- Abbot, The, 351, 355
- Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 215, 217
- "Abigail," 99
- Abingdon, Mrs., 267
- Abrahams, The, 241
- Achilles, 104
- Acis and Galatea, 245
- Adams, Mrs., 268
- Addington, Henry, 211, 266
- Addison, Joseph, 99, 361
- Adelphi Hotel, 190
- "Adriana," 39
- "Ætherial Spirit," 175, 177
- African discoveries, 150, 176
- Age of Reason, The, 281
- "Agnes," 181
- Alcinous, 330, 334
- Alessandria, 202
- Alexander I, Emperor, 215, 232
- Alexander, Duke of Bavaria 5
- Alexandria, 164, 215, 263
- "Almeyda," 105, 134, 137
- Alonzo and Imogene, 141
- Alonzo the Brave, 140-1
- "Alphonzo," 53
- Alps, The, 147, 341
- Amen Corner, 284
- Amiens, Peace of, 242
- Amorbach, 48, 171
- Amsterdam, 81, 108, 115
- Anacharsis the Scythian, 94
- Anacreon, 242
- Andalusia, 32
- Andrews, Mr., 242
- Andriani, Count, 72-3
- Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson, 16
- Angelo, 345
- Anti-Jacobin, The, 43
- Antonio, "Diavol," 318
- Antwerp, 8
- Apocalyptical Key, The, 104
- Appeal to the Public, An, 221
- Arabian Nights, The, 318
- Arbuthnot, Dr. John, 77, 352
- "Ariadne," 80, 82
- "Arlberry, Mrs.," 137-8
- Armstrong, John, 352
- Arne, Mr., 239
- Artaxerxe
57003-h@57003-h-12.htm.html#Page_141" class="pginternal">141
- Bergami, Bartolomeo, 336, 344, 346,
- Berkswell, Hall, 148
- "Berlington, Mrs.," 137
- Berri, Duc de, 310, 338, 366
- Berruyer, General, 79
- Berwick on Tweed, 43, 73
- Bessborough, Earl of, 151
- Betty, William Henry West, 321-2
- "Beverley, Mrs.," 161
- Bible, The, 276, 279
- Bickerstaffe, —, 225
- Billington, Elizabeth, 240, 242-3, 360
- Birmingham, 321, 323, 357
- Blagdon, 232
- Blue-Stockings, The, 1, 19
- Blythe, 331
- Bodvel, 8
- Bodylwyddan, 337
- Bodwiggied, 48
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, 24, 133, 139, 141, 143, 154, 161-2, 179, 189, 191, 197, 199, 207, 215, 217, 226, 232, 238, 242, 246, 248, 262-3, 265, 267-8, 316, 331
- Bordeaux, Duc de, 366
- Bosanquet, Mr., 260
- Boscawen, Mrs., 372
- Boswell, James, on Mrs. Piozzi, 2;
- their quarrel, 16
- Botallack Mine, 364
- Boulogne, 128, 227, 230
- Bourdois, —, 298
- Bowdler, Henrietta, 255
- Bowen, Mr., 257
- Bower Ashton, 258<
@57003-h@57003-h-14.htm.html#Page_178" class="pginternal">178
- "Coriolanus," 286, 333, 335
- Edgeworth de Firmont, AbbÉ, 87-8
- Edgeworth, Miss, 87
- — Maria, 248-9, 267, 351
- — Richard Lovell, 249, 351
- Edgeworthstown, 88
- Edinburgh, 125-6, 334;
- Mrs. Piozzi at, 20-1,
- Edward, 137-8
- Edwin, Mr., 317
- Edwin and Eltruda, 43
- Edwy and Elgiva, 97
- Eidouranion, the, 152
- "Elbow," 275
- Elgin, Charles, Earl of, 239
- — Mary, Countess of, 201-2
- — Thomas, Earl of, 202, 238, 266
- — Marbles, the, 202, 238, 266
- Elizabeth, Queen, 5, 7, 140, 199
- — of France, Madame, 86, 88, 101
- Elphinstone, Augusta Henrietta, 13
- — Charles, Lord, 13
- Elton, Sir Abraham, 218, 221
- EmigrÉes, French, in London, 127
- "Emily," 159
- EncyclopÆdia Britannica, The, 154
- Endymion, 175
- Ephesus, 332
- Erskine, Thomas, Lord, 332
