Abbey, E. A., "Herrick," 123;
"Old Songs" and "Quiet Life," 106, 124;
"She Stoops to Conquer," 124;
"Shakespeare," 124.
"Abbotsford" Waverley Novels, 26.
Ache, Caran d', 66;
"Courses dans l'AntiquitÉ," "Carnet de ChÉques," "Albums," etc., 67, 79.
Adams, J. A., 29.
Albrecht, E., 78.
Alexander, Miss, xvii.
Allers, C. W., 78.
Allingham, W., "The Music Master," 88.
Ally Sloper's Half Holiday, 103.
American illustration, xv, 30-32, 113, 130.
American Tract Society, 29.
Amicis, E. de, 70.
Andersen's "Fairy Tales," 108.
Andrew, 25.
Angelico, Fra, 3.
Angerer and GÖschl, 72.
Anning Bell, R., 105.
Aquatint, 38.
"Arabian Nights" (Lane), 24;
(Dalziel), 91, 101.
Architectural drawing, 111.
Argosy, The, 90.
"ArmÉe FranÇaise, L'," 60.
Armstead, H. H., 90.
Arnold, Sir Edwin, "Japonica," and "Japan," 126.
Art, L', 51.
Art, L', et l'IdÉe, 56.
Art Student, 35.
Artist-correspondents and their work, 112.
Artiste, L', 18, 22, 60.
Auriol, Georges, 63, 68.
Avril, Paul, "La Dame aux CamÉlias," 62.
Babbage, F., xxiv.
Bacher, Otto, 127, 130.
Bale, Edwin, 115.
Bambou, Le, 56.
Barnard, Fred., xxiv, 108.
Barnes, R., 108.
Batten, J. D., illustrations to Fairy Tales, 105-106.
Baude, C., 48, 51, 69.
Baxter, W. G., "Ally Sloper," 103.
Bayard, Emile, 65.
Beardsley, Aubrey, 105;
Yellow Book, "Morte d'Arthur," and "Salome," 105.
Bennett, G. H., 89.
Bentworth, 25, 74.
Beraldi, M., xiv.
Best, 16, 25.
Bewick, Thos., xiv, xvi, 8;
Walton's "Angler," 9;
Gay's "Fables," 9;
"General History of Quadrupeds," 9;
"British Land and Water Birds," 9;
as engraver-artist, 9, 10;
outcome of his work, 12, 17, 47, 88.
Bibliographers' duties with regard to illustrations, xx.
Bibliographica, xvi, 92.
Birch, Reginald, 127.
Blackburn, H., 81.
Black and White, 108.
Black and White Exhibition, Vienna, 72.
Blair's "The Grave," 9.
Blake, W., 9;
"Songs of Innocence" and "Songs of Experience," 10;
"Book of Job," 10;
Blair's "The Grave," 9;
Mary Wollstonecraft's "Stories," 10.
Blanco y Negro, 79.
Blum, R., "Japonica," "Japan," 126.
BÖcklin, A., 76, 77.
Bork, 48, 73.
Botticelli, 3;
designs for Dante, 3.
Boydell's "Shakespeare," 12.
"Bracebridge Hall," 86.
Bradbury and Evans, 89.
Bradley, W. H., 124.
Branston, C., 12, 21.
Braun, 18.
Braun and Schneider, 76.
Brend'amour, Richard, 76.
Brennan, A., 126.
BrÉviÈre, 16, 18.
British Museum, xv, xix, xx, 36.
British Workman, 96.
Brown, Ford Madox, 95.
"Brown, Jones, and Robinson," 84.
Browne, H. K. ("Phiz"), 89.
Bruant's "Dans la Rue," 68.
Buchanan's "The North Coast," 94.
Burckhardt, "Insects Injurious to Vegetation," 31.
Burges, W., 111.
Burne-Jones, Sir E., xvi;
In Daily Chronicle, xxiii, 95, 98.
Busch, W., 77.
Butler's "Hudibras," 19, 20.
Butterfly, The, 105.
