prepared by Mr. Darby, is termed by the inventor, the "Land and Water Signal," and may be thus described:—A short hollow ball of gutta-percha, or other convenient material, five or six inches in diameter, and filled with printed bills, or the information, whatever it may be, that is required to be sent, is attached to a cap to which a red flag, having the words "Open the shell" and four cross sticks, canes, or whalebones with bits of cork at equal distances, are fitted. The whole is connected by a string to the fuse as before described. These signals are adapted for land and water: in either case they fall upright, and in consequence of the sticks projecting out they float well in the water, and can be seen by a telescope at a distance of three miles. (Fig. 117.) Many of these signals were sent away by Mr. Darby from Vauxhall; one was picked up at Harwich, another at Brighton, a third at Croydon; in the latter case it was found by a cottager, who, fearing gunpowder and combustibles, did not examine the shell, but having mentioned the circumstance to a gentleman living near him, they agreed to cut it open; and intelligence of their arrival, in this and the other cases, was politely forwarded to Mr. Darby at Vauxhall Gardens. Fig. 117. The land and water signal, which remains upright on land, or floats on the surface of water. a. The water-tight gutta-percha shell, containing the message or information. b b b. Sticks of cane to keep the flag in an upright position; at the ends are attached cork bungs. Balloons, like a great many other clever inventions, have been despised by military men as new-fangled expedients, toys, which may do very well to please the gaping public, but are and must be useless in the field. Over and over again it has been suggested that a balloon corps for observation should be attached to the British army, but the scheme has Over and over again the most excellent histories have been written of aerostation, but they all tend to one truth, and that is, the great danger and risk of such excursions; and to enable our readers to form their own judgment, a chronological list of some of the most celebrated aeronauts, &c., is appended. 1675. Bernair attempted to fly—killed. Of the 41 persons enumerated, 14 were killed, and nearly all the aeronauts met with accidents which might have proved fatal. Fig. 118. Flying machine (theoretical). Tenth Experiment.Soap bubbles blown with hydrogen gas ascend with great rapidity, and break against the ceiling; if interrupted in their course with a lighted taper they burn with a slight yellow colour and dull report. Eleventh Experiment.By constructing a pewter mould in two halves, of the shape of a tolerably large flask, a balloon of collodion may be made by pouring the collodion inside the pewter vessel, and taking care that every part is properly covered; the pewter mould may be warmed by the external application of hot water, so as to drive off the ether of the collodion, and when quite dry the mould is opened and the balloon taken out. Such balloons may be made and inflated with hydrogen by attaching to them a strip of paper, dipped in a solution of wax and phosphorus, and sulphuret of carbon; as the latter evaporates, the phosphorus takes fire and spreads to the balloon; which burns with a slight report. The pewter mould must be very perfectly made, and should be bright inside; and if the balloons are filled with oxygen and hydrogen, allowing a sufficient excess of the latter to give an ascending power, they explode with a loud noise directly the fire reaches the mixed gases. Twelfth Experiment.In a soup-plate place some strong soap and water; then blow out a number of bubbles with a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen; a loud report occurs on the application of flame, and if the room is small the window should be placed open, as the concussion of the air is likely to break the glass. Thirteenth Experiment.Any noise repeated at least thirty-two times in a second produces a musical sound, and by producing a number of small explosions of hydrogen gas inside glass tubes of various sizes, the most peculiar sounds are obtained. The hydrogen flame should be extremely small, and the glass tubes held over it may be of all lengths and diameters; a trial only will determine whether they are fit for the purpose or not. Fourteenth Experiment.Flowers, figures, or other designs, may be drawn upon silk with a solution of nitrate of silver, and the whole being moistened with water, is exposed to the action of hydrogen gas, which removes the oxygen from the silver, and reduces it to the metallic state. In like manner designs drawn with a solution of chloride of gold are produced in the metallic state by exposure to the action of hydrogen gas. Chloride of tin, usually termed muriate of tin, may also be reduced in a similar manner, care being taken in these experiments that Fifteenth Experiment.A mixture of two volumes of hydrogen with one volume of oxygen explodes with great violence, and produces two volumes of steam, which condense against the sides of the strong glass vessel, in which the experiment may be made, in the form of water. As the apparatus called the Cavendish bottle, by which this experiment only may be safely performed, is somewhat expensive, and requires the use of an air-pump, gas jars with stop-cocks, and an electrical machine and Leyden jar, other and more simple means may be adopted to show the combination of oxygen and hydrogen, and formation of water. If a little alcohol is placed in a cup and set on fire, whilst an empty cold gas jar is held over the flame, an abundant deposition of moisture takes place from the combustion of the hydrogen of the spirits of wine. Alcohol contains six combining properties of hydrogen, with four of charcoal and two of oxygen. If a lighted candle, or an oil, camphine, Belmontine, or gas flame, is placed under a proper condenser, large quantities of water are obtained by the combustion of these substances (Fig. 119). Fig. 119. a. A burning candle, or oil or gas lamp. Copper head and long pipe fitting into b c, the