
Abbey, Edwin A., 54
Addiscombe, Henley's house at, 137, 145, 149
"Admiral Guinea," by Henley, 147
Albano, 66
Albergo del Sole, Pompeii, 67
"Allahakbarries," 214, 215
Aman-Jean, E., 261
American Consul at Venice, 86
American tourists, 91
American visitors, 221
Anthony, Venice, 97
Antica Panada, 76
"Arabian Nights' Entertainment," by Henley, 132
Arnold, at Venice, 86, 87
"Arrangement in Trousers," 96
Arrested, 29
Art critics in Paris, 227-229
Artists in Rome, 44-64
"Art Journal," London, 129
"Art Weekly," London, 202
"Association Books," 214
Astor, William Waldorf, 152, 153
"Atlantic Monthly," 83, 96
Augustine (Mme. Bertin), 218
Austen, Louis, 174
Ballantyne & Co., 125
Barnes, Henley's house at, 149
Barrie, J.M., 148, 214
Baseball, 87, 88
Bauer's, at Venice, 107
Beardsley, Aubrey, 138, 177-191, 197, 211, 228, 260-264
Beardsley's illness, 190
Beaux-Arts, Paris, 47
Beerbohm, Max, 185, 187
Befana Night, 66
Beggarstaff Brothers, 194
Belgian exiles, 222
Belgium, 17
BÉraud, Jean, 239
Bibi-la-PurÉe, 276, 281
Bicycle, 17, 32, 254
Bisbing, Henry S., 102
Black magic, 89
Black and white at the Salons, 239
Blackburn, Vernon, 152
Blakie, W.B., 148
Blanche, J.E., 261
"Blast, The," 176
"Bodley Head," 187
Boer War, 219
Borghese, The, 29
"Boys, The," at Venice, 84, 88, 93, 95, 96, 102
Breton, Jules, 274
Bridge of Sighs, Venice, 75
Brillat-Savarin, 245
British Museum, 65
Bronsons, the, at Venice, 98

Brown, Horatio, at Venice, 98
Brown, Professor Fred, 203
Bruant, Aristide, 289-295
Buckingham Street, our rooms in, 117, 121, 125, 126, 129-223, 142, 158,
161, 172, 174, 179, 199, 220, 260
Buhot, Felix, 120, 199, 203
Bunney at Venice, 92
Burano, 111
Burlington House, 228
Burly, Stevenson's, 134
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, 178
Bussy, Simon, 127
"Butterfly," the, 177, 198
Cabaret du Mirliton, Paris, 289, 295
Lyonnais, Paris, 252, 254
CafÉ d'Harcourt, Paris, 273
de la Paix, Paris, 273
de la RÉgence, Paris, 273
de Venise, Rome, 41
Nazionale Aragno, Rome, 41, 43, 49, 52, 67, 121, 274
Orientale, Venice, 76, 82-97, 107, 113, 121, 274
Royal, London, 121, 176, 208
CafÉs at Rome, 34, 40-44
at Venice, 76-113
Calcino, Venice, 77
Campagna, the, 33, 35, 65
Campanile, the, Venice, 75
Canaletto, 100
"Captain's Girl," 214
Carlyle, Thomas, 54
Carnavalet Museum, 285, 292
Carolus-Duran, 261
Carpaccio, 94
Casa Kirsch, Venice, 73, 74, 75,77
Casino de Paris, 280, 296
Cavour, the, Rome, 38, 43
Cazin, C., 262
CÉzanne, Paul, 248, 249
Chamberlain, Dr., 62
Champ de Mars, 234
Champs-ElysÉes, 227, 243, 302
Chantrey bequest, 119
Charles V ball, at Munich, 105
Charpentier, E., 286
Chat Noir, the, Paris, 285-291
ChÉret, Jules, 240
Cheshire Cheese, the, London, 38
Chioggia, 111
"Chronicle of Friendships," by Will Low, 165
Church of San Giorgio degli Schiavoni, Venice, 94
Cleopatra's Needle, 147

