
The full page engravings are indexed with the number of the page nearest to them.

Fred. Walker From an original drawing on the wood in the South Kensington Museum. Process block by C. Hentschel Frontispiece
" " Process block by Hentschel, from a drawing in wash and pencil 95
Boutet De Monvel Process block from "St. Nicolas," the French xiii
" " From "Jeanne d'Arc," by Hentschel 65
W. W. Russell Process block by Hentschel, from a pen drawing in "The Daily Chronicle" xiv
Maurice Greiffenhagen Process block by Hentschel, from a pen drawing in "The Daily Chronicle" xvi
E. J. Sullivan Process block by Hentschel, from a pen drawing in "The Daily Chronicle" xx
J. McNeil Whistler From Thornbury's "Legendary Ballads" wood-engraving by J. Swain xxii
A. S. Hartrick Process block by Hentschel, from a pen drawing in "The Daily Chronicle" xxv
John Constable From a pencil drawing, process block unsigned 1
Unknown "St. Christopher," from a woodcut, 1423 6
Sir E. Burne-Jones, Bt. Pen drawing; block by Carl Hentschel. From "The Daily Chronicle" 6
" " Process block by Art Reproduction Co., from original drawing for Gatty's "Parables" 44
Thomas Bewick Wood-engraving from Walton's "Angler" 9
David Wilkie Process block by Carl Hentschel, from a pen drawing 9
The Linnells Drawings on wood, and engravings from National Gallery Handbook 10, 11
Thomas Stothard Process block by Carl Hentschel, from an unpublished pen and wash drawing 10
" " Wood-engravings by L. Clennell 12, 13
William Harvey Wood-engravings by Thompson, from Milton's Works, etc. 15, 16
" " Original drawing on wood; process, unsigned 17
" " Wood-engraving after B. R. Haydon, detail of "Dentatus," process block from it by Dellagana 49
John Thurston Wood-engravings, unsigned, from Butler's "Hudibras," Tasso, etc. 19, 21
George Cruikshank Engravings by S. and T. Williams and others unsigned, from "Three Courses," "Table Book," 22, 23, 25
Dante Gabriel Rossetti Process block, by Clarke, from original unpublished pen drawing 27
" " " Wood-engraving, by Dalziel, from "Tennyson's Poems" 27
Birket Foster Wood-engraving from Longfellow's Works, etc., by Dalziel, Vizetelly, etc. 26-29
" " Process block from an original drawing on wood 28
Harrison Weir Two wood-engravings from "Poetry for Schools" by A. Slader 30
" " Original wash drawing on wood, process block unsigned 31
A. Cooper Engraved by M. Jackson, for Walton's "Angler" 32
Randolph Caldecott Engraved by J. D. Cooper; from "Old Christmas" 33
" " From the "Elegy on a Mad Dog," wood engraving, unsigned 83
" " From "Bracebridge Hall," wood-engraving, unsigned 86
Charles Keene Original unpublished pen drawings, blocks by Clarke and Dellagana 34, 36
M. E. Edwards Wood-engraving from Gatty's "Parables," by Harral 38
G. du Maurier Wood-engraving by J. D. Cooper 40
" " Process blocks, from pen drawings for "Trilby" 102, 103
Arthur Hughes Wood-engraving from Hake's "Parables," unsigned 41
Walter Crane Process block by Carl Hentschel, from wood-engraving printed in colours, "Beauty and the Beast" 46
Kate Greenaway Key-block for wood-engraving in colour, by Edmund Evans 48
E. Isabey Process block by Dellagana, after wood-engraving by Slader, from "Paul and Virginia" 50
"Gavarni" Process block by Dellagana, after wood-engraving, unsigned, from "Parisians by themselves" 51
J. M. L. E. Meissonier Engravings from the "Contes Remois" 52, 57
Jean Gigoux Process block, unsigned, from wood-engraving from "Gil Blas" 53
Jules Jacquemart Pen drawings, reproduced by C. Gillot, from "The History of Furniture" 55, 56, 64
A. de Neuville Wood-engraving by Farlet from "Coups de Fusil" 59
Gustave DorÉ Wood-engraving by Brunier, from "Spain" 58
" " Process block by Dellagana, from a lithograph 60
D. Vierge Pen drawing, process by Gillot, from "Pablo de SÉgovie" 60
Louis Morin Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "L'Art et l'IdÉe" 62, 63
Carlos SchwÆbe Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from Zola's "Le RÊve" 62
