(The dates previous to 389 B.C. are uncertain.)

753. Foundation of Rome by Romulus.
753-510. REGAL PERIOD.
753-716. Romulus.
716-673. Numa Pompilius.
673-641. Tullus Hostilius.
640-616. Ancus Marcius.
616-578. Tarquinius Priscus.
578-534. Servius Tullius.
534-510. Tarquinius Superbus.
509. Battle of Lake Regillus.
508. Porsena. Horatius Codes.
494. TribÚni Plebis. Menenius Agrippa.
492. Corioli. CoriolÁnus.
477. Destruction of the Fabian Gens.
458. War with the Aequians. CincinnÁtus.
451. The Decemviri. Appius Claudius. Virginia.
396. Capture of Veil. Camillus.
390. Siege of Rome by Brennus. Battle at the Allia river (July 18).
387. The planting of the first military or Latin colonies.
367. The Licinian Rogations.
353. Caere: the first Municipium.
343-341. First Samnite War.
340-338. The Latin War.
338. Antium, the first Roman or maritime colony.
326-304, The Second Samnite War.
321. The Caudine Forks.
298-290. The Third Samnite War.
295. SentÍnum.
283. Lake VadimÓnis.
281-272. Pyrrhus.
280. HeraclÉa. Cineas.
279. Asculum.
274. Beneventum.
272. Rome mistress of Italy; morality at its height.
264. Period of foreign conquest begins.
264-241. First Punic War.
260. Lipara; Mylae.
257. Tyndaris.
256. Ecnomus. Regulus at Clupea.
249. Drepana.
241. AegÁtes Insulae. Catulus. Hamilcar Barca.
237. Sardinia and Corsica acquired, and provincial system established.
229. Illyrican War. Important results.
222. Gallia CisalpÍna acquired by battle of Telamon.
220. Hannibal in Spain.
219. Saguntum.
218-202. Second Punic War.
218. Ticinus. Trebia.
217. TrasimÉnus. CasilÍnum.
216. Cannae.
212. Capture of Syracuse. ArchimÉdes.
207. Baecula. Metaurus.
202. Zama.
214-205. First Macedonian War.
200-197. Second Macedonian War.
198. Cynoscephalae.
190. Magnesia.
183. Death of AfricÁnus, Hannibal, and Philopoemen.
171-168. Third Macedonian War.
168. Pydna.
149-146. Third Punic War.
149., Death of Cato the elder.
146. Destruction of Carthage and Corinth.
143-133. The Numantine War.
134-132. The Servile War.
133. Tiberius Gracchus.
129. Death of AfricÁnus the younger.
123-121. Gaius Gracchus.
118-104. The Jugurthine War. Metellus. Marius. Sulla.
102. Aquae Sextiae.
101. Vercellae.
90-89. The Italian or Social War.
86. Death of Marius.
86-84. Sulla's campaign against MithradÁtes.
84. Death of Cinna.
80. Reforms of Sulla.
78. Death of Sulla.
80-72. Sertorius in Spain.
73-71. Spartacus.
72-67. Campaign of Lucullus against MithradÁtes.
67. Pompey conquers the pirates.
67-61. Pompey in the East.
63. Cicero Consul. Catiline.
59. First Triumvirate formed. Caesar's first Consulship.
59. The Leges Juliae. Clodius. Cicero's banishment.
Cato sent to Cyprus.
58-49. Caesar in Gaul.
57. Recall of Cicero. Return of Cato.
53. Death of Crassus.
Murder of Clodius. Pompey's consulship and
52 separation from Caesar.
49. Caesar crosses the Rubicon.
49. Siege and capture of Ilerda.
48 (Jan. 4). Caesar sails from Brundisium.
48. Victory of Pompey near the sea-board.
48 (Aug. 9). Pharsalia. (Sept 28) Murder of Pompey.
Caesar establishes Cleopatra on the throne of Egypt.
47. Battle of Zela.
47 (Sept.). Caesar returns to Rome.
46 (Apr. 4). Thapsus. Death of Cato the younger.
45 (Mar. 17). Munda.
44 (Mar. 15). Murder of Caesar.
43 (Nov. 27). The Second Triumvirate.
43 (Dec.) Murder of Cicero.
42 (Nov.). Philippi.
36. Naulochus.
31 (Sept. 2). Actium.


B.C. / A.D.
30-14. Augustus.

14-37. Tiberius.
37-41. Caligula.
41-54. Claudius.
54-68. Nero.
68-69. Galba.
69. Otho.
69-79. Vespasian.
79. Destruction of Jerusalem.
79-81. Titus.
80. Destruction of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
81-96. Domitian.
96-98. Nerva.
98-117. Trajan. Limit of Empire reached.
117-138. Hadrian.
138-161. AntonÍnus Pius.
161-180. Marcus Aurelius.
180-192. Commodus.
192-284. From Pertinax to Diocletian.
284-305. Diocletian.
306-337. Constantine the Great.
312. Edict of Milan.
325. Council of Nice.
337-476. From Constantine to Romulus Augustulus.


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