| PAGE | Crofters' Cottages near Uig, Skye | Frontispiece | Vignette for First Paper | 1 | Tarbet, Loch Lomond | 11 | Glencroe | 15 | Loch Restil | 21 | Inverary | 23 | Cross at Inverary | 29 | Scotland and the Hebrides | 31 | Kilchrennan | 37 | Loch Leven, from Ballachulish | 41 | Oban | 43 | Coast of Mull | 53 | Ross of Mull, looking towards Iona | 59 | Headland of Gribun, from Ulva | 65 | "One of his Strange Things Happened" | 77 | Vignette for Second Paper | 81 | In the Transept of the Cathedral, Iona | 85 | Iona | 87 | Tomb of Macleod | 90 | Castle Bay, from Barra | 103 | Town of Barra | 109 | Mountains of Harris, from Tarbet | 113 | Gathering Peat | 125 | The "Dunara Castle" | 131 | Interior of a Weaver's Cottage | 135 | Doing Skye | 141 | A real Highland Lassie | 147 | Dunvegan Castle | 153 | Graveyard of the Macleod | 156 | Tail-piece | 163 | Vignette for Third Paper | 165 | Fisher-boats hauled up near Buckie | 183 | The only Castle I drew | 186 | Near Cullen | 187 | Bit of Macduff | 190 | Near Banff | 193 | Banff, from Macduff | 195 | Fraserburgh | 199 | In the Harbor, Fraserburgh | 203 | Gutters at Work, Fraserburgh | 207 | Coming Home from the Fisheries, Fraserburgh | 211 | Entrance to the Harbor at Montrose | 215 |