- Esau, 197
- Essay on Irish Bulls, An, 248-9
- Essex, Earl of, 338
- Este, Rev. Charles, 94, 96-7
- Esterhazy, Prince, 331
- Eton College, 334
- "Eugenia," 137, 140
- "Euphrasia," 74-5
- Euphrates, drying of the, 105, 219-20
- European Magazine, The, 18, 91
- Eusebius, 223
- "Evander," 75
- Exeter, 367
- Exmouth, Mrs. Piozzi at, 18-20
- "Fairfield," 225
- Fair Penitent, The, 227
- Falmouth, Viscount, 363
- False Impressions, 69, 89, 91, 238, 242
- — Richard, 69, 83-4
- — Samuel, 70
- Great Marlborough Street (Mrs. Siddons at), 162, 179, 208
- Grecian Daughter, The, 75
- Greg, Mr., 106
- Grenvilles, the, 10
- Gresham, Sir Thomas, 8
- Gretna Green, 126
- Grey, Mr., 80, 94
- Griffiths, Mrs., 187
- Grinfields, the, 275
- "Grumio," 269
- Gubbins, Honoria, 178, 265
- Guy's Cliffe, 238;
- Mrs. Piozzi at, 63, 68-9, 84
- Gwydir, 7, 131
c@vhost@g@html@files@57003@57003-h@57003-h-14.htm.html#Page_179" class="pginternal">179 — Mr. and Mrs. 66 — Miss, 4 Jonson, Ben, 268 Jordan, Mrs., 175 Joseph II, Emperor, 95, 222 Joubert, General, 179 "Jourdain, M.," 252 Jourdan, General, 172, 179 Journal during a Residence in France, A, 90 Journey through Flanders, &c., A, 96 Journey through France, Italy and Germany, A, 19, 22, 118 Jove, Barba, 52 "Julia," 181 "Juliet," 150, 192, 329 Julius CÆsar, quoted, 71, 298 Junius, 92 - Kader Idris, v. Cader Idris
- "Kanquroo, The," 74
- Keith, Admiral George, Viscount, 13, 176, 263, 266, 270, 357, 362
- — Hester, Viscountess, 85, 348, 354, 357, 362, v. Thrale, Hester
- Kemble, Charles, 120
- — Frances, v. Twiss, Mrs.
- — John Philip, 18, 30, 47-50, 68, 98, 120, 193, 208, 238, 265, 289, 308, 337
- — Roger, 157
- — Stephen, 125-6
- Kenilworth, 365-6
- Kenmare, Earl of, 234
- Kenrick, Mr., 357, 362
- Kent, Edward, Duke of, 299, 301
- — Victoria, Duchess of, 48, 171, 299
- Killarney, Lake of, 73
- King, Captain, 9
- — Mr., 187
- King, Philadelphia, 9
- King's Theatre, the 242
- Kingston, Elizabeth, Duchess of, 76, 119;
- growth of, 244
- London Gazette, The, 165, 184
- Longford, 4, 56, 99, 218
- Loretto, 72
- L'Orient, 128
- "Lothario," 227
- "Lothayre," 160
- Louis XIV, 42, 103, 352
- Louis XVI, 42, 55, 60, 71, 76-7, 237, 342;
- Execution of, 77-9, 81, 86-9, 110, 123, 161
- Louis XVIII, 89, 177, 316
- Love Letters, The, of Mrs. Piozzi, 280, 285, 305-6
- Lowestoft, 231
- Lucifer, v. Satan
- Ludlow, 4, 17, 23, 25
- Lukins, George, 103
- Luther, Martin, 77
- Lutwyche, Mrs., 285, 293, 321
- Luxembourg Palace, The, 89
- Luxmore, Mrs., 311-2
- Lye, Mr., 216
- Lyford Redivivus, 330
- Lymington, 124
- Lynch, Philadelphia, 8
- — Sir Thomas, 8
- Lyons, 16
- Lysons, Mr., 93, 95, 206
- — Samuel, 3, 93, 95, 206
- Lyttelton, William Henry, Lord, 11, 248
- Lytton, Edward, Lord, 44
- Macbeth, quoted, 116, 263
- Macdonald, General, 179
- "Macduff," 263
- Machynlleth, 251
- Mack, General Karl, 170-1
- Mackay, Mrs., 279, 353;
- letter by, 129;
- charges against her mother, 142-3;
- illness, 146; v. also Thrale, Cecilia
- — John Salusbury, 13
