CHAPTERS I. AND II.—Page 1-23. Of the Necessity of the daily bearing of the Cross of Christ. CHAPTER III.—Page 24-28. What the Cross of Christ is. CHAPTER IV.—Page 29-42. What the great Work of the Cross is. CHAPTERS V. AND VI.—Page 43-74. Of unlawful Self in Religion and Morality. CHAPTERS VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. AND XII.—Page 75-149. Of Pride, the first capital Lust, its Rise, Definition, and Distinction. CHAPTER XIII.—Page 150-167. Of Avarice, the second capital Lust, its Definition and Distinction. CHAPTERS XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. AND XVIII.—Page 168-229. Of Luxury, what it is, and the Mischief of it to Mankind. CHAPTER XIX.—Page 233-294. The Testimonies of several great, learned, and virtuous Personages among the Gentiles, urged against the excesses of the Age. CHAPTER XX.—Page 295-324. The Doctrine and Practice of the blessed Lord Jesus and his Apostles, the primitive Christians, and those of more modern Times in favour of the Discourse. CHAPTER XXI.—Page 325-355. The serious Apprehensions and Expressions of several aged and dying Men of Fame and Learning. CHAPTER XXII.—Page 356-365. An Exhortation to all professing Christianity, to embrace the foregoing Reasons and Examples.