Calcott, W., 24.
Caldecott, Randolph, illustration from "Old Christmas," 33, 84, 86;
Books for Children, 86.
Callot, 80.
Cameron, D. Y., 111.
Canaletto, 7.
"Caprices" (Goya), 80.
Capuana, Luigi, 71.
Caracci's "Christ and Peter," 10.
Caricature, La, 22.
Caricature, Political, 102, 103;
Ally Sloper's Half Holiday, 103.
"Carnet de ChÉques," 67.
"Carols" (Gaskin, A. J.), 108.
Carpaccio, 2.
Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland," 102.
Casanova y Estorach, A., 71.
Castaigne, A., 127.
"Catalogue of Blue and White Nankin Porcelain," 95.
Century Magazine, xix, 34, 40, 114, 116.
"Cera una Volta," 71.
Cervante's "Don Quixote," 21.
Champfleury's "Vignettes Romantiques," xviii.
Chapman, J. G., drawings for the "Illuminated Bible," 29.
Charlet, 17, 60.
"ChaumiÈre Indienne," 20.
Chelminski, 73.
ChÉret, 68.
Chiaroscuro, engraving in, 48.
Chiswick Press, 21.
Chodowiecki, 7.
Christopher, St., 6, 34, 36.
Church, F. S., 129.
Cleaver, Reginald, 106.
Clennell, Luke, 11, 12.
ClichÉs, early use of, 7.
Closson, W. B., 129.
Cole, Timothy, 47, 48, 108, 129.
Colvin, Prof. S., xv.
Conquet, 63.
"Contes Remois," 24.
Cooper, A. W., illustration to Walton's "Angler," 32.
Cooper, J. D., xxiv.
Corbould, A., 21.
Cornhill, The, 28, 84, 89;
"Gallery," 94.
Cotman, F. G., 38, 111.
"Coups de Fusil," 60.
Courboin, E., 66.
Courrier FranÇais, Le, 51.
"Courses dans l'AntiquitÉ," 67.
Cox, Kenyon, 126.
Crane, Walter, 28;
"King Luckyboy's Party," "The Baby's Opera," "Baby's Bouquet," 86, 99.
Crowther, T. S., 104.
Cruikshank, George, "Three Courses and a Dessert," 22-24, 83, 88.
Curmer, L., "Paul et Virginie," 20.
Cust, Lionel, xv.
Daheim, 78.
Daily Chronicle, xvii, xxi, xxiii.
Daily Graphic, 117.
Dalziel Brothers, 28, 35;
"Bible Gallery," 35, 95, 88, 90, 91;
"Arabian Nights' Entertainments," 91-93;
"Wayside Posies" and Ingelow's "Poems," 94;
"English Rustic Pictures," 95, 109.
Dalziel, E., 93.
"Daphnis and Chloe," 105.
Darley, F. O. C., 28.
Dasio, Max, 77.
Daubigny, 17.
Daumier, 17;
La Caricature, 22, 38, 60.
Davidson, H., 129.
Davis, J. P., 129.
Davison, T. R., 111.
Defoe's "Plague," 101.
Delacroix, 23, 80.
De Neuville, A., 51, 60;
"Coups de Fusil," 60;
Guizot's "History of France," 60;
"En Campagne," 60.
"Dentatus, The," 49.
Dentu's Le Bambou, 56;
"Tartarin de Tarascon," 61.
Derniame, Aristide, 20.
Detaille, E., 51;
"L'ArmÉe FranÇaise," 60.
Dial, The, 105.
Dickens, C., 83.
Didot, F., "Gravure sur Bois," 5.
Dietz, W., 25, 75.
"Dinner at Greenwich," 84.
Dobson, Austin, xiv, xviii, 81, 84;
"Beau Brocade," 106.
Doepler, C. E., 29.
DonnÉ, Dr., 40.
DorÉ, G., 31, 32, 51, 58;
characterization of his work, 58-60, 63, 93.
Doyle, R., 83;
"Brown, Jones, and Robinson," 84, 89.
