Sir Hazel Knut, Bart., died, and the whole of his Estate, after the payment of Estate Duty, Debts, and all expenses, amounted to exactly £15,000. He bequeathed the following Legacies, all free of Duty except the Settled Property. Lady Knut, his widow, £2,000. Lady Knut also had the use of a Governess Cart, together with a Shetland Pony, for life, with remainder over to the Toddington Cottage Hospital. These were valued for Probate at £60, and the value of the life interest was computed at £12. George Filbert (aged 12), a son of Lady Knut by a former husband, £200. Selina Knut, daughter (aged 4), £1,200. George Lightfoot, son-in-law, who married Sir Hazel's charming daughter Rose, £1,200. Rose predeceased Sir Hazel by 4 years, but the Twins survived. To each of these children Sir Hazel left One Thousand Guineas. Mrs. Gubbins, Sir Hazel's aged mother, £1,000. Mr. Gubbins, Stepfather to Sir Hazel, the Racehorse "Fleetfoot," aged 14, by Footrest out of Fleet Rabbit, valued at £19 19s. 0d. Rev. Stirling Knut, nephew, £100. And £50 each to the following: Cutforth Crawley, Lady Knut's sister's son. Lady Augusta Ramsbotham (sister-in-law, Lady Knut's eldest sister). Dorothy Smith, who married Robert, Sir Hazel's eldest son, 3 months after the funeral. The Residue of the Estate was left absolutely to Robert. Show how much Sir Robert Knut inherited. decorative footer The Racehorse, "Fleetfoot." By... The Racehorse, "Fleetfoot." By "Footrest" out of "Fleet Rabbit." Aged 14. decorative header