receiver from which the condensed water drops into d. e e. Two corks fitted, between which is folded some wet rag. Sixteenth Experiment.During the combustion of a mixture of two volumes of hydrogen with one of oxygen, an enormous amount of heat is produced, which is usefully applied in the arrangement of the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe. The flame of the mixed gases produces little or no light, but when directed on various metals contained in a small hole made in a fire brick, a most intense light is obtained from the combustion of the metals, which is variously coloured, according to the nature of the substances employed. With cast-iron the most vivid scintillations are obtained, particularly if after having fused and boiled the cast-iron with the jet of the two gases, one of them, viz., the hydrogen, is turned off, and the oxygen only directed upon the fused ball of iron, then the carbon of the iron burns with great rapidity, the little globule is enveloped in a shower of sparks, and the whole affords an excellent notion of the principle of Bessemer's patent method of converting cast-iron at once into pure malleable iron, or by stopping short of the full combustion of carbon, into cast-steel. The apparatus for conducting these experiments is of various kinds, and different jets have been from time to time recommended on account of their alleged safety. It may be asserted that all arrangements proposed for burning any quantity of the mixed gases are extremely dangerous: if an explosion takes place it is almost as destructive as gunpowder, and should no particular damage be done to the room, there is still the risk of the sudden vibration of the air producing permanent deafness. If it is desired to burn the mixed gases, perhaps the safest apparatus is that of Gurney; in this arrangement the mixed gases bubble up through a little reservoir of water, and thus the gas-holder—viz., a bladder, is cut off from the jet when the combustion takes place. (Fig. 120.) This jet is much recommended by Mr. Woodward, the highly respected President of the Islington Literary and Scientific Institution, and may be fitted up to show the phenomena of polarized light, the microscope, and other interesting optical phenomena. Fig. 120. Gurney's jet. a. Pipe with stop-cock leading from the gas-holder. b. The little reservoir of water through which the mixed gases bubble. c. The jet where the gases burn. d. Cork, which is blown out if the flame recedes in the pipe, c. Mr. Woodward states, that a series of experiments, continued during many years, has proved, that while the bladder containing the mixed gases is under pressure, the flame cannot be made to pass the safety chambers, and consequently an explosion is impossible; and even if through extreme carelessness or design, as by the removal of pressure or the contact of a spark with the bladder, an explosion occurs, it can produce no other than the momentary effect of the alarm occasioned by Fig. 121. a. The bladder of mixed gases, pressed by the board, b b, attached by wire supports to another board, c c, which carries the weights, d d. e e. Pipe to which the bladder, a, is screwed, and when a is emptied, it is re-filled from the other bladder, r. f f f. Pipe conveying mixed gases to the lantern, g g, where they are burnt from a Gurney's jet, h. In the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe usually employed, the gases are kept quite separate, either in gasometers or gas bags, and are conveyed by distinct pipes to a jet of very simple construction, devised by the late Professor Daniell, where they mix in very small volumes, and are burnt at once at the mouth of the jet. (Fig. 122.) Fig. 122. Daniell's jet. o o. The stop-cock and pipe conveying oxygen, and fitting inside the larger tube h h, to which is attached a stop-cock, h, connected with the hydrogen receiver. a. The orifice near which the gases mix, and where they are burnt. The gases are stored either in copper gasometers or in air-tight bags of Macintosh cloth, capable of containing from four to six cubic feet of gas, and provided with pressure boards. The boards are loaded with two or three fifty-six pound weights to force out the gas with sufficient Fig. 123. Fig. 123. Gas bag and pressure boards. The oxy-hydrogen jet is further varied in construction by receiving the gases from separate reservoirs, and allowing them to mix in the upper part of the jet, which is provided with a safety tube filled with circular pieces of wire gauze. (Fig. 124.) With this arrangement a most intense light is produced, called the Drummond or lime light, and coal gas is now usually substituted for hydrogen. Fig. 124. a a. Board to which b b is fixed. o. Oxygen pipe. h. Hydrogen pipe. c c. Space filled with wire gauze. d. Lime cylinder. Seventeenth Experiment.There are many circumstances that will cause the union of oxygen and hydrogen, which, if confined by themselves in a glass vessel, may be preserved for any length of time without change; but if some powdered glass, or any other finely-divided substance with sharp points, is introduced into the mixed gases at a temperature not exceeding 660° Fahrenheit, then the gases silently unite and form water. This curious mode of effecting their combination is shown in a still more interesting manner by perfectly clear platinum foil, which if introduced into the mixed gases gradually begins to glow, and becoming red-hot causes the gases to explode. Or still better, by the method first devised by Dobereiner, in 1824, by which finely prepared spongy platinum—i.e., platinum in a porous state, and exposing a large metallic surface—is almost instantaneously heated red-hot by contact with the mixed gases. When this fact became known, it was further applied to the construction of an instantaneous light, in which hydrogen was made to play upon a little ball of spongy platinum, and immediately kindled. These Dobereiner lamps were possessed by a few of the curious, and would no doubt be extensively used if the discovery of phosphorus had not supplied a cheaper and more convenient fire-giving