PAGE The Start 11 In the Val d'Arno 14 At Empoli 22 The Road to Fair and Soft Siena 25 At Poggibonsi 34 In the Mountains 36 Fair and Soft Siena 45 An Italian By-Road 61 Monte Oliveto 81 Through the Wilderness to a Garden 94 We are detained in Montepulciano 101 In the Val di Chiana 109 Luca Signorelli's Town 118 To Perugia: by Train and Tricycle 122 At Perugia 128 Across the Tiber to Assisi 134 At Assisi 138 Virgil's Country 142
Terni and its Falls 155 In the Land of Brigands 157 A Middling Inn 164 Across the Campagna 166 The Finish 173 Appendix 175