Mrs. George Dumpkins was very vexed that any Estate Duty at all should be payable, and when she was told that a Corrective Affidavit would have to be presented she threatened to change her Solicitors. As she very properly said she had sufficient troubles already without having to pay for more, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whoever he was, ought to be ashamed of himself for taxing Widows so scandalously. She entirely disagreed with the opinion of her Solicitor as to the necessity of presenting this Corrective Affidavit, and insisted upon having Counsel's opinion on the matter. The following facts were therefore submitted to the learned gentleman:— Mr. Dumpkins' Estate had been proved for Probate purposes at £71,000, but during the year after death the following Assets were realised and Liabilities settled, viz.:— £18,000 31/2% India Stock valued for Probate at 947/8, realised 91. Share in Ship valued at £4,000, realised £3,500. Sundry Liabilities estimated for Probate at £8,000, were subsequently found to be £8,700. (This included £75 cost of bringing deceased's body from abroad.) Stock-in-Trade valued at £10,250, realised £9,400. £6,000 Mortgage Debentures valued at £7,500 were sold at par. The opinion of Counsel was received in due course, and the Solicitor smiled. By what amount was the Estate Duty increased or decreased? Ignore any adjustment in respect of Interest on Estate Duty. decorative footer decorative header