Clothes, 31-32, 44, 57, 76, 98, 123, 185, 193-194, 207, 255, 260, 261
Cole, Timothy, 221
Coleman at Rome, 61
Conder, Charles, 203, 241
Coney Island, 110
Constable, T. and A., 213
Cook, Clarence, 63
Cookery, the Author's articles on, 142, 149, 158, 186
Cooking books, 245
Corder, Rosa, 237
Cornford, Cope, 128
"Courrier FranÇais," Paris, 203
Covent Garden, 125
Crane, Walter, 138, 204
Crawford, Marion, 60
Crockett, S.R., 157
Cubists, the, 248
Cust, Henry, 153
D'Ache, Caran, 240, 287
"Daily Chronicle," the, London, 170, 173, 174
"Daily News," London, 41
Davies, 59, 112
Dayrolles, Adrienne (Mrs. W.J. Fisher), 174
Debussy, Achille Claude, 286
Degas, H.G.E., 119, 296
Desboutin, 296
"Dial, The," London, 177
Dinners in Paris, 244-247
"Diogenes of London," 215
Discussions over art, 46-65
Dodge, Miss Louise, 65, 159
"Dome," the, London, 177
Donnay, Maurice, 286
Donoghue the sculptor, 48-49, 50, 53
Dowie, MÉnie Muriel, 185
Drouet, C., 300
Ducal Palace, Venice, 75, 100
Duclaux, Madame, 129
Dumas's Dictionnaire de la Cuisine, 149, 245
Duret, ThÉodore, 300
Duveneck, Frank, 76-108
Edelfelt, 239
Eighteen-eighties, 27-114
Eighteen-nineties, 115-304
Their so-called decadence, 118
English tourists, 92
Etty, William, 123
"Evergreen," the, London, 177
Falcone, the, Rome, 37, 38, 43
Fig-Tree House, 130
Fighting nineties, 118
Finck, Henry T., 245
"Finsbury, Michael," 131, 132
Fisher, W.J., 174
Fitzgerald, Edward, 62
Flaubert, Gustave, 173

Florence, 29, 74, 84, 97
Florian's, Venice, 77, 82, 99
Florizel, Prince, 163, 168, 173, 232
Folies-BergÈre, Paris, 280
Fontainebleau, Forest of, 271
Forain, 203, 240
"Forepaugh," 52-56, 89
Frederic, Harold, 156, 214, 215
Furse, Charles W., 200, 201, 211, 228, 269, 270
Futurists, the, 248
Garnett, Dr. Edward, 65
Gauguin, 249
Gautier, Theophile, 268
Gavarni, 257
"Gazette, Pall Mall," 153
"Gentle Art of Making Enemies, The," 85, 217
"Germ, The," 18
Legge, James G., 159

Leighton, Lord, 195
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 20, 56
Lhermitte, 239
Lido, the, 76, 88, 112
London, 38, 115-223, 253
"London Impressionists," 199
"London Voluntaries," by Henley, 147
Low, Will, 165
Lucca, 74

