That power which drives a revolving body from a centre, and it may be illustrated by turning a closed parasol, or umbrella, rapidly round on its centre, the stick being the axis—the ribs fly out, and if there is much friction in the parts, the illustration is more certain by attaching a bullet to the end of each rib, as shown in our drawing. Fig. 21. Fig. 21. The same fact may be illustrated by a square mahogany rod, say one inch square and three feet long, with two flaps eighteen inches in length, hanging by hinges, and parallel to the sides of the centre rod, which immediately fly out on the rotation of the long centre piece. Fig. 22. Fig. 22. The toy called the centrifugal railway is also a very pretty illustration of the same fact. A glass of water, or a coin, may be placed in the little carriage, and although it must be twice hanging perpendicular in a line with the earth, the carriage does not tumble away from its appointed track, and the centrifugal force binds it firmly to the interior of the circle round which it revolves. Fig. 22. Fig. 23. Another striking and very simple illustration is to suspend a hemispherical cup by three cords, and having twisted them, by turning round the cup, it may be filled with water, and directly the hand is withdrawn, the torsion of the cord causes the cup to rotate, and the water describes a circle on the floor, flying off at a tangent from the cup, as may be noticed in the accompanying cut. Fig. 23. Fig. 24. A hoop when trundled would tumble on its side if the force of gravitation was not overcome by the centrifugal force which imparts to it a motion in the direction of a tangent (tango, to touch) to a circle. The same principle applies to the spinning-top—this toy cannot be made to stand upon its point until set in rapid motion. Returning again to the subject of gravitation, we may now consider it in relation to other and more magnificent examples which we discover by studying the science of astronomy. |