l#Page_234" class="pginternal">234, 253, 267, 276, 277, 357, 375, 390
Century, The, 337
Champs-ElysÉes, 405
Chapman, Miss, school, 258
Charles the Bold, 337
Chartres Cathedral, 199
Chartreuse, the old, 444
Chase, William M., 246
Chester, 54, 152
Chestnut Hill, 78, 123, 129, 170, 258
Chestnut Street, 125, 144, 226, 227, 325, 342, 368, 449, 456, 459, 499
Chestnut Street Theatre, 67, 459
"Chestnut, Walnut, Spruce, and Pine," 119, 123, 151, 158, 182, 263, 297, 464
Chew House, 297, 298, 518
Childs, George W., 113, 342, 499
Chippendale furniture, 289
Christ Church, 114, 120, 183, 188, 277, 517
Christ Church Burial Ground, 120, 281
Church (painting), 246
Church of England, 183
Cimabue, Giovanni, 402
City Companies in London, 152
City Hall, 259, 260, 405, 489, 526, 534
City of Homes, 481, 534
City Troop, 64 ternal">6, 361
Education, Board of, 257
Eleventh Street, 48
Eleventh and Spruce (streets), 44, 47,
76@38076-h@38076-h-7.htm.html#Page_358" class="pginternal">358, 363
Hughes and MÜller, 456
Huguet, Madame, 77, 85
Hunt, Holman, 372, 373
Huntington Valley Club, 495
Hutchinson Ports, 363
Impressionists (artists), 390
Independence Hall, 467
Independence Square, 355, 467
Industrial Art School, 257, 330, 396, 399
Ingersolls, the, 145
Initials, The, 59
International expositions, 213, 231, 253
Irish immigrants, 471
Irving, Henry, 401
Irving, Washington, 315
Irwin, Miss, school, 140, 175, 258
Italians (immigrants), 464, 468
James, Henry, 6, 16, 401, 509
Janauschek (actress), 348
Janvier, Thomas Allibone, 169, 363, 433-437, 443
Jastrow, Dr. Morris, 364
Jefferson, Thomas, 50, 386, 418
Jenkins, Howard, 249
Jesuits, 191, 193, 197
Jew, Dutch, 467
Jew, Pennsylvania, 467, 514
Jew, Russian, 214, 282, 283, 297, 361, 460, 464-473, 525
Jews, religious liberty of, 177
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 324
Johnson House, 297, 521
Johnson's, John G., art collection, 406
Jones's, 126, 210, 444, 405, 526
Mennonites in Germantown,
Renaissance, period of, 11
Repplier, Agnes, 6, 88, 358
Revolution (American), 382, 389, 418, 518, 525
Rhodes scholars, 80, 529
Richards, William T., artist, 393
Ridgway Library, 241, 307, 364
Rittenhouse Smiths, 363
Rittenhouse Square, 24, 91, 120, 139, 198, 456
Ritz-Carlton (hotel), 148, 414, 447
Robin Hood (Howard Pyle's), 249
Robins, Edward, Jr., 358
Robins, Edward, Sr., 1, 50, 54, 56, 74, 81, 107, 111, 123, 130, 138, 178, 181, 183, 187, 200, 239, 244, 259, 260, 263, 294, 307, 323, 371, 372, 374, 375, 423, 427, 459, 500, 505
Robins, Grant, 139, 140, 147, 165, 216, 505
Robins, Mrs. Thomas, 40, 41, 43, 53, 54, 50, 60, 522
Solon Shingle, 67
Sons of Pennsylvania, 219, 221
Sothern, Edward Askew, 68
South Kensington, England, 408
South Street, 472
Southwark, 522
Southworth, Mrs. Emma D. E. Nevitt,
htm.html#Page_184" class="pginternal">184
Willings, the, 158
Willis, N. P., 316
Willow Grove, 213
Wilstach Collection, 405
Wise, Herbert C., 361
Wissahickon (creek), 177, 298, 299
Wistar House, 297, 521
Wistar parties, 146
Wister, Mrs., authoress, 335, 336
Wister, Owen, 363
"Wister, Sally," 162, 356
Wisters, the, 107
Woman in White (German mystics), 176
Woman's School of Design, 405
Wood, Bishop, 200, 203
Woodland's, 126
Wren, Sir Christopher, 283, 289, 533
Wyck, 297, 521
Wyeth's, 126, 456
Yale (college), 162
Yearly Meeting, 289
Yellow Buskin, the, 405
Zantzinger, C. C., architect, 407
Zola, Émile, 259

Reproductions of a series of lithographs by him, together with impressions and notes by the artist and an introduction by W. H. D. ROUSE, M.A., L.H.D.

Crown Quarto, printed on dull finished paper, lithograph by Mr. Pennell on cover. $1.25 net.


Reproductions of a series of twenty-eight lithographs made on the Isthmus of Panama, January-March, 1912, with Mr. Pennell's introduction, giving his experiences, impressions, and full description of each picture.

Volume 7¼ by 10 inches. Beautifully printed on dull finished paper. Lithograph by Mr. Pennell on cover. $1.25 net.



The Pennells have thoroughly revised the material in their Authorized Life, and added much new matter, which for lack of space they were unable to incorporate in the elaborate two-volume edition now out of print. Fully illustrated with 96 plates reproduced from Whistler's works, more than half reproduced for the first time.

Crown octavo. Fifth and revised edition. Whistler binding, deckle edge, $3.50 net. Three quarters grain levant, $7.50 net.


Transcriber's Notes:

Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

Index page references that erroneously lead to pages without text (blank or illustration only) were removed.

Most of the illustrations have been moved from their original positions to avoid paragraphs being truncated in this text. The List of Illustrations cites their original page numbers, however the hyperlinks will take the reader to the new position.

Some advertisements for other books published by J. B. Lippincot were moved from page ii to the end of the text.

The remaining corrections made are indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the Transcriber's Note will appear.


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