
Mr. Justice Oats died in harness. He worked like a horse throughout his long career on the Bench, and was universally regarded as a thoroughbred sportsman. For nearly 25 years he had been a Judge of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice, and like many others in a similar position, died intestate. Not that this was the intention of the learned Judge, for he had prepared a Will on the back of an envelope, but forgetting that even he was subject to the laws of the land, had entirely overlooked the necessity for signing it. He died, therefore, intestate.

His Net Estate, after the payment of the Estate Duty on the Personal Property, amounted to £68,570, of which the Real Property was valued at £24,200.

For many years the Judge had been a Widower, and his only child had died in infancy. His youngest brother, Alfred, was living, however, and he had a nephew, the son of his deceased brother Charles. The Judge had, in addition, three first cousins, one of whom was a lady who had thrice refused offers of marriage, the acceptance of any one of which would have made her Lady Oats. She was, however, a Quakeress, and her enemies hinted that she refused the Judge lest the combination of the name of her religious faith and her marriage name should bring upon her the nickname of "Lady Porridge."

How was the Judge's property divided?

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