The Nurse described them as the most wonderful Twins she had ever seen; but then Monthly Nurses always speak in this way! The Mother said that she had never known children exhibit such intelligence at so early an age; but then Mothers always think in that way, especially of their first! The Father wanted to drown the yelling little brats, and had turned on both taps in the bathroom; but then Fathers always want to do something rash! Altogether it was a very merry little family, and when the Twins were three months old and had been duly christened and vaccinated, Mr. Jollybuck called on his Solicitor and altered his Will so as to provide for the family which had been so anxiously hoped for and so long in coming. But alas for Mrs. Jollybuck, for whom Widow's weeds were to be so soon necessary, and a plague on all false chemists who fail to label their blue bottles "With Care." Mr. Jollybuck swallowed Carbolic Acid instead of Ipecacuanha Wine, and after the payment of Estate Duty, Debts and all Expenses, except Legacy Duty, his Estate consisted of £16,000 Cash on Deposit at the London, City and Midland Bank, £15,000 India 31/2% Stock at 92, and Furniture valued at £500. By his Will he left: (a) India Stock and the Furniture to his Widow, free of Duty. (b) £6,000 to his Widow. (c) £12,000 and the Residue of his Estate to his only Son. (d) £12,000 to his Brother. (e) £500 to his only Daughter. Draw up a Statement showing the amount each beneficiary under Mr. Jollybuck's Will is entitled to receive. decorative footer decorative header