agent. When the spongy platinum is mixed with some fine pipeclay, and made into little pills, they may (after being slightly warmed) be introduced into a mixture of the two gases, and will silently effect their union. The theory of the combination is somewhat obscure, and perhaps the simplest one is that which supposes the platinum sponge to act as a conductor of electric influences between the two sets of gaseous particles; although, again, it is difficult to reconcile this theory with the fact that powdered glass at 660°, a bad conductor of electricity, should effect the same object. The result appears to be due to some effects of surface by which the gases seem to be condensed and brought into a condition that enables them to abandon their gaseous state and assume that of water. When Sir H. Davy invented the safety-lamp, he was aware that, in certain explosive conditions of the air in coal mines, the flame of the lamp was extinguished, and in order that the miner should not be left in the dreary darkness and intricacies of the galleries without some means of seeing the way out, he devised an ingenious arrangement with thin platinum wire, which was coiled round the flame of the lamp, and fixed properly, so that it could not be moved from its proper place by any accidental shaking. When the flame of the safety-lamp, having the platinum wire attached, was accidentally extinguished by the explosive atmosphere in which it was burning, the platinum commenced glowing with an intense heat, and continued to emit light as long as it remained in the dangerous part of the mine. Sir H. Davy warned those who might use the platinum to take care that no portion of the thin wire passed outside the wire gauze, for the obvious reason that, if ignited outside the wire gauze protector, it would inflame the fire-damp. Eighteenth Experiment.Water is decomposed by passing a current of voltaic electricity through it by means of two platinum plates, which may be connected with a ten-cell Grove's battery. The gases are collected in separate tubes, and the experiment offers one of the most instructive illustrations of the composition of water. (Fig. 125.) Fig. 125. p p. Two platinum plates connected with wires to the cups. The wires are passed through holes in the finger-glass, b b, and are fixed perfectly steady by pouring in cement composed of resin and tallow to the line l l. Two glass tubes filled with water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and placed over the platinum plates in finger-glass, which also contains dilute sulphuric acid to improve the conducting power of the water. The wires of the battery are placed in the cups, and the arrows show the direction of the current of electricity. There is a current of electricity passing from and between two platinum plates decomposing water, offering the converse of the Dobereiner experiment, and highly suggestive of the probability of the theory already advanced in explanation of the singular combination of oxygen and hydrogen in the presence of clean platinum foil, and more especially when we consider the operation of Grove's gas battery, in which a current of electricity is produced by pieces of platinum foil covered with finely-divided platinum, called platinum black; each piece is contained in a separate glass tube filled alternately with oxygen and hydrogen, and by connecting a great number of these tubes a current of electricity is obtained, whilst the oxygen and hydrogen are slowly absorbed and disappear, having combined and formed water, although placed in separate glass tubes. (Fig. 126.) Fig. 126. Grove's gas battery consists of tubes containing oxygen and hydrogen alternately, and having a thin piece of platinum foil, p, inserted by the blowpipe in each glass tube. The foil hangs down the full length of the interior of the glass. Each pair of tubes is contained in a little glass tumbler containing some dilute sulphuric acid, and the hydrogen tube, h, of one pair, is connected with the oxygen tube, o, of the next. w w. The terminal wires of the series. The analysis of water is shown very perfectly on the screen by fitting up some very small tubes and platinum wires in the same manner as shown in fig. 125. The vessel in which the tubes and wires are contained with the dilute sulphuric acid must be small, and arranged so as to pass nicely into the space usually filled by the picture in an ordinary magic lantern, or, still better, in one lighted by the oxy-hydrogen or lime light. If the dilute acid is coloured with a little solution of indigo, the gradual displacement of the fluid by the production of the two gases is very perfectly developed on the screen when the small voltaic battery is attached to the apparatus; and of course a large number of persons may watch the experiment at the same time. With respect to the application of the light produced from a jet of Fig. 127. Cherbourg. Mr. Sykes Ward, of Leeds, has also proposed a most simple and excellent application of the oxy-hydrogen light for illumination under the Fig. 128. a a. Tube reservoir to hold the mixed gases. b. The jet and lime ball. d. The first glass shade, held down by a cap and screw. c. The second glass shade. e e. The handle by which it is lowered into the water. The author tried this lamp at Ryde, and although the coast-guards objected to the production of a brilliant light at night, which they stated might be mistaken for a signal and would cause some confusion amongst the war vessels in the immediate neighbourhood, enough experiments were made, to show that the Ward lamp would burn for a considerable time under water, and could be kept charged with the gas by means of a process that was easily workable in the boat. The gases were taken out mixed in gas bags, and pumped into the reservoir when required. With a much larger reservoir greater results could be obtained; and if nautilus diving bells are to be used in modern warfare, they will require a powerful light to show them their prey, so that they may attach the explosives which are to blow great holes in the men-of-war. Fig. 129. Submarine lamp. |