
The following letter was received by the Rev. Stephen Collins on the 22nd March, 1914:—

147, Eaton Avenue, W.

21st March, 1914.

My dear Mr. Collins,

As an old and much honoured friend of my late husband may I implore you to be with us at breakfast on Tuesday, the 1st April, at 9 a.m.?

My son Montgomery comes of age on that day and I feel that it would be a particularly appropriate occasion for his Vicar to say a few words on the seriousness of life, and the responsibilities of riches.

Perhaps you do not know that my husband left everything to me except £10,000 India 31/2% Stock which he bequeathed (in my opinion misguidedly) to our two boys, Montgomery and Algernon, in equal shares. At the date of the Colonel's death, six years ago, these were valued at 102, but now, alas, are worth no more than 90. The Income up to the 6th January last has been regularly handed over to the boys in accordance with their father's wishes, but on the 1st April, £5,000 of the Stock will have to be sold and handed over to Monty.

Mr. Crawley, my Solicitor, has promised to be present, and I have sent invitations to my Stockbroker, Professional Accountant, and the Bank Manager.

Do come, dear Mr. Collins,

And believe me to remain,

Yours very sincerely,


Note.—The breakfast was a great success. Everybody turned up and the Rev. Stephen Collins spoke for 47 minutes. The £5,000 Stock was sold at 90 net, and the necessary entries were made in the books of the Trust, showing the settlement of Montgomery's interest in the Estate.

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"The Rev. Stephen Collins spok...

"The Rev. Stephen Collins spoke for 47 minutes."

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