I. Heathen Kings, Emperors, and Rulers, among the Greeks and Romans. Page. Adrian, 250 Agasicles, 240 Agesilaus, ibid. Agathocles, 234 Agis, 241 Alcamenes, ibid. Alexander Severus, 256 Alexandrides, 242 Anaxilas, ibid. Antigonus, 235 Archidamus, 242 Aristides, 236 Ariston, 242 Artaxerxes Mnemon, 234 Augustus, 249 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 251 Cato, 248 Cleomenes, 243 Clitomachus, 238 Cyrus, 233 Demosthenes, 239 Dersyllidas, 243 Dioclesian, 257 Epaminondas, 238 Hippodamus, 243 Leonidas, ibid. Lysander, 244 LacedÆmonian Customs, 245 Lycurgus, 247 Pausanias, 244 Pericles, 237 Philip of Macedon, 234 Phocion, 237 Ptolemy, 235 Themistocles, 236 Theodosius, 257 Theopompus, 244 Trajan, 250 Vespasian, ibid. Xenophanes, 235 II.—Heathen Philosophers. Anacharsis, 267 Anaxagoras, ibid. Antisthenes, 275 Aristotle, 281 Bias, 264 Bambycatii, 266 Bion, 278 Chilon, 263 Cleobulus, 265 Crates, 281 Democritus, 270 Demonax, 278 Diogenes, 279 Epictetus, 288 GymnosophistÆ, 343 GynÆcosmi & GynÆconomi, 266 Heraclitus, 268 Hippias, 266 Mandanis, 282 Periander, 264 Pertinax, 256 Pescennius, ibid. Pittacus, 265 Plato, 274 Pythagoras, 258 Scipio Africanus, 249 Seneca, 285 Socrates, 271 Solon, 259 Thales, 258 Xenocrates, 277 Zeno, 282 III.—Virtuous Heathen Women. IV.—Christian Testimonies of Acacius Bishop of Amida, 322 Ambrose, 307 Augustine, 308 Cardan, ibid. Clement Romanus, 305 Council of Carthage, 308 Gratian, 309 Gregory, 306 Jerome, 119 Luther, 128 Machiavel, 306 Malorat, 118 Ouzelius, 305 Paulinus, Bishop of Nola, 322 Tertullian Chrysostom, 306 Theoph. Greg. Nazianzene, 306 William Tindall, 163 Bartholomew Tertian, 316 Waldenses, 309, 318 —— of Taverns, 312 —— Dancing, ibid. Bacon, Lord Chancellor, 334 Charles V., 328 Chrysostom, ibid. Dr. Donne, 338 Princess Eliz. of the Rhine, 344 Hugo Grotius, 339 Count Gondamor, 336 Henry Prince of Wales, 335 One of the family of Howard, 344 Ignatius, 327 Justin Martyr, ibid. Francis Junius, 340 James, Earl of Marlborough, 341 Anthony Lowther, 350 Sir John Mason, 330 Cardinal Mazarine, 337 The Great Duke de Montmorency, 334 Count Oxenstiern, 337 Philip III. King of Spain, 336 A Sister of the family of Penn, 347 Sir William Penn, 348 Sir Walter Raleigh, 330 Cardinal Richelieu, 336 Du Renti, 351 Earl of Rochester, 343 A. Rivetus, 340 Solomon, 325 Sir Philip Sidney, 329 Selden, 338 Salmasius, 339 Sir Henry Vane, 342 Secretary Walsingham, 329 Sir Henry Wotton, 333 Cardinal Wolsey, 328 Bulstrode Whitlock, 346 THE END. Joseph Rickerby, Printer, Sherbourn Lane. Transcriber's note:Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed. Mismatched quotes are not fixed if it's not sufficiently clear where the missing quote should be placed. The cover for the eBook version of this book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. |