Abbey, E. A., 139, 309, 321, 430, 435, 436
Abbey, Mrs., 139, 435
Abbot, Gen. H. L., 24
Abbott, Jas., 1
AcadÉmie Carmen, 35, 377-92
AcadÉmie Royale des Beaux-Arts, 409
Adam and Eve, Old Chelsea, 156, 197
Adam houses, Adelphi, 160-61
Addams, Clifford, 77, 360, 408, 418, 424, 435
Addams, Mrs. (Miss Inez Bate), 114, 359, 360, 367, 378, 383-86, 424
"Albemarle, The," 279, 311
Alderney Street, 275
Alexander, Cicely H. (Mrs. Spring-Rice), 99, 119-24
Portrait of (Grey and Green), 53, 89, 106, 121-24, 131, 146, 208, 299, 375
Alexander, John W., 231, 232, 321
Alexander, May, Portrait of, 89, 124
Alexander, W. C., 121, 147, 157, 159, 239, 301, 435
Alexander, Mrs. W. C., 121, 124
Alexandre, ArsÈne, 315, 320
Allen, Sir William, 8-9
Allingham, W., 120, 403
Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence, 56, 58, 153, 154, 252, 253, 435
Alone with the Tide. See Coast of Brittany
Aman-Jean, E., 320
AmÉricaine, L', 158-59, 208
American Art Association, Paris, 321
American Artists, Society of, 209, 431
Amsterdam from the Tolhuis, 74, 80
Amsterdam, Rijks Museum, 280, 418, 422
Anacapa Island, 32
Andalouse, L' (see Mrs. C. Whibley), 326, 397
Angel Inn, Cherry Gardens, 63
Angelo, Michael, 364, 403
the Sistine Chapel, 184
Annabel Lee, 280
Ararat, Mount, 184, 188
Argyll, Duke of, 308
Armitage, Mrs., 377
Armstrong, Thomas, 35-37, 47, 48, 55, 60-61, 168, 170
Armstrong, Sir W., 255, 402
"Art and Art Critics," Whistler v. Ruskin, 26, 180, 185, 245
Art Institute, Chicago, 283
"Art Journal," 103, 116, 235, 240, 255, 326
Art, L', 180
"Art Notes," 157, 267
Art Union, 263
"Artiste, L'," 93, 94
Artists, Society of, 375
Arts Club, 141, 155, 302
Ashbee, C. R., 414, 416
Astor, W. W., 286
Astruc, Z., 49
Portrait of, 58
"AthenÆum, The," 59, 67, 69-70, 91, 93, 102, 127, 144, 154, 156, 159, 288
Au SixiÈme, 50
Aubert, M., 37
Augustine (Mme. Bertin), 343, 408
Authors, Society of, 281
Autotype Company, The, 157
Avery, S. P., 99, 100, 210, 432
Axenfeld, M., 49
Portrait of, 65
Bacher, Otto H., 118, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 199, 200, 202, 206, 231
Balcony, By the, 332
Balcony, The (Flesh-Colour and Green), 86, 87, 109, 276, 281, 332
Balestier, Wolcott, 287
Balleroy, De, 91
Baltimore, 1, 26, 27
Bankes, Eldon, 348
Barbizon, excursion to, 318
Barnett, Canon and Mrs., 335
"Baronet and the Butterfly, The," 354, 375
Barr, Miss, Portrait of, 334
Barr, Robert, 334
Barrie, J. M., 286
Barrington, Mrs., 35
Barthe, M., 78, 129
Bastien-Lepage, J., 237, 371
Bath Club, 400
Battersea (Symphony), 102, 377
Battersea Bridge, Old, 100, 186, 201
(Blue and Silver, later Blue and Gold), 90, 112, 154, 166, 170, 172-76, 217, 258
(Brown and Silver), 93, 301
Baudelaire, 46, 70, 85, 91, 102, 217, 255
Bavarian Royal Academy, 279
Bayliss, Sir Wyke, 251, 268-70
Beardsley, A., 184, 188, 310, 312, 314, 345, 352, 373
Beatty, J. W., 432
Beck, J. W., 308
Becquet, M., 37, 49, 367
Portrait of, 73
Beggars, The, 199, 277
Belfont, M., 311, 326
BÉnÉdite, L., 48, 86, 414
Benham, Capt., 29, 31-33
Benham, Major H. H., 32-33
Berners Street Gallery, 69, 110
Bernhardt, Sarah, 138, 188
Beurdeley, MaÎtre, 330, 353
Bibi Lalouette, 38, 49, 50
Bierstadt, A., 100
Bigham, Mr. Justice, 348-49
Billingsgate, 107, 186, 275
Bisschop, Dr., 423
Blaas, E. de, 191
Black Lion Wharf, 60, 66, 69, 198, 333
Blackburn, Vernon, 286
Blaikie, W. B., 403
Blanche, J. E., 146
Blenheim, 304
Blind, Mr. and Mrs., 84
Blomfield, R. E., 287
Blott, Mr., 164
Blue and Gold (Westminster), 154, 170