Drake, A. W., 114, 115, 127.
Du Maurier, G., 28, 39, 84, 101, 103.
Durand, 108.
Durand, Amand, photogravure process of, 44.
DÜrer, A., xxii, 3;
illustrations to "Maximilian's Missal," 3;
decorative designs, 4;
his criticism on his wood-engravers, 5;
an Apollo drawing, 36.
Duveneck, Frank,
Hall, S. P., 86, 101, 112.
Hallward, Reginald, 108.
Hamerton, P. G., 81.
Harburger, 77.
Harding, J. D., 38, 110, 111.
Hardy, Thos., "Tess of the D'Urbervilles," 101.
Harper, C. G., 81.
Harper's "Illuminated Bible," 29.
Harper's Magazine, xix, 29, 116.
Harral, H., xxiii.
Harris's "Insects Injurious to Vegetation," 30, 31.
Hartrick, A. S., 104.
Harvey, William, xxiv, 12;
Milton's "Poetical Works," 15, 16, 17, 18;
"Gardens, etc., of Zoological Society," 21, 24;
"Elegy" (Gray), 24;
"Arabian Nights," 24;
"Solace of Song," 24;
"Dentatus," 49, 88, 89.
Hassam, F. Childe, 126, 127.
Hatherell, W. H., 105.
Haug, Robert, 75.
Haydon's "Dentatus," 49.
Hendriksen, 48, 73.
Hengler, 77.
Henley, W. E., xvi.
Hennessy, W. J., xvi.
"Herbals," The, 37.
Herford, Oliver, 127.
Herkomer, Prof. H., 86;
Hardy's "Tess," 101.
"Histoire de Mobilier," 51.
"Histoire du Roi de BohÈme," 18.
"Historical and Legendary Ballads," 94, 95, 102.
Hobby Horse, The, 108.
Hogarth, W., 7.
Holbein, Hans, 4, 7;
"Dance of Death," 34, 36.
Hole, W., 72, 111.
Holl, F., 86.
Homer, Winslow, 29.
Hooper, W. H., xvi, 28, 48, 109.
Horne, Herbert, 108.
Horsley, G. C., 111.
Houghton, A. Boyd, xvi, 27, 84, 86, 88, 90;
"Arabian Nights," 92;
Housman on his work, 92;
"Home Thoughts and Home Scenes," 92;
"Don Quixote," 92;
"Kuloff's Fables," 92;
Graphic drawings, 92;
"National Nursery Rhymes," 93;
"The North Coast," 94, 95, 101.
Housman, Laurence, xvi, 92;
"Goblin Market," 106.
Huertas, 79.
Huet, Paul, 17, 20.
Hughes, Arthur, illustrations to Christina Rossetti's "Sing Song," xxiv, 88, 96;
"Tom Brown's School-days," 96.
Hugo's, V., works, "Edition Nationale," 64.
Hunt, Holman, "Lady of Shalott," 88, 90.
"Hypnerotomachia," 4.
Ibels, 66.
Icke, H. J., 72.
Illumination, 3.
Illustracion Artistica, 71.
Illustracion EspaÑola y Americana, 71.
Illustrated London News, 27, 108.
Illustration, L', 51, 65.
Illustration, definition of, 1;
compared to art, 1, 2;
the old illustrator, 2;
the court painters, 2;
the subject and landscape painters, 2;
illumination of MSS., 3;
French illustration, 24;
modern development in, 33;
application of photography to, 34;
increase in its popularity, 34;
production of before the introduction of photography, 36;
French, 50-57;
decline of French work, 52;
decay due to publishers, 54;
Spanish, 71;
Dutch, 71, 72;
Belgian, Austrian, and Hungarian, 72;
Russian and Scandinavian, 73;
Danish, 73, 74;
German, 74, 75;
English, 82, 84;
revival in England, 96;
editors' bad judgments on, 97;
their bad influence, 97;
their ignorance, 90, 99;
evils of modern reproductions, 99;
ignorance of printers, 100;
modern copies of obsolete fads, 100;
colour printing, 109;
American, 113, 130;
reasons for American advance in, 116;
daily papers, 117;
future of modern, 131-134.