- Mount Edgecumbe, 130
- — —, Earl of, 240
- Mountjoy, Viscount; v. Bute, Earl of
- Mourning Bride, The, 53
- Mousehole, 346
- Moyle, Mr., 344
- Much Ado about Nothing, 234
- Mull, Sound of, 253
- Mullins, Mrs., 129, 133
- Munich, 268
- Murat, Joachim, 206
- Murphy, Arthur, 12, 75, 80, 82, 91, 102, 105, 107, 220-1, 304, 372
- Murray, Miss, 198
- Mysteries of Udolpho, The, 113, 115
- Mysterious Marriage, The, v. Heirship of Rosalva, The
>, 80, 83, 85, 89, 96, 106, 113, 123, 130-1, 134-5, 146, 148-9, 155, 171, 180, 186-7, 189, 195, 197-8, 201, 203-4, 209, 224, 231, 234, 236, 244-6, 250, 253-4, 258, 262, 264, 267-8, 270, 317, 319, 321, 348, 353; meets Mrs. Thrale, 14; marriage, 15; attacks of gout, 25, 51-2, 67, 74, 76, 78, 100-2, 109, 118, 129, 135, 142-3, 147, 158-9, 173, 191-3, 218, 221, 228, 253, 263; tour in Wales, 32; his singing, 40, 241; plans a cottage in Wales, 59, 61, 64; builds Brynbella, 75, 89, 95, 114, 121-2, 129; naturalis
age_80" class="pginternal">80 Progress of Pilgrim Good Intent, The, 190 Proofs of a Conspiracy against all Religions, 154 Prophecies, by Fleming, 103-4; in the Bible, 106; by Brothers, 122 Public Advertiser, The, 20 Public Ledger, The, 124 Putney, 93 Pwllheli, 8 Pye, Henry James, 141 Pyrenees, the, 113 - Quebec, 288
- Queen Street, Westminster, 17, 52
- Quiberon Bay, 288
- "Quickly, Mistress," 86, 239, 268
- Radcliffe, Ann, 113, 115-6, 171, 175
- "Ralph," 224-5
- Rambler, The, quoted, 319
- Ramsgate, 13
- "Randolph, Lady," 26, 91
- Randolph, Rev. Francis, D.D., 47, 170-1, 174, 182, 187-8, 197, 200, 206, 222, 224, 251, 255, 341, 343, 345, 358, 365
- Randolph, Mrs. (Mary), 170 174, 182, 201, 206, 212-3, 222, 273, 317, 321, 333, 336, 341, 343
- Ranelagh, 21, 89, 240, 242, 248
- Raphoe, Bishop of, 124
- Rasselas, 311
- Rastadt, 177-179
- Rawdon, Lord, 23, v. Moira, Earl of
- Ray, Mr., 71, 134, 145, 284
- "Tearsheet, Doll," 86
- Telegraph, The, 96
- Temple, the, prisoners in, 86, 89
- Temple, Lady Ann, 10
- "Temple, Lancelot," 351-2, v. Armstrong
- — Sir Richard, (Viscount Cobham), 10
- Tenby, 246-7, 249, 324
- Tertullian, 223
- Testimony to the Authenticity of the Prophecies of R. Brothers, A, 125
- Thackeray, Dr., 264
- Thames, the, 113
- Thelwall, —, 119
- — Edward, 7
- Theseus, 80
- Thistlewood, Arthur, 274
- Thomas, Archdeacon, 290, 322
- — Mr., 55
- Thomond, Murrough, Marquis of, 261
- Thomson, James, quoted, 212, 334
- Thrale, Miss (Beatrice), v. — Cecilia Margaretta, 13, 15-17, 26, 30, 33, 53, 75-6, 82-4, 95, 101, 108, 112-3, 118, 120;
- accompanies her mother to Scotland, 20;
- her admirers, 54, 66, 82, 86, 92, 102, 105, 107;
- alarming illness, 55, 58, 61-6, 68-9, 71;
- her extravagance, 90;
- engagement to Mostyn, 121-3;
- marriage, 126, v. Mostyn, Mrs. J. M.
- Thrale, Harriet, 13, 110
- — Henry, M.P., 10, 11, 13, 73, 82, 163, 187, 189, 191-2, 245, 76, 79
- Viganoni, —, 240
- Village Politics, 79-81, 251
- Vinci, —, 244
- Virgo, —, 125
- Vision of Mirza, The, 350
- Vitellius, Emperor, 359
- Voltaire, 154