

I. Heathen Kings, Emperors, and Rulers, among the Greeks and Romans.

Adrian, 250
Agasicles, 240
Agesilaus, ibid.
Agathocles, 234
Agis, 241
Alcamenes, ibid.
Alexander Severus, 256
Alexandrides, 242
Anaxilas, ibid.
Antigonus, 235
Archidamus, 242
Aristides, 236
Ariston, 242
Artaxerxes Mnemon, 234
Augustus, 249
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 251
Cato, 248
Cleomenes, 243
Clitomachus, 238
Cyrus, 233
Demosthenes, 239
Dersyllidas, 243
Dioclesian, 257
Epaminondas, 238
Hippodamus, 243
Leonidas, ibid.
Lysander, 244
LacedÆmonian Customs, 245
Lycurgus, 247
Pausanias, 244
Pericles, 237
Philip of Macedon, 234
Phocion, 237
Ptolemy, 235
Themistocles, 236
Theodosius, 257
Theopompus, 244
Trajan, 250
Vespasian, ibid.
Xenophanes, 235

II.—Heathen Philosophers.

Anacharsis, 267
Anaxagoras, ibid.
Antisthenes, 275
Aristotle, 281
Bias, 264
Bambycatii, 266
Bion, 278
Chilon, 263
Cleobulus, 265
Crates, 281
Democritus, 270
Demonax, 278
Diogenes, 279
Epictetus, 288
GymnosophistÆ, 343
GynÆcosmi & GynÆconomi, 266
Heraclitus, 268
Hippias, 266
Mandanis, 282
Periander, 264
Pertinax, 256
Pescennius, ibid.
Pittacus, 265
Plato, 274
Pythagoras, 258
Scipio Africanus, 249
Seneca, 285
Socrates, 271
Solon, 259
Thales, 258
Xenocrates, 277
Zeno, 282

III.—Virtuous Heathen Women.

Cornelia, 292
Hipparchia, 291
Penelope, 290
Plotina, 292
Pompei Plautina, ibid.

IV.—Christian Testimonies of

Acacius Bishop of Amida, 322
Ambrose, 307
Augustine, 308
Cardan, ibid.
Clement Romanus, 305
Council of Carthage, 308
Gratian, 309
Gregory, 306
Jerome, 119
Luther, 128
Machiavel, 306
Malorat, 118
Ouzelius, 305
Paulinus, Bishop of Nola, 322
Tertullian Chrysostom, 306
Theoph. Greg. Nazianzene, 306
William Tindall, 163
Bartholomew Tertian, 316
Waldenses, 309, 318
—— of Taverns, 312
—— Dancing, ibid.
Bacon, Lord Chancellor, 334
Charles V., 328
Chrysostom, ibid.
Dr. Donne, 338
Princess Eliz. of the Rhine, 344
Hugo Grotius, 339
Count Gondamor, 336
Henry Prince of Wales, 335
One of the family of Howard, 344
Sir Christopher Hatton, 333
Ignatius, 327
Justin Martyr, ibid.
Francis Junius, 340
James, Earl of Marlborough, 341
Anthony Lowther, 350
Sir John Mason, 330
Cardinal Mazarine, 337
The Great Duke de Montmorency, 334
Count Oxenstiern, 337
Philip III. King of Spain, 336
A Sister of the family of Penn, 347
Sir William Penn, 348
Sir Walter Raleigh, 330
Cardinal Richelieu, 336
Du Renti, 351
Earl of Rochester, 343
A. Rivetus, 340
Solomon, 325
Sir Philip Sidney, 329
Selden, 338
Salmasius, 339
Sir Henry Vane, 342
Secretary Walsingham, 329
Sir Henry Wotton, 333
Cardinal Wolsey, 328
Bulstrode Whitlock, 346


Joseph Rickerby, Printer, Sherbourn Lane.

[1] Dorotheus in his Lives of the Prophets.

[2] Dorotheus in his Lives of the Prophets.

[3] Which was before I professed the communion I am now of.

[4] The very practice, and garb, and vanity of this age being as liable to the wrath of God, which hangs over England and Europe, and is ready to be executed on their rebellious inhabitants.

[5] Plut. Herod.

[6] Plut. Laert.

[7] According to the Athenian account.

[8] Herod. Halic.

[9] Stob. Sent. 3.

[10] Clem. Alex. Strom.

[11] Baart. Suid. Protag. Stob. xxviii.

[12] Laert. Stob.

[13] Laert. Plut. Sympos. Sap. Sep. Stob. Ser.

[14] Plutarch. Stob. xxviii.

[15] Cic. lib. de Orat.

[16] Plin.

[17] Vid. Suid.

[18] Cic. Tusc. Quest. 5; Clem. Alex. Strom.

[19] Plut. contra Usur. Lysand. Cic. Tusc. Quest. 5.

[20] Plat. Apolog. Diog. Laert. Helvic.; Cic. Tusc. Quest. 1; Xenoph. Brut. Cic. Orat. Liban.