Blue Girl, 124, 214, 218. See Florence Leyland; also Waller
Blue Wave, The, 68, 301, 306
Blum, R., 191, 194
Bode, Dr., 431
Boehm, Sir J. E., 154, 188
Boer War, 398
Boisbaudran, Lecocq de, 34, 46, 113
Boldini, J., 320, 350, 352, 353
Bonnat, L. J. F., 253, 391
Bonvin, F. S., 48, 53, 59
"Book of the Artists," 100
"Book of Scoundrels," 344
Boot, Miss, 64
Booth, Mrs., 76
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 209, 432
Public Library, 106, 309
Botticelli, 147
Boucher's Diana, copy of, 51
Boudin, E., 338
Boughton, G. H., 39, 57, 59, 111, 137, 150, 155
Bouguereau, A. W., 210, 252
Boussod Valadon, Messrs., 300
Bourgeois, L., 300
Bowen, Lord Justice, 169-81
Boxall, Sir Wm., 17, 18, 54, 110, 338
Bracquemond, F., 48, 73, 85, 91, 216
Breck, Adjt.-Gen., 30
Bremen, Meyer von, 210
Bridge, The, 199, 200
"British Architect, The," 204
British Artists' Exhibition, 259, 262
British Artists, The Royal Society of, 239, 246, 250-70, 370
British Museum,
, 146, 156, 165, 185, 208, 280, 283, 299, 306, 373, 426
Cordier, 91
Coronio, Mrs.,
Courbet, G., 34, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 64, 67-68, 86, 95, 102, 103-104, 113, 195, 216, 253
Courbet on the Shore, 95
"Court and Society Review, The," 233-34, 259
Couture, T., 34, 35, 252
Cowan, J. J., 194
Portrait of (Grey Man), 324-25, 334
Crabb, Capt., 135
Crackenthorpe, Hubert, 279
Crane, Walter, 153-54, 175, 270
Creditor, The (see Gold Scab), 188
Cremorne Gardens, 76-77, 144, 432
CrÉpuscule (Flesh-Colour and Green), 86, 99-100, 222
Crivelli, 147
Crockett, S. R., 334
Portrait of (Grey Man), 334
"Cuckoo, The," 207
Curtis, Ralph, 191, 193-95, 240
Cust, Henry, 286
Dabo, LÉon, 43
D'Ache, Caran, 398
"Daily Chronicle, The," 332, 333, 351
"Daily Graphic, The," 332
"Daily Mail, The," 309
"Daily News, The," 143, 168, 246
"Daily Telegraph, The," 59, 67, 246
Dalou, J., 131
Dalziel Brothers, 71
Dam Wood, The, 124
"Danbury News," 137
Dance House, The, 51, 276
Dannat, W. T., 264
Darwen, 47
Daughter of Eve, A, 426
Davenport, Dr., 325
David, 34, 363
Davis, Edmund, 59, 376
Davis, Jefferson, 28
Day, Mr. Justice, 179
Day, Lewis F., 243
Degas, H. G. E., 34, 53, 239, 253, 349
Delabrosse, 292
Delacroix, E., 91, 253
Hommage À, 91
Delannoy, Ernest, 37, 41-46, 55, 81
Delaroche, Paul, 34
DelÂtre, A., 49, 50, 62, 85
Deluge, 51
Denny, Annie, 33
Deschamps, Charles, 110, 188
Design for a Mosaic (Gold Girl), 106
Desnoyers, Fernand, 74
Desoye, Mme., 85
"Detroit Free Press," 137
Dicey, F., 137
Dicksee, Frank, 112
Dilkes, the, 17
Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield), 165
Dobbin, James C., 28
Doria Palace, 363
Dordrecht—A Little Red Note, 256
Dowdeswell, Messrs., 188, 208, 213, 260, 308
Dowdeswell, Walter, 135, 211, 235, 260, 263, 266
Drake, A. W., 222
Draughn, Miss Marian, 359
Dresden Museum, 109
Drouet, C., 37, 39, 49, 50, 51, 52, 66, 68, 321, 365, 367
Portrait of, 50, 66
Du Maurier, G., 35, 36, 39, 40, 55, 56, 57, 61, 170, 255, 327-28
Dublin Modern Art Gallery, 130-31
Dublin Sketching Club Exhibition, 240-41
DuchÂtel, E., 311
Dudley Gallery, 110, 144
Dunn, Henry Treffy, 85, 160
Dunthorne's Gallery, 278, 332
Duran, Carolus, 48, 195, 398
Durand-Ruel, 110, 405
Duranty, 91, 163
DÜrer, 185
Duret, ThÉodore, 1, 34, 48, 52, 53, 63, 68, 95, 99, 144, 159, 202, 216, 276, 293, 299, 311, 321, 432, 434, 435, 436
Portrait of (Flesh-Colour and Black), 89, 216-17, 233
Dutchman holding the Glass, The, 50
Duveneck, Frank, 190-91, 193, 207
Earnsdale, 47
