ss="isub1">shock after, 498 temperature after, 498 thirst after, 494 urinary secretion after, 496 vomiting after, 497 water after, 494 Cellulitis, pelvic, 303 Cervical catarrh, 153, 166 erosion in, 167 in displacements, 167 in laceration of cervix, 152 sclerosis in, 167 Cervix, amputation of, 162, 163 conception after, 165 in subinvolution of uterus, 216 in uterine prolapse, 117 applications to, 172 artery of, 504 atresia of, 17 carcinoma of, 181. See also Carcinoma. chancre of, 180 congenital erosion of, 174 split of, 177 cystic degeneration of, 152, 155 dilatation of, 124 results of, 126 direction of, 95 distance of, from coccyx, 95 ectropion of, 150, 152, 159 endometritis of, 166 erosion of, after laceration, 176 erosions of, 152, 155 eversion in laceration of, 150 examination of discharge from, 452 gonorrhea of, 451 hypertrophic elongation of, 178 in infancy, 119 laceration of, 148 diagnosis of, 154 from congenital ectropion, 176 Nabothian cysts in, 152, 184 reflex symptoms, 154 sclerosis in, 152 subinvolution in, 152 symptoms, 153 trachelorrhaphy in, 156 treatment, 156 ulceration in, 152 varieties, 150 with endometritis, 153 of bladder, 436 patulous canal, Extra-uterine pregnancy, 314. See also Tubal pregnancy. Facies ovariana, 381 Fallopian tubes, 272 actinomycosis of, 28 adenoma of, 313 anatomy of, 272 cancer of, 313 cysts of Morgagni, 276 development of, 395 examination of, 25 gummata of, 313 inflammation of, 276. See also Salpingitis. miliary tuberculosis of, 308 myoma of, 313 pregnancy in, 314. See also Tubal pregnancy. sarcoma of, 313 tubercle of, 307 tuberculosis of, 306, 309, 312 unsuspected, 308 Fibroid tumors, anatomic changes, 235 hysterectomy in, 526 in Africans, 16 in animals, 15 in celibacy, 18 of uterus, 230 and ovarian cyst, 248 and pregnancy, 247, 256 appearance of, 232 circulatory abnormalities in, 245 degenerations of, 237, 238 diagnosis of, 246, 248 duration of life in, 236 frequency of, 241 gangrene in, 239 hemorrhage in, 242 hypertrophy in, 242 hysterectomy in, 254 in menopause, 242 interstitial, 232 intra-ligamentous, 232, 235, 526 intra-uterine polyp, 234, 256 ligation of uterine arteries in, 252 lymphangiectatic, 238 menstruation, in, 241, 242, 249 myomectomy in, 255 necrobiosis of, 239 polypoid, 256 pressure-symptoms of, 245 procreative abnormalities in, 123 Morgagni, cysts of, 276, 369 Mortality after celiotomy, 501 Movable kidney, 21 MÜller, ducts of, 395 Muscles of perineum, 58 Myo-fibroma, uterine, 230 Myoma of Fallopian tubes, 313 uterine, 230 Myomectomy, abdominal, 255 technique of, 530, 533 Myxoma, ovarian, 390 peritoneal, 378 Nabothian cysts, 152 Necrobiosis in uterine fibroid, 239 Needle for cervix, 156 for fistula, 418 for perineum, 65 Needle-holder, Emmet’s, 65 Reiner’s, 477 Neoplasms of vulva, 46, 49 Normal salt solution, 468 Nuck, canal of, 42 Nurse’s duties in operating-room, 470 Obturator, 33 OÖphoritis, 339. See also Ovary, inflammation of. Operating-room, 461 discipline of, 470 preparation of, 462 temperature of, 462 Operating-table, 462 Opium after celiotomy, 495 Ostium vaginÆ, 57 Ovarian abscess, 283 adenomata, 354 artery, 502 ligation of, 520, 526 carcinomata, 392 cyst, 15 axial rotation in, 375 dermoid, 512 duration of, 382 examination of, 383 inflammation of, 374, 382 malignant degeneration of, 380 marsupialization of, 515 necrosis of, 377 operation for, 389 pregnancy, 329 pressure results of, 379 rapidity of growth, 381, 382 removal of, 512 rupture of, 377, 62 secondary, 64 Perineum, anatomy and mechanism of, 56 characteristics after sulci-tear, 78, 79 of uninjured, 74 fasciÆ of, 57 injuries to, 62 lacerations, classification of, 80 Emmet’s operation for, 80 ligaments, 57 median laceration of, 67 involving sphincter, 68 muscles, 57 Peri-oÖphoritis, in inflammation of ovary, 339 Peritoneum, action of antiseptics on, 457 causes of infection of, 485 cleansing before operation, 490 infection in minor gynecology, 458 toilet of, 490 Peritonitis after celiotomy, 500 Pessary, contraindications to use, 141 Hodge, 134 in anteflexion, 123 in retro-displacement, 133, 146 Smith, 133 stem, 123 Thomas, 134 vaginal, 133, 138, 140 PflÜger, tubes of, 354 Phantom tumor, 386 Polypi of cervix, 178, 182 tubal pregnancy and, 314 urethral, 435 uterine, 234, 256 with endometritis, 203 Position, dorsal, 31 genu-pectoral, 31, 32 knee-chest, 31, 33 latero-abdominal, 31 of uterus, 94 Sims’, 31, 32 Trendelenburg, 462, 510 Post-climacteric endometritis, 213 Pregnancy after amputation of cervix, 165 after celiotomy, 389 after curettement, 212 as cause of prolapse, 108 extra-uterine, 314. See also Tubal pregnancy. in anteflexion, 123 influence on anteflexion, amenorrhea in, 326 ballottement in, 323 causes of, 314 classification of, 315 curettage for diagnosis in, 315 decidual transformation of endometrium in, 320 diagnosis of, 325 Fallopian tube, changes in, 315 fetal movements in, 323 heart-sounds in, 323 hematoma in, 324 hemorrhage in, 317 mammary changes in, 322 menstruation in, 322 pain in, 322, 324 placental hemorrhage during celiotomy for, 329 polypi as cause of, 314 rupture in, 316, 317, 324, 327 secondary rupture, 317 skin-changes in, 322 spurious labor in, 321 symptoms of, 321 termination of, 316, 328 treatment of, 327 tubal changes in, 315 uterine changes in, 316, 320 vaginal changes in, 322 varieties of, 314 Tuberculosis of cervix, 180 of Fallopian tubes, 306 chronic diffuse, 309 fibroid, 309 diagnosis of, 311 infection of, 310 miliary, 308 primary, 309 prognosis in, 311 secondary, 310 symptoms, 310 treatment of, 312 unsuspected, 308 of ovary, 393 of uterus, 261 Tubo-ovarian abscess, 283, 287 pregnancy, 314. See also Tubal pregnancy. Ureter, bimanual examination of, 25 carcinoma of, 185 introduction of bougies in hysterectomy, 523 relations of, 445, 521, 526 to uterine artery, 52 cysts of, 51 |