It would be indelicate to indicate the exact portion of Mr. Hobson's anatomy that was so fiercely attacked by the mad dog, but it is sufficient to say that the bite was the indirect cause of his death. He anticipated the end, for shortly before he passed away he called in his Solicitor, Mr. Crawley, and made a fresh Will, which was duly witnessed by his aged Housekeeper, Mrs. Uskins, and the Gardener. The Estate, which consisted entirely of Personal Property, comprised:— (1) Share in the firm of Hobson Bros., £11,500. (2) Bonds to Bearer valued at £6,300. (3) Cash at Bank £220. The debts due by deceased, including a Loan from the Bank secured on the Bonds to Bearer, amounted to £3,160, and the Funeral Expenses came to £42. The Property was bequeathed as follows:— Mrs. Hobson (Widow), £2,500. George Hobson (Son, aged 27), £2,000. Selina Hobson (Daughter, aged 18), £2,000. Wickham Crawley (Solicitor), £200. Maria Hawkins (Niece, aged 28), £1,000. George Hobson, Junr. (Grandson, aged 4), £1,500. Mrs. Uskins (Housekeeper), £500. Mrs. Rumbolt (Deceased Brother's Wife), £500. Mrs. Hobson, Senr. (Deceased's Mother), £2,000, and the Residue to the Widow absolutely. Prepare a Distribution Account. decorative footer "London and North Western Cons... "London and North Western Consolidated Stock." decorative header