East, Sir A., 251, 435
Eastwick, Messrs. Harrison and, 7, 13
Eaton, Sir F., 309
Eddy, A. J., 3, 103, 356
Portrait of, 323-24
Eden Case, 329-30, 344, 350-57
Eden, Sir W., 344, 353, 366
Eden, Lady, Portrait of (Brown and Gold), 326, 329
Edinburgh Exhibition, 280
Edward, King, 108-109
Edwards, Edwin, 66, 67, 109, 131
Edwards, Mrs., 66, 67, 182
Eeden, F. Van, 271
Eeden, F. Van, 271
Effie Deans, 146, 280, 418
Egg, A. L., 69
Eldon, W., 136, 212, 234
Ellis, F. S., 180
Eloise, 39
Elwell, Mr., 402
Portrait of, 359
Embroidered Curtain, The, 276
Encamping, 66
Encampment, An, 22
"English Etchings," 275
"English Illustrated Magazine, The," 240
Erskine, The Hon. Stuart, 279
Estampe Originale, L', 326
"Etching and Etchers," 106, 107, 275
Etchings from Nature, Two, 54
Fagan, L., 366
Falling Rocket, The (Nocturne in Black and Gold),
144, 153, 155, 166, 170, 171, 173, 176, 178, 223, 305
Fan, Study for a, 377
Fan, The (Red and Black), 326
Fantin-Latour, 34, 37, 47, 48, 49, 51-55, 57, 63, 64, 66-68, 73, 75, 79, 85, 86, 91, 92, 93, 94, 103, 104, 107, 109, 114, 117, 118, 130, 131, 189, 216, 253, 326, 368, 404
Farge, John La, 362
Farquharson, J., 370
Farren, Nellie, 158
Figaro, 398
Fillmore, President, 20
"Fine Arts Quarterly, The," 74
Fine Art Society, 108, 111, 180, 186, 188-90, 202-5, 218-19, 246, 332, 344, 427-28
Finette, 49
Fire Wheel, The, 166
"First Sermon, The," 71
Fish Shop, The—Busy Chelsea, 263, 276, 279
Flesh-Colour and Grey, 221
Flower, C., 135
Flower, Wickham, 160, Portrait of (Harmony in Red: Lamplight), 262
Gold and Orange, 376
Gold Girl, 106
Gold Scab, The, 184, 188
Gold Screen, The (Purple and Gold),
87, 93
Goncourt, Edmond de, 50, 85, 284
Goncourts, the de, 85
"Good Words," 71
Goold, Miss, 283
Gosse, Edmund, 132, 275
Goulding, Frederick, 65, 199, 202, 203, 204, 349
Goupil Gallery, 63, 65, 184, 267, 299-305
Grafton Gallery, 312, 369
Graham, William, 154, 170, 173, 193, 259
Grahame, Kenneth, 286
Grand, Mrs. Sarah, 400
Grande Place, Brussels, 282
Grant, General, U.S., 94
Graves, Algernon, 164, 174, 207
Henry, 145, 156, 164, 165, 178, 207, 208, 237-38
Gravesande, S. Van's, 418
Gray, W. E., 395
Great Sea, The (Green and Silver), 376
Greaves, Walter and Harry, 63-65, 76-79, 90, 97-99, 106, 115, 118, 121, 123, 127, 129, 135, 148, 339
Green, Rev. Mr., 222
Green and Violet, 257-58, 347
Greenaway, Kate, 167
Gregg, Gen. D. McN., 24
Greiffenhagen, M., 370
Gretchen at Heidelberg, 44
Grey and Gold, 117
Grey Lady, 214-15
Grey Man, The, 324, 334
Grisi, 135
Grist, Mr., 191
Grolier Club, 198
Exhibition, 351
Gross Geroldseck, 43
Grossmith, G., 56
Grosvenor Gallery, 123, 145, 153-54, 158-59, 170, 185, 208, 213, 247, 256, 282, 291, 369
"Grosvenor Notes," 159
Guardi, 103, 340, 364
Guitar Player, The, 66
Guthrie, Sir James, 298, 321, 370, 374, 429, 436
Haanen, E. Van, 191, 193
Haarlem Gallery, 118, 420-22
Haden, Annie, 59
Dry-point, 65
Etching, 50
Haden, Lady, 4, 6, 10, 16, 17, 53, 55, 224, 329
Haden, Sir F. Seymour, 16-18, 33, 43, 44, 49-50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 63, 75, 100, 101, 203, 207, 209, 224, 282, 345
Haghe, Louis, 22, 157
Hague, The, 418-19
Exhibition, 75
Halkett, G. R., 221
HallÉ, C. E., 153
Hals, Franz, 47, 91, 103, 118, 195, 254, 419-22
Halsbury, Lord, 283
Hamerton, P. G., 74, 76, 102, 106-107, 118, 275
Hamilton, Dr., 207
Hamilton, J. McLure, 288-90
Hannay, A. A., Portrait of, 335
Hannay, A. H., 187
Hanover Gallery Exhibition, 205, 207
Hare, Augustus, 184
Harland, H., 287, 310
Mrs., 287
