(a) (Take five.) The Allia, Agrigentum, Lilybaeum, Placentia, Cannae, Numantia, Massilia,-where? Mention (with dates) historical events connected with four of these places. (Take any two.) 1. How were the members of the Roman Senate chosen at different times? 2. The origin of the Praetorship. What were the duties of the Praetor? 3. Describe or explain any five: Pater Patratus, Feriae Latinae, Curia, Equites, Flamines, the Licinian Laws, the law of Majestas. Questions on the "additional reading." (Candidates who have read the books recommended for additional reading may substitute one of the following questions for one of the first three in this group.) 4. (TIGHE.) How did the practical powers of the Roman Senate differ from its theoretical powers? 5. (BEESLEY.) What can be said in defence of the Lex Frumentaria of Gaius Gracchus? September, 1886. 1. Give an account of the races which inhabited Italy before the founding of Rome. 2. What were the principal Greek colonies on the shores of the Mediterranean? For what were three of them celebrated? 3. Describe the three forms of the Roman comitia, and trace the development of the comitia tributa. 4. What were some causes of the victory of Rome in the Punic wars? The effect of this victory upon Italy? 5. Explain patria potestas, princeps senatus, municipium, ager Romanus, equites. |