E. Grasset Pen drawing, process by Hare, from "Quatre Fils Aymon" 63
J. F. RaffaËlli Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "Paris IllustrÉ" 64
H. Ibels Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "L'Art du Rire" 65, 66
Steinlen Chalk drawings, two process blocks, by Carl Hentschel, from "Gil Blas" 66
A. Willette Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "Les Pierrots" 66, 68
Caran D'Ache Pen drawing, process, unsigned, "Album Caran D'Ache" 67
A. Robida Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "Journal d'un vieux garÇon" 67
J. L. Forain Pen drawing, process, unsigned, from "La ComÉdie Parisienne" 68
P. Renouard Wood-engraving, unsigned, from chalk drawing in "The Graphic" 68
M. Lalanne From pencil drawing, process block by Clarke 70
Martin Rico From a pen drawing, process by Dellagana 70
Hans Tegner Unsigned process, from an original pen drawing 72
" " Pen drawing, from Holberg's "Comedies," wood (?) unsigned 73
Adolph Menzel Process block by Hentschel, from unpublished drawing 73
F. Goya Process by Dellagana, from etchings in "Caprices" 74, 78
" From a chalk drawing in the British Museum, process unsigned 74
M. Fortuny Process, unsigned, from a pen drawing 74
Joseph Sattler Process, unsigned, from a pen drawing, "The Dance of Death" 74
G. De Nittis Process, unsigned, from wash and brush, "Paris IllustrÉ" 76
W. Busch Process, unsigned, from pen drawing, "Balduin Bahlamm" 77
A. Rethel Wood-engraving, by Burkner, "Death the Friend," process reduction 78
H. Schlittgen Process, unsigned, from pen drawing, "Ein erster und ein letzter Ball" 78
Franz StÜck Process, unsigned, from painting, "Franz StÜck Album" 79
J. Garcia y Ramos Process, unsigned, from pen and wash drawing 79
W. L. Wyllie Process, unsigned, pen drawing, "Magazine of Art" 80
J. W. North From a drawing on wood; block by Dellagana 81
Hugh Thomson Process, unsigned, pen drawing from "Our Village" 82
J. M. W. Turner Process by Dellagana, from Rogers' "Italy" 85
E. Griset Wood-engraving, unsigned from Hood's "Comic Annual" 87
Sir J. E. Millais, Bt. Wood-engravings, by Dalziel, from "Good Words" 88, 90
A. Boyd Houghton Wood-engraving, by Dalziel, from Dalziel's "Arabian Nights" 92
" " Wood-engraving, by Dalziel, from Dalziel's "Arabian Nights" 92
G. J. Pinwell Process by Hentschel, from drawing on wood for Goldsmith's Works 93
" " Process by Hentschel, from drawing on wood for Goldsmith's Works 94
Charles Green Unknown 94
F. Sandys Wood-engraving by Swain, from Thornbury's "Legendary Ballads" 96
F. Shields Wood-engraving, unsigned, from Defoe's "History of the Plague" 98
J. Mahoney Process block, from wood-engraving in "The Sunday Magazine" 100
J. F. Sullivan Wood-engraving, unsigned, from Hood's "Comic Annual" 100
Sir John Tenniel Engraved on wood by H. Harral, from Gatty's "Parables" 102
Linley Sambourne Engraved by H. Swain, from Kingsley's "Water Babies" 102
W. G. Baxter Process, unsigned, from pen drawing in "Ally Sloper's Cartoons" 103
Phil May Process, unsigned, from pen drawing in "The Graphic" 103
W. Small Engraving on wood by Lacour, from "Cassell's Magazine" 104, 105
R. Anning Bell Process block by Hare, from a pen drawing 105
J. Bernard Partridge Process block, unsigned, from pen drawing in "Proverbs in Porcelain" 106
W. Holman Hunt Engraving on wood by Harral, from Gatty's "Parables" 106
E. H. New Process block, from pen drawing in "The Quest" 107
Winifred Smith Process block, unsigned, from pen drawing in "Singing Games" 107
Alfred Parsons Wood-engraving by J. D. Cooper, from "The English Illustrated Magazine" 107
" " Process block by Hentschel, from "The Daily Chronicle" 109
Sir George Reid Wash drawing, engraving on wood, unsigned, from "A Scotch Naturalist" 108
W. Paget Wash drawing, process, by Andre and Sleigh, from "Cassell's Magazine" 109
L. Raven-Hill Process, unsigned, from pen drawings in "The Butterfly" 110, 111
Edgar Wilson Process, unsigned, from "The Unicorn"

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