Sir Hazel Knut, Bart., died, and the whole of his Estate, after the payment of Estate Duty, Debts, and all expenses, amounted to exactly £15,000. He bequeathed the following Legacies, all free of Duty except the Settled Property. Lady Knut, his widow, £2,000. Lady Knut also had the use of a Governess Cart, together with a Shetland Pony, for life, with remainder over to the Toddington Cottage Hospital. These were valued for Probate at £60, and the value of the life interest was computed at £12. George Filbert (aged 12), a son of Lady Knut by a former husband, £200. Selina Knut, daughter (aged 4), £1,200. George Lightfoot, son-in-law, who married Sir Hazel's charming daughter Rose, £1,200. Rose predeceased Sir Hazel by 4 years, but the Twins survived. To each of these children Sir Hazel left One Thousand Guineas. Mrs. Gubbins, Sir Hazel's aged mother, £1,000. Mr. Gubbins, Stepfather to Sir Hazel, the Racehorse "Fleetfoot," aged 14, by Footrest out of Fleet Rabbit, valued at £19 19s. 0d. Rev. Stirling Knut, nephew, £100. And £50 each to the following: Cutforth Crawley, Lady Knut's sister's son. Lady Augusta Ramsbotham (sister-in-law, Lady Knut's eldest sister). Dorothy Smith, who married Robert, Sir Hazel's eldest son, 3 months after the funeral. The Residue of the Estate was left absolutely to Robert. Show how much Sir Robert Knut inherited. decorative footer decorative header