"Harper's Magazine," 327-28
Harpignies, H., 73
Harris, F., 346
Harrison, Alex., 321, 324, 368, 398
Harrison, Henry, 52
Harrison, R. H. C., 173, 259
Harry, GÉrard, 284, 291
Harte, Bret, 136
Hartley Institution, Southampton, 143
Haweis, Rev. H. R., 174
"Hawk, The," 298
Hawkins, Gen. Rush C., 281-82
Haxton, Mr., 287
Head of Old Man Smoking, 52
Hearn, G., 146
Heffernan, Joanna, see Jo
Heinemann, E., 341-42
Heinemann, W., 142, 160, 271, 279, 288, 294, 326, 336, 341, 344, 351, 353, 355, 362, 365, 368, 373, 377, 392-94, 397, 404, 408, 411, 417, 424, 428, 433, 435
Heinemann, Mrs., Portrait of, 426
Helleu, P., 320, 347, 350
Helst, Van der, 74, 91
Henley, W. E., 285-87, 331, 344, 393, 434
Herbert, J. R., 252
Herkomer, Sir H. von, 112, 285, 346, 364
Heseltine, J. P., 180
Hiroshige, 112, 114, 142
His Reverence, 427
"History of Modern Illustration," 72
Hogarth, 15-16, 103, 156, 232-33, 255, 341, 426, 436
Hogarth Club, 141, 261, 263, 268, 291
Hogg, Hon. J., 241
Hokusai, 85
Holbein, 48
Holdgate, Mr., 165
Hole, W., 221
Holker, Sir John, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 179
Holloway, C. E., 333, 335, 347
Holmes, G. A., 143, 240, 267
Holmes, Sir R. R., 108
Hommage À Delacroix, 58
Hommage À la VÉritÉ (see Fantin), 94
Horniman, E. J., 235
Horsley, J. C., 93, 257-58
Houghton, A. B., 58, 138
Hour in the Life of a Cadet, An, 22
"Hour, The," 127
Howard, F., 369-70, 435
Howard, Gen. O. O., 24
Howell, C. A., 79, 81-83, 84, 85, 138, 141, 145, 155-56, 163-66, 184, 188, 190, 208, 218, 404
Howells, W. D., 321
Hubbard, Elbert, 430
Hubbell, Henry S., 391
Huddleston, Baron, 168, 174
Hueffer, Ford Madox, 84
Huish, M. B., 180, 188
Hungerford, Mrs., 214
Hungerford Bridge, 72, 73
Hunt, W. Holman, 61, 153, 252, 254, 270
Huth, Louis, 86, 109, 138
Huth, Mrs., 126, 211
Portrait of, 126, 256
Hutton, Mrs., 210
Idyl, An, 284
"Illustrated London News," 303
Illustrators, Society of, 374-75, 424, 427, 434-36
Lawless, Hon. F., 225
Lawson, C., 159, 275
Leathart, J., 109, 306
Lee, Col. R. E., 20, 22
Lee, Gen., 24
Lee, T. Stirling, 435
Leech, J., 55,
"Legendary Ballads," 72
Legion of Honour, 300
Legros, A., 37, 47, 48, 53, 54, 55, 61, 63, 73, 74, 91, 101, 147, 207
Leighton, Lord, 35, 112, 153, 154, 178, 231-33, 247, 252-53, 261, 266, 308, 332
Lemercier, 311
Lenoir, Miss, 242
Leslie, C. R., 93, 252
L'Estampe Originale, 326
Lewis, Arthur, 56
Lewis, Sir G., 184, 291, 346-47
Leyland, F. R., 89, 98, 105, 106, 109, 116, 124, 125, 133, 147-52, 184, 185, 188, 217, 305
Portrait of, 126
Leyland, Mrs., 116, 120, 124-25, 126, 135-36, 153-54, 163 note, 170, 211
Portraits of, 175-76, 188
Fanny Leyland, 51
Leyland, Florence, Portrait of (Blue Girl), 124, 125, 187, 432
Liberty, L., 86
Liddell, Dean, 181
Lido, The, 193
Lillie in our Alley, 360, 362, 375
Linde, Dr., 159
Lindenkohl, A., 30-31
Lindsay, Sir Coutts, 152-54, 169-70, 280
Lindsey Palace, 77
Lindsey Row, houses in, 75, 76, 81, 83, 97-98, 128-44
Lippi, Filippo, 147
"Lithography and Lithographers," 326
Lithography Case, 346-50
Lithography, revival of, 311-12
Little Blue Bonnet, 361, 373
Little Cardinal, 428
Little Evelyn, 359
"Little Journeys," 430
Little Lady Sophie of Soho, 360, 362, 375
Little Pool, The, 62
Little Putney, The, 186
Little Red Note: Dordrecht, 256
Little Rose of Lyme Regis, The, 274, 331, 359, 360, 432
Little Venice, 223
Little White Girl, The (Symphony in White, No. II.), 63, 92-93, 126, 306, 331, 397, 405, 417
Verses on, 93
Liverdun, 43
Livermore, Mrs., 1, 5-6, 9