Illustrazion Italiana, L', 71.
Illustrirte Zeitung, 75.
Image, Selwyn, 108.
Indexing of artists' works, xix, xx.
Ingelow, Jean, "Poems," 94.
"International Society of Wood Engravers," 109.
Isabey, E., 17, 20.
Ispen, L. S., 124.
Ives' method of engraving, 40.
Jackson, Mason, "The Pictorial Press," xviii, 32, 115.
Jacobi, C. T., xvi.
Jacque, C., 17, 20;
"Vicar of Wakefield," 21.
Jacquemart, Jules, 51.
Jeanniot, P. G., 60.
Job, 66.
Johannot, Tony, 25.
Johannots, the Brothers, 17, 18.
Johnson, T., 129.
Johnstone, J. M., xxiv.
Judge, 129.
JÜngling, Frederick, 48, 129.
Kaulbach, 76.
Keene, C., 28, 38, 39, 84, 89, 90, 104.
Keepsake, 13, 34.
Kepler, F., 129.
King, F. S., 129.
Kingsley's "Water Babies," 102.
Kingsley, Elbridge, 47, 48, 129.
Klinger, Max, 76;
his method, 77;
his "Apuleius," 77.
Knight, Charles, 24.
Koehler, S. R., 130.
Konewka, Paul, 76;
"Faust," 76.
Kreull, G., 48, 129.
Kreitzschmar, 25.
Kunst fÜr Alle, 78.
Lacour, O., xxiv.
La Farge, John, 29.
Lalauze, A., 64.
Lameyer, 79.
Lami, E., 23.
Landseer, Sir E., 24.
Lang, A., "The Library," xviii, 81;
"Fairy Books," 106.
Langton, first use of photography for book illustration, 34.
Lanterne, La, 54.
Lathrop's "Spanish Vistas," 124.
Laurens, Jean Paul, 61.
Lautrec, H. T., 68.
La Vie Moderne, 51.
Lavoignat, 15, 17, 21, 24.
Lawless, M. J., 89.
Leech, John, 83, 84, 88, 89.
"Legend of the Portent," 89.
Legrand, L., 66.
Lehers, Max, 77.
Leighton, Brothers, 109.
Leighton, Sir F., 28, 89;
Cornhill "Gallery," 94, 95.
Leloir, M., 25, 61.
Lemaire, Mme., 62.
LepÈre, A., 18, 47, 51, 69.
Le Sage's "Diable Boiteux," 21.
Les Lettres et les Arts, 56.
Leveille, 16, 24, 51.
Lhermitte, L., "La Vie Rustique," 61.
"Liber Studiorum," 27.
Lidia, La, 79.
Life, 126, 129.
Linnells, The, 10, 11;
"The National Gallery," 14.
Linton's "Engraving," xviii;
on engraver and artist, 24, 28, 48, 86, 109.
Lithography, 38;
work by Prout, Harding, Roberts, Nash, 38;
revival in, 109;
Vanity Fair and chromo-lithography, 109;
photo-lithography, 109.
Low, Will. H., 126.
Lucena, Jiminez, 79.
Luders, Hermann, 75.
Lunel, F., 61.
Lungren, F., 126.
Lynch, Albert, "La Dame aux CamÉlias," 62.
Macbeth, R. W., 72, 111.
"Madame ChrysanthÈme," 62.
Magazin Pittoresque, 21.
Mahoney, T., "Scrambles amongst the Alps," 94, 101.
Mallows, C. E., 111.
Marchetti, 64.
Marie, Adrian, 65.
Marold, L., 57, 72, 78.
Mars, 66, 68.
May, Phil, 104;
"The Parson and the Painter," 104.
Meadows, Kenny, 88.
Meggendorfer, 77.
Meisenbach process, 40.
Meissonier, J. L. E., 8, 17, 20;
Pranishnikoff, 73.
