On Lady Day the death occurred
Of Hubert Henry Huckett,
Who fell beneath a brewers' dray
And promptly kicked the bucket.
He left a very charming Wife,
And one enchanting Daughter,
Two Sons, who, if the truth was told,
Drank much more than they ought'er.
His Will was proved and it was found
He'd left as weird collection
Of Stocks and Shares as e'er was known
Within man's recollection.
He'd (£) 60 Bags and 40 Coils
100 Common Can. Pacs.,
And (£) 40 Berthas, 60 Lions
And 42 Brazil Tracs.
He'd 80 Knackers, 20 Breads
And just (£) 400 Saras,
(£) 1,000 Middies, 20 Tanks,
And (£) 57 Claras.
200 Chinas (£) 90 Megs,
10 Virgins (£) 40 Doras,
(£) 1,000 Vestas, Matches 10,
12 Bones and (£) 80 Noras,
The Cash at Bank was £80,
The Cash in House was seven,
The Furniture was valued at
Four hundred pounds eleven.
Debts due at death were £90,
And no one in their senses
Can say that £20 was much
For Funeral Expenses.
The Trustee read the Will with care
And studied it minutely,
And found that all was left unto
The Widow absolutely,
Except some Legacies, which made
The worthy man feel dizzy,
He read "I hereby leave my Bags
Unto my daughter Lizzie."
"I leave the Virgins to my son,
Advising him to hold them,
Unless it proves upon my death
I've previously sold them."
"I solemnly bequeath my Bones
Unto my second sonny,
Although I know they'll quickly be
Converted into money."
"I also feel in duty bound
To leave my brother's kiddies
A Legacy, so let his girls
Take over all the Middies."
"My Trustee gets a hundred pounds
For trouble and attention,
All Legacies are duty free,
Perhaps I ought to mention."
"Those whom I leave will thus receive,
A generous provision,
And when all's paid, they'll see I've made
A very just division."

The following lines were addressed by the Trustee to the Professional Accountant:—

You are a man, to Law and Figures bred,
I am a Layman, and I fear to tread
The unknown way.
You know the course Executors should take
To carry out their Trust, without mistake,
Without delay.
Give me then help to ascertain the rate
Of Duty payable on the Estate;
The Residue,
Which goes to Mrs. Huckett, and which may
Be challenged by her lawyer; and I'll pay
A fee to you.
Short Name of Investment. Full Name of Investment. Amount left by Deceased. Cum. Div Price at Date of Death
Bags Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern Rly. Ordinary Stock £60 Stock 116-117
Coils Californian Oilfields Ordinary Shares 40 Shares £1 each 53/4-61/4
Can. Pacs. Canadian Pacific Rly. Common Stock 100 Shares $100 each 2331/2-2341/2 ($5=£1)
Berthas London, Brighton &South Coast £40 Stock Rly. Deferred Stock 893/4-901/4
Lions J. Lyons &Co., Ltd., Ordinary Shares 60 Shares £1 each 65/16-69/16
Brazil Tracs. Brazil Traction Light and Power 42 Shares $100 each 89-90 ($5=£1)
Knackers Harrison, Barber &Co., Ltd. 80 Shares £5 each 11/2-2
Breads Aerated Bread Co., Ltd. 20 Shares £1 each 41/4-41/2
Saras Great Central Rly. Deferred Stock £400 Stock 141/4-141/2
Middies Midland Rly. Deferred Ordinary Stock £1,000 Stock 701/2-71
Tanks Tanganyika Concessions 20 Shares £1 each 23/8-25/8
Claras Caledonian Rly. Deferred Converted Ordinary Stock £57 Stock 181/4-181/2
Chinas Eastern Extension Telegraph Co. Ordinary Shares 200 Shares £10 each 127/8-133/8
Megs Mexican Rly. 1st Preference Stock £90 Stock 136-137
Virgins Virginia New Funded Bonds 10 Bonds $100 each 84-86 ($5=£1)
Doras South Eastern Rly. Deferred Stock £40 Stock 583/4-59
Vestas Railway Investment Co. Deferred Stock £100 Stock 141/2-151/2
Matches Bryant &May, Ltd., Ordinary Shares 10 Shares £1 each 7/8-11/8
Bones Wickens, Pease &Co. Ordinary Shares 12 Shares £5 each 3/4-11/4
Noras Great Northern Rly. Deferred Stock £80 Stock 501/2-511/2

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