Liverpool Art Club Exhibition, 139, 142, 143
Lobsters, The Loves of the, 184-85, 188
Logsdail, W., 191
"London Garland," 331
London Memorial Exhibition, 51, 64, 67, 73, 74, 104, 105, 106, 108, 118, 121, 173, 198, 212-13, 308, 325, 333
Long, E., 252
"Long Elizas," 85
Lorimer, J. H., 266
Louise, Princess, 150
Louvre, the, 41-42, 46, 47, 48, 52, 322, 412
Lovell, John M., 295
Low, Will H., 431
Lowell, 1, 3, 4, 5, 26, 281
Lucas, G., 41, 99, 144
Ludovici, A., 240, 256, 435
Luxembourg, 209, 299, 408, 413
Lynden, Baron Van, 280
Baroness Van, 280
MacCall, C. H., 294
MacColl, D. S., 139, 310, 312, 344, 371, 429
MacGeorge Collection, the, 427
Maclise, D., 69
Macmillan, Messrs., 331
MacMonnies, F., 321, 322, 330, 353, 377-78, 386-89
Maeterlinck, M., 291-93, 437-38
"Magazine of Art, The," 267, 405
Major's Daughter, The, 71, 72
MallarmÉ, S., 310-11, 315, 321
Portrait of, 311
Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition, 47, 231
Manet, E., 53, 73, 74, 85, 91, 94, 195, 216, 218, 253, 404, 435
Mann, Mr., Portrait of, 65
Mansfield, Burton, 95, 121
Mansfield, Howard, 55, 210, 306, 408
Mantz, P., 74, 93, 100, 102
Manuel, Master Stephen, 359
Marchande de Moutarde, La, 50, 275
Marchant, William, 303
Maris, J. M., 280
Marks, Murray, 85, 86, 107, 147, 158
Marks, Stacy, 56, 252
Marlborough, Duke of, 304
Marmalade, Marquis de, 97, 101
Marriott-Watson, H. B., 286
Martin, J., 76
Martin, B. E., 222
Martin, Henri, 37, 47, 53
Martin, Homer, 142
Martinet, 73
Marty, P., 311
Marx, Roger, 300
Marzetti, Mrs., 213-14, 219-20
Mason, George, 58
Master Smith, The, 274, 331, 338, 362, 427, 432
Mathew, Justice, 348
Mauritshuis, the, 419-21, 423
Maus, O., 276
McCarthy, J., 298
McClure, S. S., 287
"McClure's Magazine," 328
McCulloch, G., 57
McKim, 309
McNeill, Alicia, 6, 9, 10, 18
Charles Donald, 4
Donald, 4
Martha, 4
William G., 4
May, Henry, 355
Phil, 344, 359
Mazzini, 119
MÈche de Silas, 58
Melbourne, Lord, 261
Melbourne Museum, 109
Melnikoff, Col., 5, 7
Melville, A., 289, 291, 370
Menpes, M., 139, 160, 200, 203, 206, 207, 223, 230-31, 240, 242, 257, 262, 268, 297
MÈre GÉrard, La, 39-40, 50, 51, 67
Etching, 50
Meredith, G., 79-81, 249
Merritt, Mrs., 116, 208, 241
MÉryon, C., 60, 142
Mesdag, H. W., 280, 417, 423
Metsu, 341
Meux, Lady, 212, 299
Osborne, Walter, 403
Oulevey, H., 37, 39,
41, 42, 48, 50, 321, 368
Pacific, The, 185
"Paddon Papers, The," 83, 218
Pagani, 142
"Pageant, The," 326
Painter-Etchers, The Royal Society of, 207
Palaces, Nocturne, 190, 219-20
Pall Mall, exhibition at, 126-27, 143
"Pall Mall Gazette," 127, 218, 246, 256-58, 269, 277, 286, 308, 327, 330
"Pall Mall Pictures," 263
Palmer, Amos, 10
Palmer, Miss, 4-5, 18, 19
Palmer, Mrs. Potter, 363
Paris, Centenary Exhibition, 331, 332
Paris, Memorial Exhibition, 68, 105-106, 358
Paris, Universal Exhibitions, 159, 163, 255, 279, 281, 397
Park, Rev. Roswell, 19-20
Parrish, S., 224
Parry, Mr. Sergeant (now Judge), 169-81
Parsons, Alfred, 345
"Passages from Modern English Poets," 69
Pastel Society, 282
Pater, W., 227, 244
Pawling, S. S., 335
Payne, 342
Peacock Room, The, 77, 89, 143-52, 160, 189, 257, 309
Pearsall, Booth, 240
Peck, Miss, Portrait of, 325
Pellegrini, C., 142, 158, 226
Pennell, (J.), 72, 222-24, 278, 285, 289, 310-20, 330-33, 336, 338-40, 344, 346-49, 353, 360, 365, 370-71, 374, 376, 393-98, 406-408, 410, 413-14, 423, 425-27, 429-30, 433-35
Pennell, Mrs. (E.), 335, 344, 347, 353, 368, 392, 394-95, 410-11, 417-18, 422-23, 433-34
