Fort Ticonderoga Inside Front Cover
Flint and Tinder Box 2
Major Robert Rogers and an Indian Chief 4
Airview of Fort Ticonderoga and Surrounding Country 6
Indian Costumes 8
Champlain and the Iroquois, Near Ticonderoga 10
Marquis de Lotbiniere 14
Marquis de Vaudreuil 18
Part of the Original Instructions to de Lotbiniere 20
Major Robert Rogers 22
Wounding of Baron Dieskau 24
Abercromby’s Expedition, Embarking at Head of Lake George 26
The Marquis de Montcalm 28
Brig. General Lord Howe 30
Duc de Levis 32
Plan of Town and Fort (Insert) 32-33
Major General Israel Putnam 34
Replica of the Cross Erected by General Montcalm 44
Montcalm Congratulating His Victorious Troops 45
Major Robert Rogers’ Battle on Snowshoes in 1757 46
Sir Jeffrey Amherst 48
General Amherst and the Burning Fort 50
Ethan Allen 54
Catamount Tavern, Where Plans Were Laid to Capture Fort 57
Ethan Allen and Captain Delaplace 59
Letter from Ethan Allen 60-61
Allen Needs You at Ti 63
Ethan Allen’s Blunderbuss 65
Benedict Arnold 66
Major General Richard Montgomery 68
General Knox 70
General Knox Moving Cannon from Ticonderoga to Cambridge 72
Rig of Fleet at Valcour Island 74
Map of the Attack and Defeat of the American Fleet 76
General Schuyler 78
Major-General Arthur St. Clair 79
Major-General Horatio Gates 80
Ticonderoga and Its Dependencies, 1776 81
The Massacre of Jane McCrea 82
General John Burgoyne 84
The Battle of Saratoga 86
Surrender of Burgoyne 88
George Washington at Halfway Brook 90
Stephen H. P. Pell 92
The Pavilion 94
Fort Ticonderoga and the Pavilion, 1827 96
The Silver Bullet 98
Restoration Model of Fort Ticonderoga 100
Thomas Cole Painting of Fort, Early 1820’s 101
Entrance to Place D’Armes 103
The Place D’Armes 105
Fort Ticonderoga in 1959 107
The Ethan Allen Door 109
George Washington in Uniform of American General 112
Powder Horn Map Made at Mount Independence 1776 114
Flag Bastion 118
Fort Ticonderoga: South Barracks Inside Back Cover

Airview of Fort Ticonderoga Showing Strategic Location of Mount Defiance, Beyond Which Is Lake George

Indian Costumes, From Lafitau. 1, Iroquois; 2, Algonquin


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