THE WONDER OF WORK INTRODUCTION I BUILDING THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS II THE NEW HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA III THE MANUFACTURERS' CLUB AND STOCK EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA X THE CAMBRIA STEEL WORKS, JOHNSTOWN XIV CARNEGIE'S WORKS, HOMESTEAD XVI WORK CASTLES, WILKES-BARRE XVII BUILDING A POWER-HOUSE, NIAGARA XVIII BUILDING A SKYSCRAPER, NEW YORK XIX BUILDING THE WOOLWORTH BUILDING XX BUTTE, MONTANA, ON ITS MOUNTAIN TOP XXII APPROACH TO DULUTH, THE LAND OF WORK AND BEAUTY XXVII VICTOR EMMANUEL MONUMENT, ROME XXVIII REBUILDING THE CAMPANILE, VENICE XXIX RETURN FROM WORK, CARRARA, ITALY XXX THE NEW BAY OF BAIE, ITALY XXXI THE HARBOR AT GENOA, ITALY XXXII THE GREAT WHITE CLOUD, LEEDS XXXIV THE RIVER OF WORK, LEEDS, ENGLAND XXXV THE GREAT CHIMNEY, BRADFORD XXXVI THE GREAT STACK, SHEFFIELD XXXVIII SCHNEIDER'S WORKS AT CREUSOT XXXIX OLD AND NEW MILLS, VALENCIENNES XL THE LAKE OF FIRE, CHARLEROI, BELGIUM XLI THE GREAT DUMP, CHARLEROI, BELGIUM XLII THE IRON GATE, CHARLEROI, BELGIUM XLIII CRANES, DUISBURG, GERMANY XLV BUILDING THE RAILROAD STATION LEIPZIG, GERMANY XLVI BUILDING THE BRIDGE AT COLOGNE XLVII BUILDING THE "BISMARCK," HAMBURG XLVIII THE HUT OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE XLIX SHIPYARD, HAMBURG, GERMANY L KRUPP'S WORKS, ESSEN, GERMANY LI POWER-HOUSE, BERLIN, GERMANY LII SCHNAAPS AT SCHIEDAAM, HOLLAND Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document have been preserved. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. JOSEPH PENNELL'S PICTURES OF THE WONDER OF WORKJOSEPH PENNELL'S PICTURES OF THE PANAMA CANAL FIFTH PRINTING Twenty-eight reproductions of lithographs made on the Isthmus of Panama, January-March, 1912, with Mr. Pennell's introduction, giving his experiences and impressions, and a full description of each picture. Volume 7¼ by 10 inches. Beautifully printed on dull-finished paper. Lithograph by Mr. Pennell on cover. $1.25 net. "Mr. Pennell continues in this publication the fine work which has won for him so much deserved popularity. He does not merely portray the technical side of the work, but rather prefers the human element."—American Art News. JOSEPH PENNELL'S PICTURES IN THE LAND OF TEMPLES Forty reproductions of lithographs made in the Land of Temples, March-June, 1913, together with impressions and notes by the artist. Introduction by W. H. D. Rouse, Litt. D. Crown quarto, printed on dull-finished paper, lithograph by Mr. Pennell on cover. $1.25 net. Mr. Pennell's drawings of classical temples as they have come down to us are among the very best work of this kind that he has ever done. OUR PHILADELPHIA REGULAR EDITION. Containing one hundred and five reproductions of lithographs by Joseph Pennell. Quarto 7½ by 10 inches, XIV-552 pages. Handsomely bound in red buckram, boxed. $7.50 net. AUTOGRAPH EDITION. Limited to 289 copies (now very scarce). Contains ten drawings reproduced by a new lithograph process in addition to the illustrations that appear in the regular edition. Quarto. XVI-552 pages. Specially bound in genuine English linen buckram in city colors in cloth-covered box. $18.00 net. LIFE OF JAMES MCNEILL WHISTLER The Authorized Life, with much new matter added which was not available at the time of issue of the elaborate two-volume edition, now out of print. Fully illustrated with 97 plates reproduced from Whistler's works. Crown octavo. XX-450 pages, Whistler binding, deckle edge. $3.50 net. Three-quarter grain levant, $7.50 net. Proofs of some of the Lithographs and Etchings in these books may be obtained on application to the publishers. |