Pennington, Harper, 118, 119, 191, 194, 202, 211, 225, 232
Pennsylvania Academy, 208-209, 329, 431
Pepys, Samuel, 2
PÉrivier, President, 353
Perugino, 390
Petheram, Mr., 169-81
Petit Gallery, 300
Pfalzburg, 43
Philadelphia Society of Etchers, 209
Philip, John Birnie, 271
Philip, Mrs. Birnie, 411, 413, 414, 424
Philip, R. Birnie, 406, 407
Portrait of, 359
Philip, Miss R. Birnie, 212, 275, 331, 335, 336, 340, 341, 366, 376, 393-97, 401, 414-17, 424-27, 433, 434, 436
Phillip, John, 59
Phillips, Sir Claude, 256
Philosopher, The (see Holloway), 335, 373
Phryne the Superb, 360, 376
Piano Picture, The (At the Piano), 47, 48, 52, 53, 58-59, 60, 64, 65, 71, 99, 373
Picard, E., 291, 292
"Piccadilly," 157
Piccadilly (Grey and Gold), 241
"Piker Papers, The," 207
Poe, E. A., 26, 46
Pollitt, A. J., Portrait of, 332, 334
Pomfret, 18-20
Pool, The, 73
Poole, R. W., 350
"Portfolio, The," 107, 178, 186, 275
Portrait Painters' Exhibition, 331, 428
Potter, G., 109, 137, 306
Potter, Mrs., 47, 109, 138
Powerscourt, Lord, 240
Poynter, Sir E. J., 35, 36, 38, 49, 55, 61, 69, 104, 112, 149, 153, 154, 170, 178, 203, 252, 255, 364
Pretty Nelly Brown, 359
Prince, Miss, 391
Prince's Hall, 239, 240, 242
Prince's Skating Club, 369
Princesse du Pays de la Porcelaine, La, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 110, 148, 151, 188, 305-306, 309, 373
Prinsep, Val, 57, 79, 93, 116, 125, 129, 247
Probyn, Sir Dighton, 149
"Propositions No. 2," 221
"Proposition, A Further," 235
"Propositions," 260, 295, 297
"Punch," 55, 255
Punt, The, 66, 69
Putnam, Messrs., 295
Putney Bridge, 111, 185, 186
Puvis de Chavannes, 162, 320, 362
Quat'z Arts Ball, 319
Quilter, H., 163, 187, 191-92
Rae, George, 110
Raffalovitch, A., 287
Rajon, P., 235
Raleigh, Sir W., 287, 429
Raphael, 363, 390
Ratier, MaÎtre, 330
Rawlinson, W. J., 109, 138, 155, 164
Realism, influence of Courbet, 103-104
Red House, Paimpol, 320
Red Note, 267
Red Rag, 297
RÉdacteur du Journal "L'Artiste," 58-59
Redesdale, Lord, 117, 128, 133, 136, 137, 143, 145-46, 148, 149, 188
Portrait of, 145-46
Redesdale, Lady, 145
Regent's Quadrant, 275
Regnault, H., 195
Relief Fund in Lancashire, 71
Rembrandt, 47, 52, 62, 67, 68, 69, 74, 91, 103, 166-67, 203. 245, 276-77, 311, 418-19
Renouard, P., 335
Renan, Ary, 378
Repplier, Agnes, 222
RÉveillon, Mrs., 65, 435
Reynolds, Sir J., 5, 185, 297, 364, 428, 429
Rhodes, Cecil, 332
Riault, M., 49
Portrait of, 65
Rialto, 199
Ribot, T., 52, 53, 405
Richmond, 153, 154
Ricketts, C., 370
Rico, M., 191, 193
Ridley, M. W., 66
Portrait of, 213
Rijks Museum, 280
Ritchie, Lady, 369, 376, 413, 416, 418
Sauter, Mrs., 422
Savage Club, 141
Saverne Museum, 43
Savile Club, 141, 287
Savoy Scaffolding, 242
Scarf, The, 93
Scharfe, Sir G., 221
Scheffer, A., 34, 35,
Schmitz, Herr, 44-45
Scottish National Portraits Exhibition, 221
"Scotsman," 221
Scott, W., 191-93, 197
Scott, W. B., 79
"Scribner's Magazine," 186, 209
Sea and Rain, 95, 102, 306
Secessions, German, 264
Seeley and Co., 186
Seitz, Don C., 293
Seton, Miss, Portrait of (see Daughter of Eve), 425
Severn, A., 56, 72, 85, 179
Shannon, C. H., 349, 370, 377
Shannon, J. J., 370
Shaw, G. B. 278
Shaw, Norman, 147
Shipping—Nocturne, 199
Shipping at Liverpool, 124
Short, Sir F., 396
Sickert, B., 116, 144, 198
Sickert, W., 213-16, 225, 231, 242, 263, 280, 283, 287, 332, 346, 348-49
Portrait of, 234
Sickert, Mrs. W., 68, 160, 287
Portrait of, I. (Violet and Pink), 263;
II. (Green and Violet), 263, 326, 331
Siesta, The, 332
Simpson, J. W., 158
