Fred. Walker | From an original drawing on the wood in the South Kensington Museum. Process block by C. Hentschel | Frontispiece |
" " | Process block by Hentschel, from a drawing in wash and pencil | 95 |
Boutet De Monvel | Process block from "St. Nicolas," the French | xiii |
" " | From "Jeanne d'Arc," by Hentschel | 65 |
W. W. Russell | Process block by Hentschel, from a pen drawing in "The Daily Chronicle" | xiv |
Maurice Greiffenhagen | Process block by Hentschel, from a pen drawing in "The Daily Chronicle" | xvi |
E. J. Sullivan | Process block by Hentschel, from a pen drawing in "The Daily Chronicle" | xx |
J. McNeil Whistler | From Thornbury's "Legendary Ballads" wood-engraving by J. Swain | xxii |
A. S. Hartrick | Process block by Hentschel, from a pen drawing in "The Daily Chronicle" | xxv |
John Constable | From a pencil drawing, process block unsigned | 1 |
Unknown | "St. Christopher," from a woodcut, 1423 | 6 |
Sir E. Burne-Jones, Bt. | Pen drawing; block by Carl Hentschel. From "The Daily Chronicle" | 6 |
" " | Process block by Art Reproduction Co., from original drawing for Gatty's "Parables" | 44 |
Thomas Bewick | Wood-engraving from Walton's "Angler" | 9 |
David Wilkie | Process block by Carl Hentschel, from a pen drawing | 9 |
The Linnells | Drawings on wood, and engravings from National Gallery Handbook | 10, 11 |
Thomas Stothard | Process block by Carl Hentschel, from an unpublished pen and wash drawing | 10 |
" " | Wood-engravings by L. Clennell | 12, 13 |
William Harvey | Wood-engravings by Thompson, from Milton's Works, etc. | 15, 16 |
" " | Original drawing on wood; process, unsigned | 17 |
" " | Wood-engraving after B. R. Haydon, detail of "Dentatus," process block from it by Dellagana | 49 |
John Thurston | Wood-engravings, unsigned, from Butler's "Hudibras," Tasso, etc. | 19, 21 |
George Cruikshank | Engravings by S. and T. Williams and others unsigned, from "Three Courses," "Table Book," | 22, 23, 25 |
Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Process block, by Clarke, from original unpublished pen drawing | 27 |
" " " | Wood-engraving, by Dalziel, from "Tennyson's Poems" | 27 |
Birket Foster | Wood-engraving from Longfellow's Works, etc., by Dalziel, Vizetelly, etc. | 26-29 |
" " | Process block from an original drawing on wood | 28 |
Harrison Weir | Two wood-engravings from "Poetry for Schools" by A. Slader | 30 |
" " | Original wash drawing on wood, process block unsigned | 31 |
A. Cooper | Engraved by M. Jackson, for Walton's "Angler" | 32 |
Randolph Caldecott | Engraved by J. D. Cooper; from "Old Christmas" | 33 |
" " | From the "Elegy on a Mad Dog," wood engraving, unsigned | 83 |
" " | From "Bracebridge Hall," wood-engraving, unsigned | 86 |
Charles Keene | Original unpublished pen drawings, blocks by Clarke and Dellagana | 34, 36 |
M. E. Edwards | Wood-engraving from Gatty's "Parables," by Harral | 38 |
G. du Maurier | Wood-engraving by J. D. Cooper | 40 |
" " | Process blocks, from pen drawings for "Trilby" | 102, 103 |
Arthur Hughes | Wood-engraving from Hake's "Parables," unsigned | 41 |
Walter Crane | Process block by Carl Hentschel, from wood-engraving printed in colours, "Beauty and the Beast" | 46 |
Kate Greenaway | Key-block for wood-engraving in colour, by Edmund Evans | 48 |
E. Isabey | Process block by Dellagana, after wood-engraving by Slader, from "Paul and Virginia" | 50 |
"Gavarni" | Process block by Dellagana, after wood-engraving, unsigned, from "Parisians by themselves" | 51 |
J. M. L. E. Meissonier | Engravings from the "Contes Remois" | 52, 57 |
Jean Gigoux | Process block, unsigned, from wood-engraving from "Gil Blas" | 53 |
Jules Jacquemart | Pen drawings, reproduced by C. Gillot, from "The History of Furniture" | 55, 56, 64 |
A. de Neuville | Wood-engraving by Farlet from "Coups de Fusil" | 59 |
Gustave DorÉ | Wood-engraving by Brunier, from "Spain" | 58 |
" " | Process block by Dellagana, from a lithograph | 60 |
D. Vierge | Pen drawing, process by Gillot, from "Pablo de SÉgovie" | 60 |
Louis Morin | Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "L'Art et l'IdÉe" | 62, 63 |
Carlos SchwÆbe | Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from Zola's "Le RÊve" | 62 |
