And when Joseph was dead his son Benjamin took unto himself a Wife and they had issue, two Boys and one Girl. Now the elder of these two Sons was comely to gaze upon and when he was yet two years from Man's Estate his Father said unto him, "My Son, your Father's Brother is old and nearing death. Take heed, therefore, lest his wealth be scattered amongst the Gentiles." And the Son answered, "Fear not, my Father, from henceforth I will be unto my Father's Brother as a Son." But after Seven Days had passed away the Uncle died and all his Flocks and Herds were left to his Brother Benjamin's Children. And on the Seventh Day after the Brother's death, the Woman, whom Benjamin had taken to wife, gave birth to Twin Children, and after Seven more Days had passed, the Male Child sickened and died. And Benjamin wept for his Son and looked not upon the Child that lived, and refused all meat, so that he weakened, and after Seven more Days he was buried in the Tomb of his Fathers (near Shepherd's Bush). N.B.—There were fortunately no further deaths in Benjamin's family, and the Uncle's Legacy to his "Brother's Children," which was valued for Probate at £12,000, was duly divided between them. How much did each receive? decorative footer decorative header