[21] Apol. Varro. Hist. Schol. Artist.

[22] Clem. Alex. Strom. ii. 417; Xen. Mem. iii. pp. 720, 778, 779, 780. Stob. Ech. Strom. i. 11.

[23] Stob. iv. 6; Ibid. ii. 18; Xenoph. Mem. 3; Seneca Epist. i. 104; Stob. 28; Ibid. 32; Xen. Mem. 1; Ælian. 9; Stob. 37.

[24] Stob. 37; Ibid. 87; Xen. Mem. 34; Ælian. Ver. Hist. 9.

[25] Stob. 37; Xen. Mem. iv. 802.; Plat. PhÆd.

[26] Xen. Mem. i. p. 710.

[27] Xen. Mem. 4.; Plat. de Legib.

[28] Plato de Rep.

[29] Diog. Laert. in vit.

[30] Xen. Crat. Stob. Ælian.

[31] Laert. vit. Socr. Ælian.

[32] Laert.

[33] Stob.

[34] Stob. 177.

[35] Diog. Laert.

[36] Agel. lib. c. 5.

[37] Laert. vit. Mem.

[38] Laert. Plut. de Rep. Stoi. Cic. de aut. Deo, lib. ii.

[39] Lactant. de Ira Dei, cap. 10.

[40] Plat. Pl. Ph. 16. Cic. Tul. Quest. 4. Diog. Laert. vit. Mem. Stob.

[41] Laert. Val. Max. 4, 3, 2, 16. Cic. Pro. Fal. Val. Max. 7, 2.

[42] Stob. Strom. 45.

[43] Stob. 161.

[44] Ibid. 46.

[45] Stob. Laert.

[46] Animad. in Min. Fel. p. 25.

[47] Constit. Clem Rom. l. 1, chap. 2.

[48] Mach. Dis. l. 2, chap. 5.

[49] Tert. lib. de Patien. Chrysost.

[50] August. de Civit. Dei. l. ii. c. 7.

[51] De ira Dei. l. 9, c. 7.

[52] Cardan de Sapient. l. 2.

[53] Jac. Laurentio de lib. Gentil. p. 40, 41.

[54] XII. Cap. Hist. de orig. Walden. Vignia Hist. Bibl. p. 130. Dubran Hist. Bohem. 14. Thuan. in Hist. sui. temp. p. 458. Mat. Paris Hist. of Eng. Angl. 1174; Bellar. tom. 2, lib. 1, cap. 26, co. 86. Ecchius. com. loc. c. 28. Apl. l. 6. con. Hieret. p. 99.

[55] Jo. Paul. Per. Hist. Wald. l. 1. in p. 37, 38. Dona nos le nostre pan quotidian. en choi. Memor. Morrel. Vign. Mem. f. 7.

[56] Thesaur. fed. Ap. Wald.

[57] Thesaur. fed. Ap. Wald. l. 2, c. 3. Lifill. sign. nassion ali patrons carnals de non esser rendus, &c.

[58] Ibid. l. 2, c. 3.

[59] La taverna de maisons de pleisirs es fontana de pecca e schola del diavolo, &c.

[60] La bal es la proces. del diavol, e qui intra en la bal, &c.

[61] Sp. Alm. fol. 50-54.

[62] Jerom. in dec. int. oper.

[63] August. de Civit. Dei.

[64] August. l. 2.

[65] Concl. p. 68. Encaren qual manier fidel debian regir li ler Corps: non servali desirier mort. &c.

[66] Hist. Wald. l. 4, c. 11, p. 55-57.

[67] Bern de Gir lora. de Hail. Hist. de la Fr. 1. 10. Vesemb. Orat. in Wald. Beza Hist. hom. dig. virer de ver. et fals. Rel. 1. 4, c. 13, p. 249, Cat. Test. ve. 334, Vigin, Bibl. Hist. p. 1.

[68] Vieaux Mem. fol. 6, 7.

[69] Mut. Par. in Hen. 3, Anno, 1220. Sigonius de Reg. Ital. 1, 7.

[70] Sernay, c. 47, Chef. 1. 3, c. 7.

[71] The devil is a Scripturian sometimes.

[72] Rain. cap. de stud. pervert. alios et modo dicendi. l. 98. Baron. Eccl. Annal. tom. 18, an. 1176, p. 835. Kranz. in Metrop. l. 8. sect. 18, and in Sax. l. 8, cap. 16.

[73] Eccl. Hist. p. 5, 393.

[74] Socrat. Scholast.

[75] Severus Apop. p. 175.

[76] Ignatius Epist. ad Ephes. Mag. Trall. Eus. 1. iii. c. 32, Rom.

[77] Euseb. Eccl. Hist. 1. 4, c. 8.

[78] Philo JudÆus, of the worship of Egypt and Alexandria. Euseb. Pam. Eccl. Hist. 1. 2. c. 17.

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