PremiÈres IllustrÉes, Les, 61.
Pre-Raphaelites, xxii, 76, 88, 98.
Prior, Melton, 112.
"Process," art of, 41;
Meisenbach, 40;
comparison with wood-engraving, 41-43;
method of, 42;
application of photography, 42;
for "line" work, 42;
use of swelled gelatine, 42;
photogravure of Amand Durand, 44;
black-and-white drawings reproduced in, 44;
wash reproductions by, 44;
advantages of, over engraving, 45;
flat washes, 45;
objections to, 45;
object of, 46;
not a "mechanical makeshift," 46;
answers to criticisms on, 46;
bound to supersede wood-engraving, 48;
Gillotage, 51;
Guillaume half-tone process, 62;
bad process work, 96.
Proctor, J., 102.
Prout, S., 38, 110, 111.
Puck, 129.
Punch, 27, 106, 129.
Pyle, Howard, 124, 125.
Pyle, Miss Katharine, 127.
"Quatre fils d'Aymon," 63.
Quest, The, 108.
"Quiet Life," 106.
Quotidien IllustrÉ, 117.
RaffaËlli, J. F., 65.
Raffet, 17, 60.
Railton, Herbert, 105.
Rainey, W., 108.
Ramos, F. Garcia y, "La Tierra di Maria Santissima," 79.
Ratdolt, E., 5.
Raven-Hill, L., 104, 115.
Read, S., 88, 112.
Redwood, A. C., 126, 128.
Reed, E. T., 106.
RÉgamey, Felix, 65.
Reid, Sir George, 106;
"Johnny Gibb," "The River Tweed and the River Clyde," 107.
Reinecke, RenÉ, 78.
Reinhart, G. S., "Spanish Vistas," 124.
Rembrandt, 2, 3;
Etchings of, 4, 88.
Remington, F., "Hunting Trips of a Ranchman," 126.
Renouard, Paul, 65.
RÉpine, 73.
Retzche's "Shakespeare," 76.
Revue IllustrÉ, La, 51.
Ricketts, Charles, 105;
"Daphnis and Chloe," 105.
Rico, 50, 71, 79, 126.
Riou, 65.
Roberts, C., xxiii.
Roberts, D., 38.
Robida, "Rabelais," 63.
Rochegrosse, G., 61.
Roehle, 18.
Rogers' "Italy," 38;
"Poems," 11, 12, 18.
Rops, FÉlicien, 63.
Rossetti, C., "Goblin Market," 106.
Rossetti, D. G., xvii, 27, 35, 85;
"The Palace of Art," "Sir Galahad," 88, 98;
his influence and motives, 98.
Rossi, 54, 62, 128.
Rowlandson, 84.
Rubens, sketches for title-pages, 4, 11.
Ruskin, J., 28, 85, 93.
Russell, W. W., 104.
Ryland, Henry, 108.
Sala, G. A., 89.
Sambourne, Linley, 101;
"Water Babies," 102;
Punch work, 102.
Sandys, Frederick, xv, 27;
"Amor Mundi," 35, 39, 84, 88-90;
Cornhill "Gallery," 94;
"Legendary Ballads," 95, 101, 108.
Savage, Reginald, 105.
Schlittgen, H., 78.
SchwÆbe, C., 63, 77.
"Scrambles amongst the Alps," 94, 101.
Scribner's Magazine, 116.
SÉon, 64.
Seymour, G. L., 105.
Shannon, C. H., 105;
"Daphnis and Chloe," 105.
Shepherd, W. L., 30, 126.
Shields, Frederick, xvi, 39, 84;
Defoe's "Plague," 101.
Shilling Magazine, 28, 35, 84, 88, 90.
Short, Frank, 72, 111.
Simpson, William, 112.
Singer, Dr. Hans, xv.
Small, W., 27, 101, 103.
Smedley, W. T., "Sketches of American Watering-places," 124.
Smeeton, 18.
Smillie, J. D., 130.
Smith, F. Hopkinson, 127.