Singleton, Mrs., 138
Six Projects, 104-105, 109, 116, 126, 234, 283
See Venus and Three Figures
Sixteen Etchings of Scenes on the Thames, 108
Sketching, 67, 69
Slade Professorship, 181
Smalley, G. W., 308
Smith, F. Hopkinson, 224
Smith, John Russell, 144
Snyders, 167
SociÉtÉ Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 300
"Society of Three," 48
Solferino, 285-86
Solon, L., 85
Song of the Graduates, 22
"Songs on Stone," 279, 326
Sotheby, Messrs., 188
Soupe À Trois Sous, 49, 50
Southampton Water, 218, 432
South Kensington (Victoria and Albert) Museum, 69, 106, 108, 110, 277
South Kensington Museum International Exhibitions, 109
Sower, H., 56
Spartali, Mr., 87-88
Spartali, Christine (Countess Edmond de Cahen), 87-88
Portrait of. See Princesse du Pays de la Porcelaine
"Spectator, The," 178
Speke Hall, 124
Speke Shore, 124
Spreckles, Mrs., 188
"Standard, The," 428
Stansfield, Mrs., 136
Stanton, General, 95
Stanton, Mrs. Dr., 4-5
"Star, The," 278, 283
Starr, S., 131, 247, 258, 262, 268, 279, 287, 304, 311, 391, 402
Steevens, G. W., 286
Stephens, F. S., 144
Stevens, Alfred (Belgian), 237, 262, 320
Stevens, Alfred (English), 252, 262
Stevenson, R. A. M., 285-87, 310, 312, 371
Stillman, W. J., 101
Stillman, Mrs. (Marie Spartali), 87-88, 145, 150
Stoeckl, Baron de, 30
Stoker, Bram, 145
Stokes, Messrs. Frederick, 293
Stone, Marcus, 252
Stonington, 4, 18, 26, 33, 51
Storm, The, 66
Story, J., 135, 138, 214, 225-26, 240
Story, W., 135, 138, 214, 225-26
Stott, W., of Oldham, 264
Strahan, W., 71
Strange, E. F., 349
Street at Saverne, 43, 50, 51
Street, G. S., 286
Studd, A., 306, 424, 436
"Studies of Seven Arts," 368
"Studio," the, 326
Sturges, J., 350, 435
Sullivan, E. J., 222
Sutherland, Sir Thomas, 148, 160, 184, 407
Swain, J., 71
Swan and Iris, 275
Swift, Dr. Foster, 4
Swift, Mary, 3-4
Swinburne, A. C., 51, 71, 79, 80, 81, 84, 91, 92, 93, 109, 119, 167, 247-50, 417
Symons, A., 140, 184, 368
Symons, W. C., 280
Tate Gallery, the, 90, 112, 154
Taylor, Tom, 131, 176, 178, 296
Teck, Prince of, 149, 174, 205
Templar, Major, 214
"Ten O'Clock, The," 69, 104, 115, 228, 239-49, 295, 297, 354
Tennyson, Alfred, 71
Terborg, 195, 341
Terry, Edward, 158
TÊte de Paysanne, 52
Thackeray, W. M., 59
Thackeray, Miss, 17
Thames at Chelsea, 438
Thames, The, 333
Thames in Ice, The, 63, 65, 69, 99
Thames Set of Etchings, The, 59, 60-62, 65, 66, 69, 108, 197-98
Thames Warehouses, 69
Theobald, H. S., 260, 307
Thibaudeau, A. W., 108
Thomas, Brandon, 287, 359
Thomas, Edmund, 61, 62, 107
Thomas, Percy, 62, 107, 128, 144
Thomas, Ralph, 49, 62, 144
Thomas, Sergeant, 61-62
Thompson, Sir H., 86, 157
Catalogue of Blue and White Nankin Porcelain, 157
Thomson, D. Croal, 157, 275, 299-302, 304
Thornbury, W., 72
Three Figures, Pink and Grey (Three Girls) (see Six Projects), 103-105, 109, 148, 308
Thynne, Mrs. (Annie Haden), 17, 52, 64-65, 435
Tiepolo, 105
"Times, The," 154, 159, 167-68, 176-78, 212, 218, 229, 246, 251, 298, 308, 361, 375
Tintoretto, 189, 245, 254, 335, 341
Tissot, J. J., 51, 85, 131, 135, 174
Tite Street, houses in, 210, 225, 226, 256-57, 272, 413
Titian, 177, 189, 325, 341, 364
Tito, E., 191
Todd, Col., 8, 9, 10
Toilet, The, 157
Traer, Mr., 66, 100
Traghetto, The, 197-99, 220, 277
"Trilby," 35, 39-40, 327-28
Trouville, 375
"Truth," 271, 297
Tuckerman, H. T., 100
Tuckerman, Miss, 416
Tudor House, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84
Tulip, The (Rose and Gold), 326,281, 302, 428
Weir, J. A., 21, 141-42, 209
