Men who are mean during life and who would grudge a present of 5s. to the postman at Christmas, or who would spend a whole day in another man's motor car and fail to tip the Chauffeur at the end of the journey, often prove very generous with their money when they die and can no longer enjoy the satisfaction of possession, which during lifetime they cherished so dearly. Such creatures usually bequeath their property to Charitable Institutions at the expense of deserving relatives, who have, at any rate, in Equity, a claim to at least some small share thereof. The Law of Italy corrects this injustice, and no man can will away at death the whole of his property to strangers, if he leaves a Widow or Relatives living of a nearer kinship than a First Cousin. Now Vincentio Dorando was an Italian subject, whose nearest living relative was a First Cousin once removed. He had been educated at Oxford and had spent the greater portion of his life in England, but at the time of his death he was domiciled in France. He left no property of any sort in Italy or France, and no duties were found to be payable in either of these Countries. He had property in England, however, which consisted of £15,000 Japanese 41/2½ per cent. Bonds at 94, a Freehold House valued at £2,500, and some Furniture and Pictures which were stored at Messrs. Hudson's Repository, and which were valued for Probate at £480. The only debt due at death was a Tailor's Bill for £62. He had made a perfectly valid Will in England, by which he bequeathed all his property, with the exception of his Real Estate, to his old Oxford friend, Mr. James Duncan, for life, with remainder over to Mr. Duncan's eldest son. He left the Freehold House to another Oxford friend, Mr. Wallstone. Show what Duties were payable to the Inland Revenue Authorities upon the death of Mr. Vincentio Dorando. decorative footer The Jollybuck Twins... The Jollybuck Twins —as they appeared, no doubt, to Mrs. Jollybuck and the Nurse—prospective world-geniuses. decorative header