E. Grasset | Pen drawing, process by Hare, from "Quatre Fils Aymon" | 63 |
J. F. RaffaËlli | Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "Paris IllustrÉ" | 64 |
H. Ibels | Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "L'Art du Rire" | 65, 66 |
Steinlen | Chalk drawings, two process blocks, by Carl Hentschel, from "Gil Blas" | 66 |
A. Willette | Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "Les Pierrots" | 66, 68 |
Caran D'Ache | Pen drawing, process, unsigned, "Album Caran D'Ache" | 67 |
A. Robida | Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "Journal d'un vieux garÇon" | 67 |
J. L. Forain | Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "La ComÉdie Parisienne" | 68 |
P. Renouard | Wood-engraving, unsigned, from chalk drawing in "The Graphic" | 68 |
M. Lalanne | From pencil drawing, process block by Clarke | 70 |
Martin Rico | From a pen drawing, process by Dellagana | 70 |
Hans Tegner | Unsigned process, from an original pen drawing | 72 |
" " | Pen drawing, from Holberg's "Comedies," wood (?) unsigned | 73 |
Adolph Menzel | Process block by Hentschel, from unpublished drawing | 73 |
F. Goya | Process by Dellagana, from etchings in "Caprices" | 74, 78 |
" | From a chalk drawing in the British Museum, process unsigned | 74 |
M. Fortuny | Process, unsigned, from a pen drawing | 74 |
Joseph Sattler | Process, unsigned, from a pen drawing, "The Dance of Death" | 74 |
G. De Nittis | Process, unsigned, from wash and brush, "Paris IllustrÉ" | 76 |
W. Busch | Process, unsigned, from pen drawing, "Balduin Bahlamm" | 77 |
A. Rethel | Wood-engraving, by Burkner, "Death the Friend," process reduction | 78 |
H. Schlittgen | Process, unsigned, from pen drawing, "Ein erster und ein letzter Ball" | 78 |
Franz StÜck | Process, unsigned, from painting, "Franz StÜck Album" | 79 |
J. Garcia y Ramos | Process, unsigned, from pen and wash drawing | 79 |
W. L. Wyllie | Process, unsigned, pen drawing, "Magazine of Art" | 80 |
J. W. North | From a drawing on wood; block by Dellagana | 81 |
Hugh Thomson | Process, unsigned, pen drawing from "Our Village" | 82 |
J. M. W. Turner | Process by Dellagana, from Rogers' "Italy" | 85 |
E. Griset | Wood-engraving, unsigned from Hood's "Comic Annual" | 87 |
Sir J. E. Millais, Bt. | Wood-engravings, by Dalziel, from "Good Words" | 88, 90 |
A. Boyd Houghton | Wood-engraving, by Dalziel, from Dalziel's "Arabian Nights" | 92 |
" " | Wood-engraving, by Dalziel, from Dalziel's "Arabian Nights" | 92 |
G. J. Pinwell | Process by Hentschel, from drawing on wood for Goldsmith's Works | 93 |
" " | Process by Hentschel, from drawing on wood for Goldsmith's Works | 94 |
Charles Green | Unknown | 94 |
F. Sandys | Wood-engraving by Swain, from Thornbury's "Legendary Ballads" | 96 |
F. Shields | Wood-engraving, unsigned, from Defoe's "History of the Plague" | 98 |
J. Mahoney | Process block, from wood-engraving in "The Sunday Magazine" | 100 |
J. F. Sullivan | Wood-engraving, unsigned, from Hood's "Comic Annual" | 100 |
Sir John Tenniel | Engraved on wood by H. Harral, from Gatty's "Parables" | 102 |
Linley Sambourne | Engraved by H. Swain, from Kingsley's "Water Babies" | 102 |
W. G. Baxter | Process, unsigned, from pen drawing in "Ally Sloper's Cartoons" | 103 |
Phil May | Process, unsigned, from pen drawing in "The Graphic" | 103 |
W. Small | Engraving on wood by Lacour, from "Cassell's Magazine" | 104, 105 |
R. Anning Bell | Process block by Hare, from a pen drawing | 105 |
J. Bernard Partridge | Process block, unsigned, from pen drawing in "Proverbs in Porcelain" | 106 |
W. Holman Hunt | Engraving on wood by Harral, from Gatty's "Parables" | 106 |
E. H. New | Process block, from pen drawing in "The Quest" | 107 |
Winifred Smith | Process block, unsigned, from pen drawing in "Singing Games" | 107 |
Alfred Parsons | Wood-engraving by J. D. Cooper, from "The English Illustrated Magazine" | 107 |
" " | Process block by Hentschel, from "The Daily Chronicle" | 109 |
Sir George Reid | Wash drawing, engraving on wood, unsigned, from "A Scotch Naturalist" | 108 |
W. Paget | Wash drawing, process, by Andre and Sleigh, from "Cassell's Magazine" | 109 |
L. Raven-Hill | Process, unsigned, from pen drawings in "The Butterfly" | 110, 111 |
Edgar Wilson | Process, unsigned, from "The Unicorn" | |