To anyone not in the secret, the conduct of Mr. Pipkin would appear inexplicable, for on March 3rd, 1914, he very deliberately entered a Tobacconist's shop, ordered a threepenny cigar, and afterwards resigned his position as Assistant Book-keeper in Messrs. Macfarlane's Grocery Establishment. The secret, however, lay in the fact that Mrs. Pipkin had come into money, and Mr. Pipkin very naturally felt himself independent of other people and yearned for the ease and comfort appertaining to the position of a retired gentleman of means. Mrs. Pipkin's fortune consisted of a life interest in the Property left by Mr. Austen Friars, who died on the 28th February, 1914. This property was represented by the following assets:— £2,000 31/2% Hongkong Stock, interest payable half-yearly, on the 1st April and 1st October. 200 Shares of £5 each (£2 10s. 0d. called up and paid) in the Commercial Banking Co., Ltd. Freehold House bringing in £80 a year, payable quarterly, on the usual Quarter Days. This house was assessed at £67, and the Income Tax was paid by the Tenant on the 5th January, 1914. 750 £1 Shares, fully paid, in the Perpetual Rays Co., Ltd. April, 1914, was the very happiest month in Mr. Pipkin's whole life, and he spent most of his time smoking his pipe in his back garden, or improving his mind by contemplating the educative pictures of the local Cinema. The months of May and June, however, did not prove quite so pleasant, and by the middle of July Mr. Pipkin actually threatened Mrs. Pipkin that unless she kept the baby quiet he would look out for another job. And then August came round which proved to be the most miserable month of Mr. Pipkin's whole life, for Mrs. Pipkin was suddenly taken ill after consuming a liberal portion of Tinned Salmon. Never before did he realise how much he loved his Wife or what a blow to his heart her death would be. He never left her bedside and he spared no expense, but, in spite of all, Mrs. Pipkin passed away on the 19th August, 1914. It would be idle to attempt to depict Mr. Pipkin's feelings; it is enough to say that he became a poorer but a wiser man. On the 3rd April, 1914, a dividend for the year ending 31st January, 1914, at the rate of 71/2% was declared on the 200 shares in the Commercial Banking Co., Ltd., and a similar dividend was declared on the 4th April, 1915, in respect of the year ending 31st January, 1915. On the 19th August, 1914, a final dividend at the rate of 15% per annum, free of tax, was declared on the 750 Shares in the Perpetual Rays Co., Ltd., for the half year ending 30th June, 1914. An interim dividend had been received on the 31st January, 1914, in respect of the half year ending 31st December, 1913, at the rate of 10% per annum, free of tax. No interim dividend was paid during the Company's year ending 30th June, 1915; but on the 31st July, 1915, a dividend at the rate of 10%, free of tax, was declared in respect of the year ending 30th June, 1915. Show the exact amount payable to Mrs. Pipkin and her Estate in respect of her life interest under the Will of Mr. Austen Friars. decorative footer "Two Sons, who, if the truth w... "Two Sons, who, if the truth was told, Drank much more than they ought'er." decorative header