Montevideo, December 31st, 1892. To the Hon. President of "Chicago Exhibition" Executive Committee: On delivering the Spanish text of these notes and statistical inquiries, the compiling of which we have taken under our care as a patriotic duty, it is convenient to observe that, if the present work principally contains facts and particulars only relative to the year 1891, it is because complete general statistics covering the year 1892 are not yet to be had, as the "Board of Statistics" do not publish the "Annual" till the second quarter of the year 1893, and also because it has been considered better to conserve a certain general unity in the compiling of facts and particulars. If, in a few special cases, any particulars of the year 1892 have been quoted, it was merely with the purpose of supplying to some deficiency. The time which the Commission has had to dispose has been very short for a work of this kind; the particulars that existed at the "Board of Statistics" had to be used, and it was impossible to get any new ones, at least as completely and as quickly as it was required; and that if, notwithstanding so many difficulties, it has been possible to deliver the present work in due time, it is because the Director of the "Board of General Statistics" had already compiled nearly all of it, so that the only thing to be done has been to introduce a few short amplifications, sometimes to change the order, and some others to make a few important corrections. The only thing we are sorry for, is not to have received all the particulars and information we had asked for, so as to give to the present work a greater novelty and a more seducing form—that, with a greater number of facts and particulars, might reveal what is, what can be, and what is to be, one day or other the Oriental Republic, with all its economical and social elements, and with all the new elements that will be created, owing to the benefits of peace and owing to the work and energy of the inhabitants, under the protecting shield of a severe and provident Administration. Having concluded this work which was committed to our care, and thinking that the translator, Mr. J. J. Rethore, will finish his in the first fortnight of the next year, we have the honor of saluting the Honorable President with all our greatest consideration and esteem. HONORE ROUSTAN. CARLOS M. DE PENA. Minister of Foreign Relations, To the Consul-General: The Government has this day issued the following decree: Ministry of Foreign Relations. Decree. Montevideo, January 27, 1893. In view of the representation made by the Ministry of Public Works (Fomento) in a note of present date, the President of the Republic decrees: Article 1. The following are appointed as members of the Commission representing the Republic of Uruguay in the Universal Exposition at Chicago: President, Senor Don Prudencio de Murguiondo, Consul-General in the United States of North America; Special Commissioner, Don Lucio Rodriguez Diez; and Regular Commissioner, Don Alberto Gomez Ruano, Dr. Don Eduardo Chucarro, and Don Ricardo Hughes. Art. 2. The said Commissioners will arrange directly with the Central Commission at Montevideo in everything relating to their duties. Art. 3. Let this decree be published and recorded. Signed: Herrera y Obes, Any information regarding Uruguay will be cheerfully given by the Commissioners at Chicago till the Exposition closes, and after that by the Consul-General of Uruguay, at Washington, D. C., or the following Consuls and Vice-Consuls.