| PAGE | Looking up Broad Street from Spruce Street | Frontispiece | Delancey Place | 3 | "Portico Row," Spruce Street | 7 | Arch Street Meeting House | 13 | The Schuylkill South from Callowhill Street | 17 | Friends' Graveyard, Germantown | 21 | In Rittenhouse Square | 25 | The Pennsylvania Hospital from the Grounds | 29 | "Eleventh and Spruce" | 33 | Drawing Room at Cliveden | 37 | Back-yards, St. Peter's Spire in the Distance | 45 | Independence Square and the State House | 51 | Christ Church Interior | 57 | Classic Fairmount | 65 | Down Pine Street | 69 | Loudoun, Main Street, Germantown | 75 | Entrance to Fairmount and the Washington Statue | 83 | Main Street, Germantown | 89 | Arch Street Meeting | 95 | The Train Shed, Broad Street Station | 99 | St. Peter's, Interior | 105 | The Pennsylvania Hospital from Pine Street | 109 | Second Street Market | 115 | Fourth and Arch Streets Meeting House | 121 | Johnson House, Germantown | 127 | The Customs House | 131 | Under Broad Street Station at Fifteenth Street | 135 | The Philadelphia Club, Thirteenth and Walnut Streets | 141 | The New Ritz-Carlton; The Finishing Touches; The Walnut Street Addition Has Since Been Made | 149 | The Hall, Stenton | 155 | "Proclaim Liberty Throughout all the Land into all the Inhabitants Thereof" | 159 | Bed Room, Stenton, the Home of James Logan | 163 | The Tunnel in the Park | 167 | The Boat Houses on the Schuylkill | 171 | The Pulpit, St. Peter's | 179 | The Cathedral, Logan Square | 185 | Christ Church, from Second Street | 189 | First Presbyterian Church, Seventh Street and Washington Square
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