"SociÉtÉs Anonymes," 54.
"Solace of Song," 24.
Solomon, S., 95.
Sourel, "Insects Injurious to Vegetation," 31.
South Kensington Museum, xv, xix, xx, 36.
"Spanish Scenes," 79.
Spectator, xviii.
Speed, Lancelot, 106.
Spielmeyer, W., xxiv.
"Spy," 109.
St. Stephen's Review, 104.
Stacey, W. S., 108.
Stainforth, M., xxiv.
Staniland, C. J., 108.
Stationers' Hall, Exhibition of Wood-Engravings, March, 1895, xxiii.
Steinhausen, W., 77.
Steinlen, 57, 66;
Bruant's "Dans la Rue," 68.
Stephens, Mrs. Alice B., 127.
Sterne's "Sentimental Journey," 61.
Stevenson's "The Wreckers," 128.
"Stones of Venice," 85.
Stothard, T., 9, 10;
"The Pilgrim's Progress," 11;
Richardson's "Novels," 11;
Rogers' "Poems," 11-13, 18;
"Alphabet," 19, 24.
Strahan, A., xvi.
Strang, William, 111.
Strange, E. F., xv.
Stroebel, 78.
StÜck, Franz, 77.
Sullivan, E. J., 104.
Sullivan, J. F., 102.
Sumner, Heywood, 108.
Sunday Magazine, 90.
Supplement LittÉraire et Artistique, 54.
Swain, J., 28, 35, 90, 109.
"Tartarin de Tarascon," 52, 61.
Taylor, Tom, 83;
"Pictures in Words," 91.
Tegner, Hans, 73;
drawings for Holberg's "Comedies," 73.
Tenniel, Sir J., 28, 89, 92;
"Alice in Wonderland," "Legendary Ballads," 102.
Thackeray, W. M., 12, 83, 89;
"Roundabout Papers," 90.
Thoma, H., 77.
Thomas, G. H., xxiv.
Thomas, W. L., 115.
Thompson, Charles, 14, 15, 16.
Thompson, John, Hogarth's Works, 13.
Thompsons, the, 12;
Cruikshank's Work, 24.
Thomson, D. C., 115.
Thomson, Hugh, 105.
Thulstrup, T. de, 127.
Thurston's Butler's "Hudibras," 19, 20;
"Tasso," 21, 24.
Tilt's, "Gardens and Menageries of the Zoological Society Delineated," 21.
Tinkey, J., 129.
"Tierra di Maria Santissima, La," 79.
Titian's "Ariadne and Bacchus," 14.
Tofani, 64.
"Tom Brown's School-days," 96.
Toudouze, Edouard, 62.
Townsend, Horace, xvi.
TrevÈs, Fratelli, 70.
Tristram's "Coaching Days and Coaching Ways," 105.
Ueber Land und Meer, 75.
Unger, J. F. G., 75.
Unzelmann, 25, 74.
Uzanne, Octave, 56, 62.
Valloton, F., 69;
"Enterrement en Province," 69.
Vanity Fair, 109.
Vebers, the, 64.
Vedder, Elihu, "Omar Khayyam," 126.
Velasquez, portraits of, 2, 80.
Veronese, 2, 3.
Vierge, Daniel, 19, 51, 54, 61, 71, 79, 80, 126.
"Vie Rustique, La," 61.
Villiers, F., 112.
Vinne, Theodore de, 120.
Vizetelly, H., 27.
Vogels, the, 25, 72, 74, 78.
Walker, Emery, xvi.
Walker, Fred., 27, 39, 88;
"Adventures of Philip," 90, 93;
Cornhill "Gallery," 94;
"English Rustic Pictures," 95.
War Correspondents and their work, 112.
"Warwickshire Avon," 106.
Watson, C. J., 111.
Watson, J. D., 92.
Watteau, 7.
Way, Messrs., 109.
"Wayside Posies," 94.
Weir, Harrison, xv, xxiv, 26, 30, 31, 103.
Whall, Christopher, 108.