CHAPTER I. | | PAGE | The General Causes of Diseases of Women | 15 | CHAPTER II. | Methods of Examination | 19 | Examination of the Abdomen, 19.—Examination of the External Genitals and Pelvic Structures, 22.—Vaginal and Bimanual Examination, 23.—Examination of the Rectum, 33.—Examination of the Bladder, 34.—Antisepsis, 35. | CHAPTER III. | Diseases of the External Genitals | 36 | Vulvitis, 36.—Inflammation of the Vulvo-vaginal Glands, 38.—Suppuration of the Vulvo-vaginal Gland, 39.—Cysts of the Vulvo-vaginal Glands, 40.—Pruritus VulvÆ, 42.—Kraurosis VulvÆ, 44.—Varicose Tumors of the Vulva, 46.—Hematoma of the Vulva, 46.—Papilloma, 46.—Elephantiasis, 47.—Adhesions of the Clitoris, 48. | CHAPTER IV. | Diseases of the Vagina | 49 | Inflammation of the Vagina, 49.—Tumors of the Vagina, 51.—Atresia of the Vagina, 52.—Vaginismus, 53.—Coccygodynia, 54. | CHAPTER V. | Anatomy and Mechanism of the Perineum | 56 | CHAPTER V1. | Injuries to the Perineum | 62 | Slight Median Laceration of the Perineum, 67.—Median Tear involving the Sphincter Ani, 68.—Laceration through the Sphincter Ani, involving the Recto-vaginal Septum, 73.—Laceration in One or Both Vaginal Sulci, 75.—Subcutaneous Laceration of the Muscles and Fascia, 85. | CHAPTER VII. | Results of Laceration of the Perineum | 87 | Rectocele, 87.—Cystocele, 88.—Enterocele, 91.—Subinvolution of the Vagina, 92. | CHAPTER VIII. | The Position of the Uterus and the Mechanism of its Support | 94 | CHAPTER IX. | Prolapse of the Uterus | 101 | CHAPTER X. |
14.htm.html#DISEASES_OF_THE_URETHRA_AND_BLADDER" class="pginternal">Diseases of the Urethra and Bladder 423 | Diseases of the Urethra, 426.—Urethritis, 427.—Stricture of the Urethra, 430.—Prolapse of the Mucous Membrane of the Urethra, 431.—Vesico-urethral Fissure, 431.—Dilatation of Urethra, 433.—Urethrocele, 434.—Urethral Neoplasms, 434.—Urethral Caruncle, 434.—Urethral Cysts, 435.—Polypus, 435.—Sarcoma and Cancer of the Urethra, 436.—Diseases of the Bladder, 436.—Cystitis, 437.—Vesical Calculus, 447. | CHAPTER XXXVIII. | Gonorrhea in Women | 448 | CHAPTER XXXIX. | The Technique of Gynecological Operations | 457 | Operating-room, 461.—Apparatus, 462.—Operator, Assistants, Nurses, 463.—Sterilization of Dressings, Towels, etc., 466.—Sterilization of Instruments, 466.—The Water, 467.—Sponges, 468.—Discipline of the Operating-room, 469.—Anesthesia, 470.—Preparation of the Patient, 471.—Instruments, 475.—The Dressing, 479. | CHAPTER XL. | The Technique of Gynecological Operations (Continued) | 480 | Abdominal Drainage, 480.—Gauze-drainage, 482.—Indications for Drainage, 484.—Vaginal Drainage, 487.—The Incision of the Abdominal Wall, 487.—Exploration of the Abdomen, 489.—Protection of the Intestines and Omentum, 489.—Toilet of the Peritoneum, 490.—Closing the Abdominal Incision, 491. | CHAPTER XLI. | Treatment after Celiotomy | 404 | CHAPTER XLII. | The Special Technique of Operations upon the Uterus and the Uterine Appendages | 502 | Removal of the Uterine Appendages (Salpingo-oÖphorectomy), 504.—Removal of an Ovarian Cyst, 512.—Operation for the Removal of Intra-ligamentous Cysts, 514.—Marsupialization of the Cyst, 516.̵
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