Weir, R. W., 21-22
Westminster Abbey, Jubilee ceremonies, 266
Westminster Bridge, Old, 72
Westminster, Marquis of, 150
Westminster, The Last of Old, 72
West Point, 1, 3, 5, 20-26, 28-29, 398, 415-16
Wheeler, Gen., 416
Whibley, C, 286, 331, 344, 393
Whibley, Mrs. (Ethel Birnie Philip), 272, 310, 326, 331, 336, 374, 417, 424, 434, 436
"Whirlwind, The," 279, 311
Whistler, Mrs. Anna M. (nÉe McNeill), 1-20, 45, 46, 81, 88, 95, 99, 104, 110, 123, 124, 128, 129;
death, 206
Anne (nÉe Bishop), 3
Anthony, 2
Charles D., 5, 6
Daniel, 2
Deborah (see Lady Haden)
Francis, 2-3
Gabriel, 2
George, 4, 6, 18, 20, 27, 33, 52
George Washington, 1, 3-6, 14, 16, 18;
death, 18;
portrait of, 52
Hugh, 2
James Abbott McNeill;
birth, 1;
christening, 1;
journey to Russia, 6;
early portraits, 9, 33;
severe illness, 15-16;
return to America, 18;
West Point, 20-26;
Coast Survey, 27-33;
arrival in Paris, 33;
journey to Alsace, 43;
London, 53;
journey to Valparaiso, 96-97;
Ruskin Trial, 166-81;
journey to Venice, 189;
joins British Artists, 250-51;
resigns, 268;
marriage, 271-74;
the Eden Case, 329-30, 350-57;
International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers, 369-77;
the AcadÉmie Carmen, 377-92;
journey to Rome, 363;
journey to Corsica, 407-409;
death, 433-36
Portraits of himself, 50, 97
—W. with Hat, 52
—W. with the White Lock, 57
—W. in his Studio, 131
—(Brown and Gold), 359, 397
Portrait of, by Boldini, 350;
by Boxall, 17, 18, 338;
by Chase, 236-37;
by Fantin, 94;
by Nicholson, 351;
by Rajon, 235
Bust of, by Boehm, 154, 188
"Whistler as I knew him," 231, 240, 243, 262
"Whistler frame," the, 90-91
Whistler, John, 14
Master John, 2
Major John, 2, 3
Joseph, 4
Julia (nÉe Winans), 27
Kensington, 3
Whistler, Kirk Booth, 5
Mary (nÉe Swift), 3-4
Ralph, 2
Rose Fuller, 2
Sarah, 1
Dr. William, 5-18, 27, 75, 94, 153, 206, 247, 272, 276;
death, 368;
portrait of, 95
Mrs. William (see Miss Helen Ionides), 137, 153, 160, 188, 240, 272-73, 276, 424, 435
White Girl, The (Symphony in White, No. I.), 63, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 100, 102, 110, 130, 210
White House, the, 159, 160, 162-64, 180-83, 186-87
White Note, A, 282
White, C. Harry, 391
Whiteley and Co., 60
Whitman, Mrs. Sarah, 416
Whittmore, 210
Wilde, Oscar, 138, 142, 188, 213, 225-29, 243, 246, 293, 314, 328
Wilkie, Sir David, 252
Wilkins, W. H., 279
Wilkinson, Mr., 188
Williams, Capt., 51
Williams, Charlotte, Portrait of, 325
Williamson, Dr. G. C., 57
Wills, W. G., 84, 174
Wilson, H., 366, 435
Wilstach Collection, 216, 432
Wimbush, W. L., 355, 396, 402
Winans, Louis, 51
Winans, Ross, 27
Winans, Thomas, 27, 33, 63
Windsor Castle Collection, 108, 170, 277
Windus, W. L., 147
Wine Glass, The, 158
Winged Hat, The, 279
Winstanley, W., 6
Wisselingh, E. J. van, 280
Wistler de Westhannye, John le, 2
Woakes, Miss, 360
Portrait of, 360
Wolkoff, 191, 193
Wolseley, Lord, 138
Portrait of, 141
Wolseley, Lady, 138, 141
Wombat, Story of the, 80-81
Woods, H., 189, 191, 193
"World, The," 156, 233, 249, 261, 267, 280, 297
Working Women's College, Queen's Square Exhibition, 283
World's Columbian Exhibition, 308-309
Wortley, Stuart, 280
Wreck, The, 51
Wuerpel, E. H., 313, 321
Wyndham, Hon. P., 170
Wyndham, Hon. Mrs. P., 154, 170
Yates, E. ("Atlas"), 280, 296
"Yellow Book, The," 314
Yellow Buskin, The, 159, 214, 216, 279, 281, 299, 309, 432
Yellow House, Lannion, the, 320
Zaandam, 276-77
Zaehmsdorf, Messrs., 265
Zalinski, Major, 26
Zola, E., 74, 435
Zucchero, 70