Mr. William Wiggins made all his money out of Pickles, and when he died his body was embalmed. To use the Widow's words, "'e 'opped it" on the 14th June, 1914. He left his fortune to Mrs. Wiggins, his nephew Herbert Huggins (commonly known as 'Erb 'Uggins), and his cousin Joe Gubbins, in equal portions. The Will was duly proved, Estate Duty at 9% was paid, and the interest on the Estate Duty amounting to £165 3s. 0d. was paid on the 14th November, 1914. What was the value of the Net Legacy received by each Beneficiary? There was no Real Estate. decorative footer "For nearly 25 years he had be... "For nearly 25 years he had been a Judge of the Probate Division." decorative header