
Spoil-Five may be played by any number of persons not exceeding ten; the best game, however, is when four or live take part, as then about half the cards are in play. Inthis game the cards run in different order to the ordinary course, vary in the two colours, and further, change in the trump suit, as follows:

1. In Hearts and Diamonds, when not trumps.—King, queen, knave, 10, 9, down to ace (the ace of hearts is always a trump card, and never counts as a heart).

2. In Clubs and Spades, when not trumps.—King, queen, knave, ace, 2, down to10.

3. In Hearts and Diamonds, when trumps.—5, knave, ace of hearts, ace of trumps, king, queen, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2. (Ifhearts are trumps, there is only one ace.)

4. In Clubs and Spades, when trumps.—5, knave, ace of hearts, ace of trumps, king, queen, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.

A simple method of remembering the order of the cards is to notice that the highest of the minor ones are the best in the red suits, and the lowest in the black ones.

A pool is made up by each player contributing two or three coins or counters for the purpose, the dealer paying an additional stake. The pool thus formed goes to the player who succeeds in winning three tricks in one hand; but if neither player succeeds in doing so, the game is said to be “spoilt,” and the amount remains in the pool, the players contributing for the next round only one coin or [104] counter, and paying that number into the pool each deal until one of the party succeeds in winning three tricks, when he takes the total amount in the pool, and a new one is started by each player contributing the full stake as at the commencement. The dealer pays the sum agreed for the deal each time, no matter whether the pool was won, or the game spoilt, the previous round.

If there are only two players engaged, or with four, if it is agreed that two of the players combine against the other two, there can be no spoils, as one must win three of the tricks, and thus secure the pool, each round.

To determine the first dealer, the cards are dealt round as in “Nap” (see p. 9), when the player to whom the first knave falls becomes dealer. Heshuffles the pack, has it cut by the player on his right-hand side, and proceeds to distribute five cards to each player, dealing them in regular order from left to right, and either first two and then three to each player, or first three and then two. The top card of the undealt portion of the pack is turned up for trump, and if it proves to be the ace, the dealer has the option of “robbing,” as explained hereafter; and if it is not the ace, any one holding that card must rob before he plays, before his turn comes round.

If the dealer makes a misdeal, or deals out of order, or exposes a card, he loses his turn of dealing, and the next player in order takes his place; or it may be agreed that in case of a misdeal the dealer shall have the option of dealing again after paying a second stake for dealing into the pool. The deal is an advantage, and in case of a slip in the distribution of the cards, it will generally be found best to pay the penalty and deal again.

The game is opened by the player on the left-hand side of the dealer leading whichever of his cards he chooses. [105] If the card led be a trump, then all the players must follow suit if they are able to do so, subject to certain exceptions explained below under the heading of “Reneging.”

If the ace of hearts is led, and another suit is trumps, it does not necessitate all the players following suit, even though the ace of hearts is always reckoned as a trump. The lead in this case is considered as made from a plain suit, and the rules governing them are enforced.

If the card is not a trump, then the other players may trump the card, or follow suit, as they please, but each must do the one or the other if he holds a card of the suit led if he does not hold one of the suit, then he may discard either of the others, or play a trump, as he prefers. The player of the highest card of the suit led, or of the highest trump, if trumps have been played, wins the trick, and he plays first to the next. Indeciding the winner the cards are reckoned in the special order given above.

The game is continued until one player wins three tricks, when he takes the pool; or, failing that, till all of the cards are played, when the game is spoilt, and each contributes to the pool the reduced stake agreed upon.


Robbing is one of the most important features of the game, inasmuch as if the player who holds the ace of trumps omits to rob when his turn comes round, he is de-barred from winning the pool that hand, even though he may secure the necessary number of tricks.

The method of robbing if the ace is turned up, is for the dealer to place one of his own cards on the table face downwards in front of him, which card must not be exposed at any time during the progress of the hand. Hedoes not take the ace into his own hand until the others [106] have played to the first trick, but when it comes to his turn he adds it to his hand, or he may at once use it. Hemust, however, throw out the card with which he intends to rob the ace before the first card of the round is played, and reasonable time must be allowed to do so. The turn-up suit remains trump throughout the hand.

In the case of the ace not being turned up, and being in the hand of either of the players, then the holder must rob the turn-up card when it comes to his turn to play to the first trick. The manner of doing this is somewhat similar to that just described; the holder of the ace rejects a card placing it face downwards on the table, and takes the turn-up card into his hand. Hemust do this when it is his turn to play, and before showing his first card, otherwise he forfeits the privilege, and is, moreover, prohibited from winning the pool that round, no matter how many tricks he may secure. The same penalty is attached to the player who robs the turn-up card without holding the ace.

As a variation, it may be agreed that robbing shall be optional, or shall not be recognised as a part of the game.


The holder of the five of trumps, the knave of trumps, or the ace of hearts, enjoys the privilege of not being obliged to play them when a trump is led; but this privilege (which is called reneging) only holds when the trump led is a lower one. For instance, if the knave be led, the holder of the ace of hearts is obliged to play it.


A very good game may be played by allowing the cards to retain their ordinary sequence. As this avoids confusion, it is more suitable for family play. [107]


If five or more players are taking part in the game, it may be found desirable that the winner of two tricks shall take the pool, or partnerships can be formed; otherwise a long continuation of spoils may occur.


This variation is sometimes played when two persons, or two sets of partners are engaged in the game. Itconsists in allowing the non-dealer, providing he is not satisfied with his cards, to ask the dealer to “five” it, when, if the dealer agrees, the trump card is removed, and the next card is turned up for trump. Ifthat proves to be of the same suit as the original turn-up, the next is taken, and so on until a change occurs. The right to five can only be exercised once each hand.


A variation is sometimes made by the introduction of “jinking.” The winner of all five tricks receives from each player his original stake in addition to the amount in the pool; if,however, any player who has won three tricks goes on playing, thinking he can jink, and fails to do so, he loses the pool which he would otherwise have won for his three tricks.


Instead of the game being finished in one hand, it may continue until one player makes twenty-five, or forty-five. Inthis case there are no spoils, and every trick scores five to the winner. Any player “jinking,” i.e., winning the five tricks, wins the game. [108]



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