Within St. Dunstan's Churchyard rest the bones Of Charles Augustus Algernon de Jones, Who left, besides a widow, tall and fair, Four infant daughters all with ginger hair. The worldly goods of which he died possessed Were valued, net, twelve thousand of the best. He died intestate, left no real estate, Broke his neck hunting at a five-barred gate. Two years before he left this vale of tears, He justified his wife's most anxious fears, He spent ten thousand on a rope of pearls, A gift to one of Daly's Chorus Girls. This was a falling from the narrow course Which lasted but a fortnight; then remorse O'ercame him, and he gave five thousand pounds To London's Home for Lost and Straying Hounds. This good deed mollified his jealous wife, And two years later, when he quitted life, The widow buried anger with the bones Of Charles Augustus Algernon de Jones. And now as everyone knows This tragedy comes to a close, With fallings and failings And funeral wailings 'Mid sighings and sobbings and woes. Do not think that this story is lax Or of improbability smacks; I tell you it's true, And I'm waiting for you To say what did the Revenue Tax. decorative footer decorative header