Luska, Sydney (Henry Harland), 173
Luxembourg, Paris, 103
MacColl, D.S., 201, 227, 241
"Mademoiselle Miss," 290, 294, 296
"Magazine of Art," London, 129
Manet, Edouard, 249, 280
Margherita, Queen, 66
Marguery's, Paris, 250
Marino, 66
Marriott-Watson, Rosamund, 157
Martin, at Venice, 86
May, Phil, 191-199, 211, 222
McFarlane, Venice, 97, 98, 100, 106, 107
Meissonier, J.L.E., 236
Merceria, the, Venice, 99
Meynell, Mrs. Alice, 158, 159
Millet, F.D., 54
Mistral, 65
Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, 142
Monet, Claude, 238
Montepulciano, 42
Montmartre, 297
Moore, George, 159, 185, 215, 229
Morelli, 46
Morin, Louis, 287
Morris, William, 209
Morrison, Arthur, 148, 213
"Morte d'Arthur," illustrated by Beardsley, 178
Moulin Rouge, 280, 281, 296
Munich, 84, 97, 98, 102
Accident at ball, 105
Murano, 111
MÜrger, Henri, 257
Music of "Carmen," the, 106
Naples, 66, 67, 74, 110
"Nation," the, London, 228, 229
"National Observer," London, 125, 128, 130, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141,
151, 155, 157, 211, 214, 229, 267
New English Art Club, London, 119, 199, 200, 201, 269
New Gallery, 227
New York "Times," 156
Nicholson, William, 127, 128, 194
Norman, Henry, 159
Norwegian at Rome, the, 60
Nouvelle AthÈnes, the, Paris, 249
"Observations in Philistia," by Harold Frederic, 156
Orvieto, 74
Ostia, 66
Oulevey, H., 300
"Pageant," the, London, 177
Palais Royal, 243
Pall-Mall, the, "Budget," "Gazette" and "Magazine," 142, 149, 152, 155,
161, 186, 227, 254
"Pan," London, 204
Panada, the, Venice, 78-82
Paris, 19, 227-303
Studios, 102-103
"Parson and the Painter, The," 197
Parsons, Harold, 152
Paulus, 280
"Penn, William," 123, 157, 185
Philadelphia, 13, 23, 34, 37, 40, 50, 64, 137, 242, 255
Piazza Navona, Rome, 66
"Pick-me-up," 198
Pincian, the, Rome, 33, 59
Pisa, 74
Pistoia, 74
Pointillism, 238
Pollock, Wilfred, 152
Pompeii, 67
Porta del Popolo, Rome, 29
"Portfolio, The," 59
Posta, the, Rome, 43
Post-impressionism, 204, 248
Pre-Raphaelitism, 204, 207
Preston, Miss Harriet Waters, 65, 159
"Private Life of the Romans," 65
Prunier's, Paris, 252
Pryde, James, 194
Pulcinello, 67-69
"Punch," 213
"Rape of the Lock," illustrated by Beardsley, 182, 213
Rat Mort, Paris, 296
Renouard, Paul, 203
"Return of the O'Mahoney," 215
ReyniÈre, Grimod de la, 245
Rico, 100
RiviÈre, 287
Robinson, Miss Mary, 129
Rocca di Papa, 66
Rodin, Auguste, 128, 240, 271, 284
Rome, 27-69, 121
Rooms at Rome, 33-34, 64
Roque, Jules, 203
Rosicrucianism, 238
Ross, Robert, 182
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 207, 209
Rossetti, William Michael, 209
Royal Academy, 77, 119, 200, 212, 227, 232
Rubaiyat, illustrated by Vedder, 62
Rubens, 101, 108
Ruskin, John, 46, 73, 77, 92, 94, 99, 100, 102, 110
Ruskin, never quoted by artists, 92
Sailing for Europe, 14
Salis, 285, 286, 287, 289, 291
Salisbury, Lord, 165
"Salome," illustrated by Beardsley, 213
Salons, the, Paris, 103
Sandro, 42, 43
Sandys, Frederick, 121, 204-208
San Francisco Exposition, 84, 97
San Giorgio, Venice, 75, 82
San PÉladan, 238
"Saturday Review," London, 202
"Savoy, The," 189, 190, 198, 281
Schwabe, Carlos, 239
"Scots Observer," Edinburgh, 129
Shannon, J.J., 193
Shaw, George Bernard, 159, 215
Shinn, at Venice, 86
Sickert, Walter, 201
Simpson's, London, 253
Sisley, Alfred, 238
Sixties, illustrations of the, 205, 206, 208
Societies in the nineties, 134
Solferino's, London, 232, 233
South Kensington, London, 58, 90
"Speaker, The," London, 229
"Spectator," London, 202, 227
"Spring-heeled Jack," 160, 164
Spring in Venice, 108
"Standard," London, 83, 98
St. Cloud, Paris, 258, 259, 263
Steer, Wilson, 203
Steevens, George W., 154, 211, 213, 215
Steinlen, 240, 290
Stennis Brothers, 165
Stevenson, "Bob" (Robert Alan Mowbray), 160, 162, 170, 173, 197, 211,
227, 233, 237, 249, 250, 262
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 127, 128, 136, 146, 160, 163, 164, 167, 181,
249, 250, 263
Stewarts, London, 232
St. Mark's, Venice, 75, 86, 100, 109
St. Paul's, London, 147
Street, George S., 148, 213
"Strike at Arlingford, The," 215
Stuart, Jack, 152
"Studio, The," 178
Symbolism, 238
Symonds, John Addington, 77
Symons, Arthur, 183, 190, 278
"Talk and Talkers," 160
Talk on Thursday nights, 124-125
Thaulow, Fritz,


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